View Full Version : White Plume Mountain Revised: Sundays@12:00pm-4:00pm (GMT-8)

March 21st, 2006, 20:03
I am putting out a call to all players who wish to traverse this classic module in its revised 3.5e format!

I will run this adventure as long as there is interest in it, so if you don't get into the first group hang in there and you'll be in a future one. I estimate this adventure to complete in no more than three sessions per group (assuming everyone is familiar with the software of course...).

This adventure brings back a lot of good memories for me, and I am very excited to be running the updated version for you. I know there are a lot of gamers out there that, like me, played the original over two decades ago and would love a chance to go after Blackrazor again.

I can be found in the #FantasyGrounds chatroom on irc.worldgamers.net if you would like to chat about upcoming sessions, or anything else Fantasy Grounds related.

See you in the dungeon!!

March 22nd, 2006, 12:55
This is one of 2 modules that radiate the most nostalgic feelings for me. "White Plume Mountain" and "Keep on the Borderlands" are my all time favorite modules. "KotB" was my first experience into the D&D world. It was way back in the early 80s before I was in double digits myself and the son of one of my dad's employees stayed the night and we played most of the night. I still have the books he gave me. As they say, the rest is history.

I am looking forward to see how the new weapon mod works on these classic and well-known items. I am also looking forward to seeing my favorite module in play again. It has been too long, and my local DM has our group entrenched in "The Age of Worms" (which is done in a very classic style and is a blast!) and it will be a long time before we can get into WPM without special sessions. I will have a character posted as soon as I can.

March 22nd, 2006, 14:27
Ok, I have my character done. I have yet to get it converted into FG, this is the char sheet from eTools.


I took 1 spell from Complete Adventurer, as you will see in the spell list. The page number is listed next to it. I also used a Vest of Resistance +1 instead of a cloak. This is also from Complete Adventurer. I can change them, if need be.

March 22nd, 2006, 17:31
Thanks for getting me your character deckyon.

Our first session is scheduled for April 2, 2006, but we still need players so if you're interested in taking part (and can commit to about 3 sessions) then please head on over to the campaign calendar and sign up.

March 23rd, 2006, 00:09
I may join, I am pretty sure I have those days open.
What ruleset will you be using? The one that comes with FG or the d20-SRD?

March 23rd, 2006, 00:43

I use the d20-SRD, and you are more than welcome to join us. The first party currently consists of a human ranger and a dwarven cleric. I'll post character creation guidelines here because you can't see the GM announcement unless you sign up for the game. Creation rules may help people decide if this adventure is for them or not...

We'll be playing D&D 3.5, using the core books and the complete series of books.

Creation Guidelines:

Alignment: No evil sorry.
Point Buy: 28 pts.
Experience: 21,000 pts. (any user created items use xp from this pool).
Funds: 19,000 gp
Max Item Cost: 9000 gp

Spend no more than 3000gp on consumable magic.

March 23rd, 2006, 13:01
Ok. I just rolled up a 7th level Human Fighter, I applied as player at your calendar.

You can view my character here (https://www.geocities.com/brianwells24/Dorian.html), let me know if you require any changes.


March 23rd, 2006, 17:09
After a cursory check the only thing that stands out is that you forgot to take your ability increase at level 4.

Character looks good.

March 23rd, 2006, 21:08
Ok thanks.

March 24th, 2006, 17:25
We have our first party of adventurers to take on the mountain! If playing in this adventure interests you, then please continue to sign up at the calendar. I will run a second group after party #1 finishes.

Party #1: guderien, deckyon, Jozan, Tambryn.

Session #1: Sunday, April 2, 2006 @12:00pm

Results: <stay tuned...>

March 27th, 2006, 00:08
We've just started preparing for Party #2 so if you're interested in taking on the mountain, sign up for your spot in the second run today!

Sample images (not from the actual adventure) of the style of maps and tokens I use during play:



*Note: tokens were converted to gif's so there is slight image quality loss compared to those used in the game.

March 27th, 2006, 17:04
Those maps made by Dundjinni?

March 27th, 2006, 17:34
yes they are

March 27th, 2006, 21:20
Ah. Yeah, they look pretty decent. I wish I could afford a mapping program right now. *sigh*

March 31st, 2006, 17:42
I ran a short pickup game last night for four players (and a couple spectators), and I discovered several things that disrupt the pacing of the game. I'm going to make several suggestions here in order to help keep the pace, therefore the excitement, up in our game.

Please, please do not ignore these recomendations. By doing a few simple things we can really enrich the experience of the game for all of us. I don't want to run a boring game, and you don't want to play in one.

#1. Have your actions pre-typed. Waiting until I signal that it's your turn before you decide what to do, and then start typing wastes time. Get familiar with the Tab function, which allows you to toggle between two chat dialogue fields so you can pre-type actions while still responding to the live action.

#2. Hotkey, Hotkey, Hotkey. Believe me I know that rolling the dice is fun, but man is it ever slow. Look at your character, understand what it is you will be doing a lot and make hotkeys for those actions. Searching your character sheets for modifiers to drag into the modifiers box, then rolling a die kills the emersion in the game.

#2a. If you really want to roll dice, then please hotkey all of the modifiers you use. You have a +2 modifier from Strength? Then use your mouse wheel to roll the modifier box to +2 and drag that to a hotkey slot. Label the hotkey slot "Strength". Then before you roll the dice, hit the hotkey to add your Strength modifier. Do this for ALL of your modifiers so you can quickly add them together, then toss the die.

#3. Do not wait for me to ask you for your attack/damage/special ability rolls. When you receive the flag that it's your turn hit enter on your pre-typed action, and immediately make your necessary rolls. If it's an attack then please just push your attack hotkey, then follow it up immediately with the damage hotkey. Don't wait to find out whether or not the action was successful before rolling your results. If you failed then the result roll doesn't matter, but at least it is out there fast. If you succeeded then I can start typing your success description while you fire off your result roll.

#4. This one is more to assist your fellow players with what's going on: I make generous use of whisper. Please don't forget that the other players don't know what has transpired between DM and Player via whispers. I do this to give you an opportunity to role play your characters. You get to be the ones who give the information to the other players via your character, rather than everyone getting all information regardless of whether or not they are aware of what you're doing.

#5. Form standard actions, and let me know what they are. Door example: "Everytime I'm going to check out a door I search it once over for traps. If it's trapped, I'll attempt to disarm it. If I succeed in disarming the trap I will listen at the door to see if I hear anything on the other side. Then I will check to see if it's locked. If it is locked I attempt to pick the lock." This way simple routine actions can be handled without slowing down the pace, resulting in any tension that should be building fizzle away never to return.

I'll add more as I think about them, but if everyone follows these recomendations the quality of our sessions will vastly improve.

Your feedback is also greatly encouraged, and appreciated.
