View Full Version : LFG for 5e game

January 21st, 2018, 21:14
Hey there i am looking for a 5e game to play in. Hopefully one that is at least 50/50 rp to combat. I love the rp that D&D can foster and would really like the opportunity to experience that to a larger extent. I have played in 3 campaigns and have enjoyed them all, however, as they do sometimes the groups have fallen apart. A long term game that gets us to high lvls would be wonderful, but i know sometimes that can be tough to accomplish. I am available to play sat and sun. and prefer a weekly game. As i said i love to rp and really get into my character, interactions with the group and npc's i really get a kick out of. Combat i enjoy as well, but when grinding combat scenarios over and over it can get a tad stale. Please tell me there is a group out there that likes to rp as much as i do. I can play whatever class is needed and don't mind being a healer if need be. Never played a cleric before so that could be fun. Anywho, if you have any questions please ask. I have been without a game for a month and would love to dive back in!

January 22nd, 2018, 01:00
Check out my homebrew game coming up. There is information regarding my homebrew world i think youd enjoy.


Sent you a message as well.