View Full Version : Player unable to damage multiple targets

January 21st, 2018, 05:16
Hi everyone,

I'm running into a problem where players are unable to damage multiple targets. I can confirm that the player has targeted NPCs, but when he double clicks/activates an area damage ability, only a single NPC takes damage.

The weird part is, if I, as DM/GM, activate the exact same area damage ability, all targeted NPCs take damage.

Am I missing something? We would greatly appreciate any assistance with this.

Thanks so much!

January 21st, 2018, 10:41
For what ruleset?

For 5e make sure you have the option 'Target: Remove on miss' set to 'Multi'. Make sure that the PCs have been set up properly (i.e. placed on the CT and then dragged from the CT onto the map); same for NPCs unless this is a preconfigured encounter.

Also if you are using any extensions make sure they are up to date. Try in a campaign without extensions to see if the problem is still there. If it goes away add in the extensions until you find the one causing the issue.

January 21st, 2018, 16:54
Apologies, I am running D&D 5E.

I have confirmed that I have the "Target: Remove on miss" set to Multi, and I did place PCs and NPCs in the CT, then dragged onto the map from the CT.

It's a pretty strange issue. Not sure why this is happening. Thanks for the response! Do you have any other ideas what might be going on here?

Edit: Also, I'm not using any extensions that I am aware of. How do I check?

January 21st, 2018, 17:31
If you are using any extension you should know since you have to enable them in the window that appears below the campaign list. If there are any checked then you are using them.

The only other idea that I have is that the player isn't targeting the NPCs properly. They should be holding CTRL and clicking on each target. You'll see on the CT what targets the player has selected.

One other thought when you start the campaign what version does is say in chat for CoreRPG and the 5e ruleset?

January 21st, 2018, 18:00
Please provide a screenshot of the Combat Tracker, map and chat window showing the results of the issue.

January 22nd, 2018, 02:36
Just to provide an update, apparently the problem remedied itself after I restarted the FG client. Everything is behaving as it should. Thank you everyone for your time and responses! Not sure if anyone else encountered this kind of problem before, or experienced client restarts fixing things.

January 22nd, 2018, 03:59
You'd be surprised how often PEBKAC raises it's ugly head.