View Full Version : modified charsheet - feedback and combined effort

March 20th, 2006, 15:15
A lot of people are searching for a modified/extended charsheet. And a lot of people are making modifications. Wouldn't it be better to combine our efforts to create a nearly-catch-all charsheet?

So everyone who needs a special feature on the charsheet: drop it here
And everyone who wants to help: cry out loud :D

I would like to see an expanded inventory list with columns for weight, number and if the item is equipped.
Look at the following picture and please tell me what you are thinking about it:
(If completed, the sheet will hold up to 40 items; scrolling is not possible because it will sum up the weight. The first column is missing, it should work like a checkbox)

https://img114.imageshack.us/img114/1496/inventorydraft9dn.th.png (https://img114.imageshack.us/my.php?image=inventorydraft9dn.png)

March 20th, 2006, 17:02
I also think that we should work together, to create the ultimate charsheet, that will incorporate various features from people's wishlists. I'm not sure whether it should be done now, or after 1.06 comes out. Some things might be way easier in the next version of FG, than they are now, so it might be better to wait a few more weeks. Anyways, I will say this again - we should work together, instead of everyone making their own sheets. I'm willing to do XML and any other programming, just provide me with graphics, because I suck in this field. ;)

March 20th, 2006, 19:20
I'm not sure whether it should be done now, or after 1.06 comes out. Some things might be way easier in the next version of FG, than they are now, so it might be better to wait a few more weeks.

I think we should start discussing which things we'll include and maybe try to make the charsheet graphics. I agree that scripting 'll be much easier with 1.06.
So I hope we'll get some nice ideas soon :)

I can help with xml and graphics, but I need help with the layout and sometimes I lack ideas :P

March 20th, 2006, 22:28
It's not a special feature, but movement speed would be nice. The other major item missing is a spot for the character's grapple check.

March 21st, 2006, 15:08
How about putting in a slot area? on the equipment section?

You know.. head, neck, chest, arms, rings etc.