View Full Version : LFG UTC 7pm-11pm EST 3pm-7pm M/W/F weekly or semi-weekly

January 16th, 2018, 19:19
I live in the US, Pacific Northwest. Looking for a regular game to join during my daytime on a Mon or Wedn, or Fri every week or every other week.

I am in my 30s, have been playing table top RPGs since I was 10, off and on. i have experience with D&D 2nd, 3, 3.5, Wheel Of Time D20, Vampire:TM, GreenRonin’s Song of Ice and Fire, Marvel Super Heroes d10 system, Batman RPG, GURPS 3, and OpenLegend RPG.

I’m currently running an OLRPG campaign and would like the freedom to “just be a player” for once in a blue moon.

I am looking for a good game with engaged players which uses video chat.