View Full Version : LFG 3 Players LF Mon or Wed Game. 7-11 EST D&D 5E

January 16th, 2018, 02:45
FG License: Ultimate
Time Zone: EST USA
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Monday or Wednesday nights, 7-11 PM EST, weekly, preferred.
Term: i.e. Long term
Voice: Currently using Skype and/or Discord.

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E
Game System Experience: Moderate to extensive experience with 5E, depending on which of us you are speaking to. :-)
Fantasy Grounds Experience: We have all used Fantasy Grounds quite a bit, but there is a lot that each of us can still learn.

Character Type Preferred: We are all willing to play what is needed to fill out a campaign. We have those character types we like, but we want to play things we're not all that familiar with, rather than what we've always done.
About me: Husband and wife team currently residing in North Carolina. Joined by a friend from Connecticut. We all enjoy playing and would really like to start at the beginning of a new campaign. None of us are teenagers, and would prefer to avoid the party that has the closet evil character that throws old women out of windows. Only Monday or Wednesday nights work for us. In our most recent adventures, we started exploring the role playing aspects of D&D more. We enjoy the idea that our characters all have flaws that could not only be amusing, but could also put the party in danger - a danger that the rest of the party has to figure out a solution to. Among the three of us, we succeed in this to varying degrees. But, we're all getting better at it! The gentlemen among us have had more experience with D&D and gaming in general than the lady of the house. So, she struggles at times to figure out how to apply a rule or knowing which die to roll. But, she more than makes up for it in her commitment to creative role playing and her general adorable nature.