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View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Weeknight Game Days(see post) EST US Time Zone 5E/3.5/Pathfinder

Aedus Amaterasu
January 14th, 2018, 19:32
FG License: Ultimate
Time Zone: Eastern Time USA
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I am available any day in the afternoon/evening except thursday night and sat night.
Game System Preferred: D&D 5E, D&D 3.5E, Pathfinder.
Game System Experience:
- D&D 5E: I have DM'd a campaign that recently ended that lasted 12 weeks playing one session a week, but I have not played as a pc yet.
- D&D 3.5E: I have DM'd and played as a pc many times over the years. I am currently DMing a campaign in 3.5 right now for a group of 4.
- Pathfinder: I have no experience with yet outside of its similarities to 3.5e but I am interested in delving into it and giving it a try.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I am pretty familiar with the basics of FG though I have not used it for any sessions as of yet. I have messed around with it off and on learning about it. I am comfortable enough with it to play.

Character Type Preferred: If you really like playing arcane caster classes. Magic is really my go to role is almost all rpgs that I play. I love magic because it is so versatile and amazingly fun to wield and I think you can do some of the craziest cool stuff with it.
About me: I like all things in rpgs, combat, rp, general tom foolery, and everything in between. I like for the pcs to have depth, life, and feel like they are more then just some words and numbers on a character sheet. I prefer long adventures/campaigns. Not really into one shots and short adventures. I love homebrews(not a requirement), getting to experience worlds created by others is one of the most enjoyable parts of playing pen and paper games.

January 15th, 2018, 04:38
Though it's only someone-shots, have you checked out FGDaze coming up on January 20th? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?41661-FGDaze!-January-20th!

Aedus Amaterasu
January 15th, 2018, 16:16
I am not really into one shots but thank you. I'll check it out.