View Full Version : Palladium/Rifts homebrew?

January 5th, 2018, 21:59
With updated better quality Palladium/RIFTS pdfs now being released with indexes and such, is there any chance that a homebrew could find its way to FG?

January 6th, 2018, 00:28
With updated better quality Palladium/RIFTS pdfs now being released with indexes and such, is there any chance that a homebrew could find its way to FG?

Hi paladiusdarkhelm

SmiteWorks only develop the core rulesets being 5E, 4E, 3.5E, Pathfinder, Starfinder (coming soon), Numenera and te foundation or core ruleset CoreRPG.

All other rulesets - either in the Community section in the Wiki or in the Store - are developed by community members. In most cases they are developed by someone who wants that particular ruleset themselves.

In the absence of a full ruleset you could have a look at MoreCore. It has a lot of flexibility and is easy to get a pretty functional table running.

What are the core dice mechanics used in Palladium games?

January 8th, 2018, 01:00
Hi paladiusdarkhelm

What are the core dice mechanics used in Palladium games?

D100 for skill rolls. D20 for combat stuff. D6's and the occasional D4 for damage. Various dice for table rolls.

January 8th, 2018, 02:11
D100 for skill rolls. D20 for combat stuff. D6's and the occasional D4 for damage. Various dice for table rolls.
I think what damned need to know is things like;
- to hit is d20 minus modifiers and you have to roll under the target number
- damage is d6 or d4 and you add modifiers

I think he's looking to see if MoreCore has a die roll that will work or could be modified to get you what you need using MoreCore.

January 8th, 2018, 02:16
Have a look at MoreCore (see some videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8M48Pqb0BM) and you can probably create a close to fully functioning charcater sheet and passable combat without any coding.
Add some theme extensions and you can tweak it so it really works for you.

January 8th, 2018, 02:22
I've moved this discussion to it's own thread - I didn't want this continuing in the official products thread. Go nuts now! :)

January 8th, 2018, 14:19
I've moved this discussion to it's own thread - I didn't want this continuing in the official products thread. Go nuts now! :)

Oops; apologies for not starting this on its own. Thank you for moving it Trenloe.

In general - Rolling for skill checks can be rolling % plus bonuses from the IQ attribute + magic/effects +/- GM-levied situation modifiers. Rolling to hit, parry, doge, saving throw, etc. with a d20 + applicable bonuses from weapons, skills, attributes, magic, effects, +/- GM-levied situational modifiers, etc. Then rolling for damage with a slew of possible category boxes that can further modify your damage and potentially again but not every time, a separate +/- GM-levied situational modifier. I know the GM modifier can be added in the general modifier box before each roll, so that is a non-issue.

Palladium Fantasy (and RIFTS) have attributes that are rolled in varying different ways when creating a character based on starting race. The general slider for fantasy adventurers is 3 - 30 (but it can go above 30). Each attribute has 1st ed D&D like stats blocks next to it that denote if a high attribute gives you bonuses to a particular function. Can ModCore do this, do checks to all the various other boxes in the sheet + effects, and spit out a total vs. the targets AC and such?

Thanks for the video link, damned. I'll definitely check it out and see if this is something I can work up for my group.

July 8th, 2018, 04:03
MoreCore should work with a little patience setting everything up. If I only had more time to sit and edit!

July 9th, 2018, 01:04
Have you tried, you know, winning the lottery? :)