View Full Version : Spectator Sport?

March 15th, 2006, 22:53
Very new to FG. In fact I just discovered it’s existence today! I am interested, intrigued and excited. I have one question:

Is it possible to View or Spectate on a game without participating as a player? If I have the client (lite/full or otherwise) can I watch a session in progress?? This would be a great way to find a group of players/DMs that you’d be compatible with.

Thanks for any feedback or advice.


Ram Tyr
March 15th, 2006, 23:21
With a full or lite license you can log into a session and watch if the DM and players are willing. You will have to log in as a player...but you won't participate and the DM won't ask for you to roll a spot check!


March 15th, 2006, 23:24
Hmmm, a thought for the Devs, not sure how difficult it would be to implement this, or if it would really work. What about a FG Observation client? Something that would allow others to log into a game, but not participate in anyway? I am pretty sure if I was looking for a new player in my game, and he could download something that would allow him/her to watch the game, they would surely buy it (or could have the reverse effect when I kill off all my players!).

March 16th, 2006, 04:54
Honestly, I don't think it would be worth the work to make and it might help people break into the game. Right now every licensee presumably has some loyalty to Fgrounds and paid some money to play. If there was a free observation client most of the work would be done for someone to create an interaction enabled observation client bypassing licenses.


March 16th, 2006, 09:59
I suggest to use a software for application sharing like NetMeeting. It allows you to share your FG screen with friends and spectators.

March 16th, 2006, 15:22
Yes, I would use something like LiveMeeting for this.

March 17th, 2006, 11:12
Btw, to improve the performance of NetMeeting for application sharing, you can turn off video and audio by starting NetMeeting from command line (click Win/Start->execute) with callto:yourtarget+av=false.

March 18th, 2006, 00:53
Hi James,

Finding compatible players/dm's is why I intend to run several one-shots and pickup games. Through this type of play you will get maximum exposure to the players out there looking for games. Once a good core group is found, I'll likely be launching a longer campaign.

We're launching an irc channel dedicated to bringing players together at the following server/channel:

server: irc.worldgamers.net
channel: #FantasyGrounds

Hope to see you there!