View Full Version : Using 2 displays for local play

December 29th, 2017, 02:58
Hey everyone,

Im using Fantasy Grounds for local play on my PC and multiple monitors/TVs. My goal is to have the monitor on the left as my DM screen and the monitor on my right and TV ahead of me as the player screen. Im trying to drag a window from Fantasy Grounds to the monitor on the right but the window wont show up. Would anyone have an idea on how to drag a window outside the program so my players could see whats happening?


December 29th, 2017, 03:21
You cant drag a FG window into the second screen - you launch a second instance of FG, connect to localhost as the server name and drag that instance to teh second screen.

December 29th, 2017, 03:21
Awesome ill give that a go, thanks

December 29th, 2017, 03:30
Im having some problems getting this set up. Could you by chance walk me through it?

December 29th, 2017, 03:36
Are you using Steam or the Web installer?
If using Steam you need to create a manual shortcut to Fantasygrounds.exe and use that to launch FG.

Once FG is launched right click on the FG icon in the TaskBar and click on Fantasy Grounds to launch your second instance.
Put a different username in and then use localhost as the Host name.

December 29th, 2017, 03:38
I am using steam. Ill give it a go thanks

December 29th, 2017, 03:52
I connected to the localhost and had the second instance on the second monitor but i wasn't able to access anything from my first monitor. I ended up loading the campaign on both instances and running them separately.

December 29th, 2017, 04:11
I connected to the localhost and had the second instance on the second monitor but i wasn't able to access anything from my first monitor. I ended up loading the campaign on both instances and running them separately.

The second instance is a player instance. In the second instance you choose Join Game.

December 29th, 2017, 04:18
You don't want two instances accessing the same campaign. Bound to end up corrupting something. As Damned says, the second instance you "Join Game" using the address of "localhost" with a name like "second" or such. That is then a "player" instance where you can show the map etc.

December 29th, 2017, 04:45
If you only want 2 (or 3) displays for yourself, right click on the background of FG select restore window to remove the "full screen" then stretch the window as you want to cover both your displays21828

December 29th, 2017, 05:33
I connected to the localhost and had the second instance on the second monitor but i wasn't able to access anything from my first monitor. I ended up loading the campaign on both instances and running them separately.
I think the final step you're missing here is that the second instance is a player instance and you need to share maps etc. with the player instance - just like you would with other players connected. For example: If you want to have a map appear in the player instance, share it from the GM instance: Right-click within the map/image and select the share option.

December 29th, 2017, 14:01
Thanks Trenloe that wound be what I'm missing. I'll give it a go tonight and give everyone an update

December 30th, 2017, 01:09
Thanks SirGraystone and Trenloe both those worked and ill use them as I need. Also thank you to everyone who helped me out I really appreciate it. Ill post some pictures once we get some play time in next weekend

April 6th, 2024, 23:04
does this still work with unity?

April 6th, 2024, 23:24
does this still work with unity?

Yes in that you can run a second instance on your machine.

One monitor running the GM side, the other monitor (sometimes used flat on the tabletop) running a second instance as a player.