View Full Version : The Future of Rulesets

March 9th, 2006, 13:52
This is probably somewhere on the boards already but I was wondering if the developers are or will take into account the Rulesets that are being created?

I have a very hard time jumping into Rulesets that might get nerfed, so to speak, during an upgrade.

I am paranoid due to games such as Asherons Call where you get a neat third party plug-in that allows you to do X and then when an update comes out it breaks the plug-in... The plug-ins used XML as well.

I would hate to get into a situation where I got the update to say 1.07 from FG developers but ALL of my campaign was under a Different Rule Set which Broke when I upgraded... So now I have to wait for the developers of the Ruleset to fix their stuff... and in the mean time I risk losing everything due to the crashes that occur in FG getting out of sync.

I don't have the time nor the energy to get into a situation of having to fix this on my own.

Thoughts?... Thanks...

March 9th, 2006, 14:36
I think it highly unlikely that SW would make an update that would make existing XML-tags crash the application. The most likely situation to happen will be that the ruleset won't be able to use the new features until they have been updated. This what happened to me when we went from 1.04 to 1.05, but even then the developers were great chums that helped me out with pointing out where the problem were. In essence, I don't think there's a need to panic.

March 9th, 2006, 14:43
The should not be affected as xml is simply a way to organize and store data. As Crusader said, there may be things in the update not available if you use an old ruleset, but I would think that would be something that would be easy to fix, just a matter of going in and updating the xml where you need to.

Ram Tyr
March 9th, 2006, 15:10
Using the search function:
Rulesets and 1.06

That thread includes a post by Ged. (A developer.)
