View Full Version : Subscriptions and Steam

November 22nd, 2017, 18:35
So I'm thinking about picking up Fantasy Grounds (...again, I think) but due to some ongoing concerns regarding my hardware I'm thinking about purchasing it via Steam so recovery's relatively easy. However, I'm also looking at getting the Ultimate subscription so that if a player can't (or won't) buy a standard license they're still able to play.

I know you can activate a product on Steam after purchasing it from Smiteworks directly- is it possible to do so with the subscription service?

November 22nd, 2017, 18:51
I'm thinking about purchasing it via Steam so recovery's relatively easy.
Not directly addressing your question, but maybe the base issue. what do you mean by recovery's relatively easy?

The application is exactly the same wherever you purchase it from. And Smiteworks have a very good refund policy - basically email [email protected] and they'll give you a refund in the first 30 days.

November 22nd, 2017, 18:54
All subscriptions are handled via PayPal and are only available to buy via the Smiteworks store. Not sure what your concerns are about recovery but if you are talking about re-installing it's just as easy via the store as it would be via Steam. I can't think of any particular benefits you would get with Steam over the store. All content wherever purchased comes direct from Smiteworks.

November 22nd, 2017, 19:05
Relatively easy in that I would just need to reinstall Steam and then tell it to install FG, letting the program handle all DLC installs and so on without any additional input on my part.

November 22nd, 2017, 19:12
FG re-installs any missing content every time you run an FG Update. And even if you use Steam, you still have to do the FG Update to get the DLC. Note, that campaigns are not backed up or stored, so when you re-install you will still need to have a backup to restore your campaigns and manage character data.

November 22nd, 2017, 20:02
Good to know. Thank you.

November 22nd, 2017, 20:19
Steam actually complicates it - as you need to sync your Steam purchases into Fantasy Grounds. If you want streamlined installation and updates but from the Fantasy Grounds website.

November 23rd, 2017, 13:32
Is there a way to purchase directly from the website using Canadian dollars? Or to have our already bought website purchases added to our steam owned library?
I'm asking because the Steam prices are in Canadian, and cost much, much less in term of conversion charges.

November 23rd, 2017, 15:55
You can buy the licenses via Steam, but not subscriptions since they go through PayPal. If you buy from the Store you can register the software with Steam via the 'Activate a Product on Steam' option in the Games menu. You don't need to register anything other than the license with Steam since all DLC is installed from the Smiteworks website.

November 23rd, 2017, 17:13
When you purchase through the FG store, it will always be in USD. The better conversation rate is actually due to Steam regional pricing, and is more than just a currency conversion, Steam (not SmiteWorks) gives discounts to many countries and/or regions.

November 24th, 2017, 06:31
When you purchase through the FG store, it will always be in USD. The better conversation rate is actually due to Steam regional pricing, and is more than just a currency conversion, Steam (not SmiteWorks) gives discounts to many countries and/or regions.

I believe Steam set some guidelines but the publishers dont have to follow Steams lead on regional pricing... that is what I thought anyway... but to the OPs question - regional pricing is the best reason to buy from Steam. If it will save you dollars (or whatever your currency might be) then go for it.

February 18th, 2023, 04:49
Hi there. Thought I'd bring this up here as I found it by searching, and it's now 2023. Has there been any consideration for subscription access via Steam? I hate Pay Pal and I receive Steam cards as gifts all the time. I would like to use them to get the art subscription finally, but see that I can't according to this thread. If there's no chance of it happening, could there be a way to somehow purchase Pay Pal or Fantasy Grounds 'credit' using Steam accounts? If this is the wrong place to post, please point me in the right direction. It would also be handy for the Forge (which I also don't purchase from because it's paypal only) Thanks.

February 18th, 2023, 08:24
I don't think Steam offer any kind of subscription service; hence the reason that subscriptions can only be purchased via the store. The Forge is also something that Steam would not be able to handle. So both subscriptions and the Forge use PayPal. Doug has said that there are no plans to change that in the near or medium term (since that would be extremely expensive) and PayPal offers the most for the greatest number of users.

February 18th, 2023, 09:08
Thanks, Philip. You know, now that I think of it I believe I've asked something similar on one of your youtube videos, actually, to which you responded similarly (I'm LoewenFurz)... must be getting Alzheimer's. It's too bad... I keep using my Steam gift cards on Josh's map packs, but I want to switch to the subscription (better value). Wish there was some way to purchase FG or paypal "bucks" via Steam; then my problem would be solved. Anyway, thanks for responding. Cheers.