View Full Version : Modifying how initiative is rolled

November 20th, 2017, 20:21
Is there a way I can update the coding to use int+dex for initiative? Maybe through an extension?


November 20th, 2017, 20:38

November 20th, 2017, 20:48
At least with the 5th edition ruleset there are two manual ways you can configure that. The only drawback is that you'll need to manually adjust the values when your mods go up.

First way is to simply Ctrl-Scrollwheel up to add a bonus to the init field. So hover over the Init field, hold Left Control key down and scroll up. You'll see a little bubble appear with a +1, just scroll till that value matches the Int modifier you want to add. This feature works with any of the "calculated" fields (ones with a die or the black + symbol). Doing that over fields like Hit Points or Ability Scores will raise the base value:

The other option would be to click the eyeglass icon next to AC to bring up the details for Combat Calc and in the Misc field next to Init you'd type in whatever added value you want there. That'll automatically be added to the roll.


(Note in this example I've done both methods, so it's actually +3 (for Dex) +4 (for bubble Int) +4 (for Misc Int), so wrong. :P )

November 20th, 2017, 20:53
At least with the 5th edition ruleset there are two manual ways you can configure that. The only drawback is that you'll need to manually adjust the values when your mods go up.

First way is to simply Ctrl-Scrollwheel up to add a bonus to the init field. So hover over the Init field, hold Left Control key down and scroll up. You'll see a little bubble appear with a +1, just scroll till that value matches the Int modifier you want to add. This feature works with any of the "calculated" fields (ones with a die or the black + symbol). Doing that over fields like Hit Points or Ability Scores will raise the base value:

The other option would be to click the eyeglass icon next to AC to bring up the details for Combat Calc and in the Misc field next to Init you'd type in whatever added value you want there. That'll automatically be added to the roll.


(Note in this example I've done both methods, so it's actually +3 (for Dex) +4 (for bubble Int) +4 (for Misc Int), so wrong. :P )

Thanks! This second option may work, just that then I have to edit every creature in every encounter... Hoping for some coding advice that would allow me to override the existing init calculation.

November 20th, 2017, 21:13
Ahh, so system wide. It's probably trivially easy with an extension. I just haven't been too successful with that sort of thing yet. :) I was going to suggest using the GM Modifier box under the chat window, but that doesn't seem to apply to NPC Init rolls.

November 20th, 2017, 21:40
Hoping for some coding advice that would allow me to override the existing init calculation.
The main areas to look at are scripts\manager_action_init.lua and scripts\manager_combat2.lua There are various functions within these scripts that roll initiative and work out the ability to add to the roll.

November 20th, 2017, 21:59
The main areas to look at are scripts\manager_action_init.lua and scripts\manager_combat2.lua There are various functions within these scripts that roll initiative and work out the ability to add to the roll.

That's what I needed, thanks! I was working in manager_action_init.lua, but changes in there are not having any effect. I am able to update manager_combat2.lua so that it modifies the init bonus as it enters NPCs into the combat tracker, though. This isn't a perfect solution, but it's quick and effective. Now to decide what to do about players...
