View Full Version : Dyson's Maps

November 20th, 2017, 02:37
UPDATE: The mod is finished. Details are now in this post (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?41543-Dyson-s-Commercial-Maps-for-Fantasy-Grounds).

UPDATE: Now sitting at around 75 maps. Looking for folks willing to test soon!

Converting Dyson's Commercial Maps to a Fantasy Grounds module has turned into a full blown project. I'm current at about 55 of the 90 or so maps. I'll then be cleaning them of the overlapping tunnels, where possible. I can publish this to the DM's Guild as a no cost deliverable.

If you are interested in helping test the mod to catch errors, I'd greatly appreciate it. Just reply to the thread and I can PM you when the time arrives. Thanks so much.

Original Post

Hey folks. Does anyone know if there has been an effort to get Dyson's free maps into a FG module?

Through a search, I found this one for a subset of the tombs.


Anyone know of an expanded effort? Perhaps on DM's Guild?

November 20th, 2017, 03:45
Is that not exactly what you linked to?

November 20th, 2017, 06:04
The link above has about 10-ish maps in it. Dyson has released about 40-50+ maps to use. I was looking to see if someone has created a more comprehensive module.

November 20th, 2017, 07:20
You can make your own. :) Start a new campaign, place all the maps you want in the images folder. Create a story with links to each if you want, then export the mod and load it where you want them.

November 20th, 2017, 13:28
Yeah, I did the first set and if/when I get time I will do more!

November 20th, 2017, 23:31
Thanks Kylania. I done that before. I was just checking to make sure that someone else hadn't gone through the exhaustive effort to do it more comprehensively.

Gwydion, maybe we could have a community project where we do it piecemeal. Over time, we could make progress. I am fairly confident we could use the commercial maps. But I'd love to do the megadelve or jakalla.

I've tweeted at Dyson's twitter account to see the extent of making this kind of thing public.


One more thought: if we do this correctly, we could add pins that bring up the right connections to the other maps. We could also include links to the entries on his blog about each map and his commentary.

November 22nd, 2017, 15:26
Thanks Kylania. I done that before. I was just checking to make sure that someone else hadn't gone through the exhaustive effort to do it more comprehensively.

Gwydion, maybe we could have a community project where we do it piecemeal. Over time, we could make progress. I am fairly confident we could use the commercial maps. But I'd love to do the megadelve or jakalla.

I've tweeted at Dyson's twitter account to see the extent of making this kind of thing public.


One more thought: if we do this correctly, we could add pins that bring up the right connections to the other maps. We could also include links to the entries on his blog about each map and his commentary.

Sorry for the delayed reply. Great idea! Just need to fit it in with everyone these! I'm happy to help, though. Let me know what you think.

November 24th, 2017, 18:09
I've started with Dyson's commercial maps! I've gotten done with resizing and lowering the quality of the jpgs. I'll drop these into a mod now and start sizing the grids to match.

For anyone that'd like to test them, send me a PM. I'm more than happy to share and collect feedback. Gwydion, I'll send you a PM.

November 25th, 2017, 04:59
His maps always have areas that are above/below other portions of the map, sometimes significantly so. What is your plan to deal with that in a VTT environment?

I have often thought of using his maps, but dislike having to handwave "you go down a passage I can't show you for... um... reasons" if the group hits the over/under bits in the wrong order.

November 27th, 2017, 02:07
Yep. I know what you mean.

I plan on modifying the maps to remove the things that would be obvious to the players. I'll likely have a DMs version of the same map. An alternative is to include pins with notes, if I can figure out how to do that.

November 27th, 2017, 02:13
I was actually thinking about using a pin.. I'm thinking a pin that, when you hover your mouse over it, simply says 'secret door in the floor' or 'hidden passage continues north under room floor',.

I just did a little research on how to add a pin that is just a note and not a shortcut. The wiki only mentions that pins can be created by dragging and dropping other campaign notes onto the image. Is it not possible to add a ping that simply has hover-only information?

November 27th, 2017, 02:20
I guess I can always add a story element like 'Hidden Door in Floor' or 'Secret Tunnel Continues North' and reuse it again and again on maps. But that would simply muddy up the story entries.

Maybe if the DM map shows it, then the DM could draw it on the player's map?

This is where layers, one for each element you want to progressively share, would be incredibly helpful.

November 27th, 2017, 02:20
Is it not possible to add a ping that simply has hover-only information?
Nope. Pins are links to other entities, you can't have a pin without a link.

November 27th, 2017, 02:55
Create a separate Story Group for your map notations if you feel they are cluttering up the main group.

November 27th, 2017, 02:56
Brilliant! Love it.

November 29th, 2017, 01:41
If you are interested in helping test the mod to catch errors, I'd greatly appreciate it. Just reply to the thread and I can PM you when the time arrives. Thanks so much.

December 18th, 2017, 16:51
Hey all. The module is now complete. Check out the details in this post (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?41543-Dyson-s-Commercial-Maps-for-Fantasy-Grounds).