View Full Version : Crafting healing potions (Xanathar's)

El Condoro
November 10th, 2017, 09:04
I don't know if this is the place to ask but I'll put it out there. I am genuinely flummoxed (love that word) as to why anyone would spend 4 work weeks and 10,000 gp on a potion of Supreme Healing (10d4+20 hp) when they can spend the same time on 4 potions of Greater Healing (16d4+16 hp) for 400 gp. What am I missing here? Sure, a character gets all that healing in 1 action but is it worth 9,600 gp? Perhaps it's just that I haven't played a really high level character - yet.

November 10th, 2017, 09:36
Indeed. I suppose it depends on whether you bother with crafting items at all as well as whether such items would be available to buy (more cheaply). However as always these are just guidelines and not rules so you can decide that the Supreme potion is cheaper or that the Greater one is more expensive.

November 10th, 2017, 15:41
It's all about action economy. One action that heals 10d4+20 (~45) is considered more valuable than 4 actions that heal 16d4+16 (~56).

As Mr. Z says, this is of course upto the DM to decide if they agree with that assessment.

November 11th, 2017, 19:26
When you encounter goblins at level 2, and you have the gold of a level 2 character, you get by with the cheap stuff. Once you start fighting dragons, saving the very pandimensional multiverse from destruction and safeguarding the fabric of both magic and reality, and you have fat level 17 loot, you get to splurge on the good stuff. You've earned it.

November 11th, 2017, 20:01
When you encounter goblins at level 2, and you have the gold of a level 2 character, you get by with the cheap stuff. Once you start fighting dragons, saving the very pandimensional multiverse from destruction and safeguarding the fabric of both magic and reality, and you have fat level 17 loot, you get to splurge on the good stuff. You've earned it.
Is that like in college you drink the cheap booze and after your kids go off to college you get to drink the good stuff?

November 11th, 2017, 20:12
I basically just fill our healing potions with Johnny Walker Red Label, but don't tell the rest of the party.

November 12th, 2017, 16:45
It also has alot to do with, are you going to be selling them as a merchant would. Its about name recognition for people. "Ohh I want to buy the supreme potion! Its better than the greater" Which means if you're running a shop you can charge more for the one supreme than maybe 3 or 4 of those greater which in the ends means you make out. Game wise for just the group, go with the greater healing potion option