View Full Version : Question about reading purchased material

November 10th, 2017, 06:01
New convert to Fantasy Grounds here. I tried searching and combing through old posts, but wasn't yielding many results.

I purchased the core class pack for D&D 5e as well as Tales from the Yawning Portal, and while I have a physical copy that is easy to navigate through, the interface doesn't seem to allow for a simple reading of either book. I don't like hauling my books out due to increased chance of damage and was hoping to read them on my computer after purchasing them.

Is there a way to read the material as a PDF, or say a virtual book inside of the application? I like to read through adventures before I try to run them, but there doesn't seem to be a simple way to do so.

So far it appears I can read individual 'chapters' of the campaign. It seems if I want the tables I then have to hunt that down in a different part of the application, etc, etc. It seems somewhat counter-intuitive to purchase a digital book with mechanics integrated into the if I can't read the book for information, so I feel like I'm just missing something. Also along with that is that I can't seem to resize the popup windows with information and end up having to scroll a lot more than I should if I could just expand the window.

Thanks for any help.

Erin Righ
November 10th, 2017, 07:12
Sorry to tell you this but legal PDFs of Core 5e material don't exist, WotC never made them. so as far as that goes, no you can't read them as PDFs, not legally anyway.

You have to blame Hasbro's business model for that one.

As far as reading them in the program, I don't know, I don't play 5e, I steer away from Warlocks of the Crooks products.

Erin Righ
November 10th, 2017, 07:12
Oh and welcome to the forums

November 10th, 2017, 08:02
Hah Erin Righ some kinda welcome! :)

Hey jespucci. Unfortunately for your use case all Fantasy Grounds products are in Fantasy Grounds format. There is no way to read these outside of Fantasy Grounds.

Most windows should be resizable - see the stripy icon bottom right hand corner or you can go old school and hold [ctrl]+left mouse click/drag.

November 10th, 2017, 08:55
The Players Handbook is presented exactly as it would be in a physical book. In Tales of the Yawning Portal each adventure can also be read as it would be in a book by clicking on the reference manual section in each adventure.

November 10th, 2017, 15:24
Jespucci, don't despair! As said, there is no PDF, but there is the Reference Manual version that you can read. Instead of going to the various sections like "Story" etc, go to the 'Library' > 'Modules' click on the book you want and then select "Reference Manual" from the list and then you will get the ref manual window which is like a book with an index on the left. Here's what ToA looks like;

November 10th, 2017, 16:12
Ah! That is what I was looking for. Thank you Zacchaeus and LordEntrails!

November 10th, 2017, 16:13

December 16th, 2018, 16:01
COOLIO!!! Thanks guys.

December 22nd, 2018, 01:20
I like pie

December 22nd, 2018, 01:43
Ya know I see alot of people been saying that there is no D&D pdf's. We all know what your really trying to say....most of us have been around the internet a long time and value the usage of tools like torrents and the like. And your wrong. There are plenty of legal D&D pdf's. If I make a copy of my book and gift it to you in PDF form. Well it's legal. Just asking if we can get a little control on the sardonic tone of other people having PDF's of things you dont have and/or/want. It really sounds like you are trying to let the rest of us know what WE ARE REALLY DOING... If cleaning the internet of pirated materials and usage of intellectual properties is on your list of things to do please go get a career in it and keep it off the forums. Most of us dont care where you got your precious PDF!

Actually KILLGORE making a PDF of your book and giving it away is illegal.
Piracy is completely unwelcome here. Piracy is illegal and has no place on these forums.
That is the official stance here and it is enforced.
Piracy does not benefit this hobby or the people employed in it.

December 22nd, 2018, 01:59
You completely missed my point and I really dont want to get into this with you or anyone else here. I've done my research. All I am saying is that the people in here making suggestions that things are illegal just because they are on a PDF is completely insane. Erasing my post, dont want to be a part of it.

In the country I live in, The United States; There was once a company called Xerox that made a machine that made copies of intellectual materials and gave them out for free to others. Go tell them and the rest of the world your going to file charges on them back since 1978.

December 22nd, 2018, 02:12
You completely missed my point and I really dont want to get into this with you or anyone else here. I've done my research. All I am saying is that the people in here making suggestions that things are illegal just because they are on a PDF is completely insane. Erasing my post, dont want to be a part of it.

If Ive missed your point its because your point is lost in your statement that creating and sharing PDFs of copyrighted material is legal. It is not legal without the copyright holders permission. There is no legal PDF copies of the Wizards 5E hardback books.
You can create a PDF copy of a product that you have legally obtained for your own use. As soon as you share it that activity is illegal. PDF has nothing to do with it. The same laws cover photocopies, word, epub and other formats.

Moon Wizard
December 22nd, 2018, 02:40

According to all the information we have, sharing and/or using shared copyrighted material without the publisher’s permission is illegal.

We do not allow posting of copyrighted material or mentions of places to get copyrighted material on our forums.

Thanks for your understanding,

February 24th, 2019, 23:49
Thank you. This is what I was looking for.

Jespucci, don't despair! As said, there is no PDF, but there is the Reference Manual version that you can read. Instead of going to the various sections like "Story" etc, go to the 'Library' > 'Modules' click on the book you want and then select "Reference Manual" from the list and then you will get the ref manual window which is like a book with an index on the left. Here's what ToA looks like;

July 25th, 2019, 16:52
Hey guys! new here at the forums. Is there a way to resize the text? I'm using a pretty large monitor and text looks little, readable, but at a certain point it starts hurting the eyes.


July 25th, 2019, 18:50

July 25th, 2019, 18:59
Hey guys! new here at the forums. Is there a way to resize the text? I'm using a pretty large monitor and text looks little, readable, but at a certain point it starts hurting the eyes.
Welcome to the FG forums!

As Nylanfs has eluded to in his very brief response - you can scale the FG user interface using the /scaleui chat command. Info on chat commands here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Chat_Commands

This does however scale the whole user interface - so you end up getting less desktop real-estate. So you may want to look into on of the community extensions (FG add on that modifies the base ruleset code) that makes some of the fonts bigger. Here's one example: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?25600-Using-FG-at-the-tabletop&p=227962&viewfull=1#post227962

July 25th, 2019, 19:46
Hey guys! new here at the forums. Is there a way to resize the text? I'm using a pretty large monitor and text looks little, readable, but at a certain point it starts hurting the eyes.


As said except for the chat window you can't increase the text size in FG. That said, if you have a very large monitor lowering the monitor resolution for example from 1920 × 1080 to 1600 x 900 (or even lower) should increase the size of the text.

July 25th, 2019, 20:07
As said except for the chat window you can't increase the text size in FG.
You can increase the font size in the chat window via an extension. The extension I linked does this.

See the comparison below - the left is with the BigFonts extension, the right is without.
