View Full Version : Big Ideas for Old Gamer, FG Newbie

November 3rd, 2017, 17:56
I've been a D&D gamer since 1e was new.
A few months ago, I started playing on FG with a Demo version.
I'm now on 2 campaigns under the same DM, and loving it.
I'm looking to start my own campaign, but I've got a few ideas to question if it's possible, before I sink the expense into it...

I want to create my own Adventure. I'd like to build it on a spot in the Sword Coast Add-on (with both the Full Class & Full Monster Add-ons as well).
* Is this a reasonable expectation from FG?

If so, can I package my build into a shareable file? I'd like to pass on my work to my current DM, so that he could use it for another campaign (and test it).

If THAT is possible, is it possible to package it and then sell my user-created Adventure mod to FG and/or WotC?

* Yeah, I know. Far-reaching ideas, especially for a current Demo user. Probably excessive, but these questions can help to determine how much money and effort I put into FG plans.

November 3rd, 2017, 18:14
Welcome to the forums and FG Community!

November 3rd, 2017, 18:19
Welcome to the forums and FG Community!


November 3rd, 2017, 19:41
You can't use any proprietory material from any of the WotC Core books in any module that you want to sell, nor can you use any material from any of the other official WotC books such as SCAG.. You can use what's in the SRD provided you have a copy of the SRD in the module. You cannot use the Forgotten Realms since I believe WotC have reserved rights on that. You won't be able to sell through Smiteworks but might be able to do so via the DMsGuild.

You can certainly build a module such as you envisage using FG

November 3rd, 2017, 19:51
You can't use any proprietory material from any of the WotC Core books in any module that you want to sell, nor can you use any material from any of the other official WotC books such as SCAG.. You can use what's in the SRD provided you have a copy of the SRD in the module. You cannot use the Forgotten Realms since I believe WotC have reserved rights on that. You won't be able to sell through Smiteworks but might be able to do so via the DMsGuild.

You can certainly build a module such as you envisage using FG

I should be able to sell to WotC stuff that uses WotC content. There shouldn't be any copyright issue there.
As FG is licensed WotC, it should be fine there too, but I could see having to go through WotC to do it.

As WotC might not have complete FG rights, I might have to pull it from FG to sell it to WotC though.

There's a way to dance in the lines, as long as I don't try to go outside of those 2 companies.

November 3rd, 2017, 19:57
I should be able to sell to WotC stuff that uses WotC content. There shouldn't be any copyright issue there.
As FG is licensed WotC, it should be fine there too, but I could see having to go through WotC to do it.

As WotC might not have complete FG rights, I might have to pull it from FG to sell it to WotC though.

There's a way to dance in the lines, as long as I don't try to go outside of those 2 companies.

FG is licensed to convert adventures which WotC produce. If, somehow, you can interest WotC in something you have written, then an FG module could be created.

November 3rd, 2017, 20:23
Your best bet would be looking at releasing on the DMSGuild. Info here: https://support.dmsguild.com/hc/en-us/categories/202531048-DMs-Guild-General-Information

November 3rd, 2017, 20:23
FG is licensed to convert adventures which WotC produce. If, somehow, you can interest WotC in something you have written, then an FG module could be created.

That's what I meant. FG would be my tool to assist in organizing the creation, but I might have to pull it from FG to sell to WotC. As the original author, FG might accept my FG build for the FG module... or maybe not, depending on how the software works.

My biggest concern in my original question is how FG would handle my building such an original, user-created, module in the FG software. The smallest part of my concern is whether the difference between Standard and Ultimate making any difference in capabilities on that front.

November 3rd, 2017, 20:28
Your best bet would be looking at releasing on the DMSGuild. Info here: https://support.dmsguild.com/hc/en-us/categories/202531048-DMs-Guild-General-Information

See, now THAT might be nice, but as it isn't official WotC. It's more of a store, so I'd have to pull copyright materials out of it.

November 3rd, 2017, 20:35
See, now THAT might be nice, but as it isn't official WotC. It's more of a store, so I'd have to pull copyright materials out of it.
I recommend you read all of the details on there - it is WotC driven and they allow some WotC material. It is the only way for non-SRD D&D 5E material to be produced by non WotC contracted resources.

I recommend this as, to be perfectly honest, you're going to have virtually no change to sell anything direct to WotC. You may get lucky, but they have many, many RPG authors trying. It's one of the reasons why they started the DMSGuild to allow authors to self-publish D&D 5E material - increasing the availability of such products without WotC having to take on the work themselves.

November 3rd, 2017, 20:39
The smallest part of my concern is whether the difference between Standard and Ultimate making any difference in capabilities on that front.
There's no difference in the capabilities/functionality when creating modules and running games. It is only that the Ultimate can host demo players. There is no change in base FG gaming functionality.

November 3rd, 2017, 21:09
I recommend you read all of the details on there - it is WotC driven and they allow some WotC material. It is the only way for non-SRD D&D 5E material to be produced by non WotC contracted resources.

I recommend this as, to be perfectly honest, you're going to have virtually no change to sell anything direct to WotC. You may get lucky, but they have many, many RPG authors trying. It's one of the reasons why they started the DMSGuild to allow authors to self-publish D&D 5E material - increasing the availability of such products without WotC having to take on the work themselves.

Oh, that does sound pretty good.
Judging by how many companies work things, the site makes it impossible to sell directly to WotC, but is also a source for WotC to find future employees based off of an authors work found there. It's a double-edged sword. Works for me anyhow, as I can't say I'm an author worthy of a direct-sale anyhow. I'm more curious of what avenues are open possibilities.

November 3rd, 2017, 21:10
There's no difference in the capabilities/functionality when creating modules and running games. It is only that the Ultimate can host demo players. There is no change in base FG gaming functionality.

Thanks. I figured as much, but didn't have the hard fact in front of me.

November 4th, 2017, 00:32
Here's my experience and summary of what's been said.

If you use the SRD only material, then you can distribute anywhere you want as long as you are in compliance with the OGL. This includes formats such as FG and PDF.

If you want to use official WotC content, then you will want to distribute through the DMsG as that's the only place you have permission unless you obtain a license direct from WotC (which I have never heard of them doing).

For creating an adventure in FG, I suggest you check out this post; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?33538-Adventure-Module-Creation-Best-Practices

And if you want an example you can search on the DMsG, one example is my module; Balance Disturbed (https://www.dmsguild.com/product/180749/Balance-Disturbed-BDC1).

November 4th, 2017, 00:52
Here's my experience and summary of what's been said.

If you use the SRD only material, then you can distribute anywhere you want as long as you are in compliance with the OGL. This includes formats such as FG and PDF.

If you want to use official WotC content, then you will want to distribute through the DMsG as that's the only place you have permission unless you obtain a license direct from WotC (which I have never heard of them doing).

For creating an adventure in FG, I suggest you check out this post; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?33538-Adventure-Module-Creation-Best-Practices

And if you want an example you can search on the DMsG, one example is my module; Balance Disturbed (https://www.dmsguild.com/product/180749/Balance-Disturbed-BDC1).

Additionally if you create something for distribution using FG it must be distributed completely free (not free if you buy X), or distributed on DMsGuild or licensed in some other way with SmiteWorks.

November 4th, 2017, 00:54
If you use the SRD only material, then you can distribute anywhere you want as long as you are in compliance with the OGL. This includes formats such as FG and PDF.
To a point. SmiteWorks have recently said they don't want publishers using the Fantasy Grounds name on paid for products without permission. Details here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?33913-Warning-about-Kickstarters-Claiming-to-support-Fantasy-Grounds-add-ons&p=361703&viewfull=1#post361703 and throughout that thread.

So, if you're using SRD only material then you can distribute FG modules for free, but not charge for the FG module. You can do whatever you want with the PDF.

If anyone is distributing FG material and has has any doubts or questions, I'd recommend emailing [email protected] and discussing directly with SmiteWorks.

November 4th, 2017, 00:56
Additionally if you create something for distribution using FG it must be distributed completely free (not free if you buy X), or distributed on DMsGuild or licensed in some other way with SmiteWorks.
Good catch, forgot that.

November 4th, 2017, 02:16
Thanks all! Definitely food for thought. :-)

Myrdin Potter
November 4th, 2017, 04:47
To answer your two concerns - DMs Guild is officially sanctioned by WoTC to have Forgotton Realms products sold there. You cannot blindly copy their art, but pretty much anything else is fine in 5e. Go take a look at what is offered there. Smiteworks has an agreement there as well so you can sell FG modules there.

As for creating content in FG, it works well. I personally think you are better off writing in Word and copying to FG as you will want a pdf as more people want content in that form.

November 5th, 2017, 06:19
To answer your two concerns - DMs Guild is officially sanctioned by WoTC to have Forgotton Realms products sold there. You cannot blindly copy their art, but pretty much anything else is fine in 5e. Go take a look at what is offered there. Smiteworks has an agreement there as well so you can sell FG modules there.

As for creating content in FG, it works well. I personally think you are better off writing in Word and copying to FG as you will want a pdf as more people want content in that form.

Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. I plan on having multiple formats, including PDF, anyway.