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View Full Version : LFPs 5e Tomb of Annihilation Sundays 10AM EST

October 31st, 2017, 00:52

Looking for players for Tomb of Annihilation on Sunday mornings 10AM EST. If you are interested in joining this campaign, reply here or send me a private message.

FG License: Ultimate (Free for players)
Game System: D&D 5th Edition

Time Zone: EST
Day of week and time: Sundays from 10AM to 2PM EST
Planned start date: Nov 5th, 2017
Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly
Term: Long term or until TPK

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Teamspeak

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: 4-5 Needed
Character starting level & equipment: 1st Level

October 31st, 2017, 00:56
I'd be interested in playing. I've played 4th edition but not 5th edition and usually like warlocks.

October 31st, 2017, 05:17
Sending you a private message.

October 31st, 2017, 05:21
Cool. Though to be honest with a name like Wintermute I'm surprised you're not running a Cyberpunk game. :)

October 31st, 2017, 05:25
In 4 years on this forum, you are the first that figured out where wintermute came from. lol

October 31st, 2017, 11:50
I'd totally be into a Cyberpunk or Shadowrun campaign by the way if you ever ran one of those. I liked William Gibson books growing up.

November 1st, 2017, 19:20
Hi Wintermute,

Sounds good. I'd be up for joining if there's still room? Happy to play any character class if there's something the party needs.



November 2nd, 2017, 19:10

Do you still have places on the game?
I would love to join!


November 2nd, 2017, 20:15
Update: We have a full table and are no longer accepting new players.

November 22nd, 2017, 04:49
We have opening for two more players. Sundays 10AM - 2PM EST. Private message me or post here.

November 24th, 2017, 23:44
Do you take new players? I can use pre gen if you want

Here is my app

Name: Jason (Gamer Hudson on the interwebz)

Age: 47 (yeah...I am crayon in D&D box old)

Availability: Most week nights after 5pm till 11pm, all day and night weekends usually. I have headset, a good gaming PC and stable internet. I also have basic FG license

Small bio about yourself: I work IT during the day and nerd out at night. I play a variety of board/card/ miniature games as well as PC and console titles and used to co host a podcast for Star Wars Old Republic and Wildstar when they launched. Now I spend my time co op playing or solo playing because I cant find anyone to keep up with my insatiable urge to game constantly!

Location/Timezone: Chicago IL, CST (available after 5pm weeknights and all day Sunday usually)

Experience with D&D/Tabletop games: Uh well. I am old. I started playing D&D with the original box set that included a crayon. From there I played through 3.5 and havent played since. I used to always DM. Now I just want to play and have fun. I play a lot of boardgames and video games. All related to RPG's usually. I have been playing a while. Before the internet.

Which 'pillar' is your favorite?: Combat and exploration.

What got you into D&D?:I want to get back into D&D. Have recently bought the 3 core books again and after watching people play on Twitch i said "I want to get into one of those games and have fun again". I got into it at age 11 or so...well because...Dungeons!

Preferred play-style (combat-driven, RP..etc): Mostly exploration and combat, with some mystery solving. I usually like the support role or the rogue role. Not a big up front dude. Loot doesnt interest. Telling my characters story does as I blog a lot. I have a headset and can load up any voice/video software needed my gaming rig is nice.

What's one thing that you cannot do, that you wish you could?: Use Fantasy Grounds or Roll 20 effectively

November 25th, 2017, 01:18
This game is now full.

November 29th, 2017, 01:04
Hi, I would love to join. Willing to play any class the party needs. I have played a couple of times in the past (fighter and wizard) but pretty much still a noob. Eager to learn and have a good time. I have a standard license, I can create a character of the class you need and be ready.

EDIT: Sorry for the post, I can see that you have a full Party. If you want I can be standing by as an alternate in case someone does nnot show up.

December 16th, 2017, 15:45
Ellzud, sent you a private message.

December 16th, 2017, 15:46
We have an opening for 1-2 players. Sundays 10AM - 2PM EST Players are just now 3rd level. Reply here or send me a private message.

December 17th, 2017, 00:24
We have an opening for 1-2 players. Sundays 10AM - 2PM EST Players are just now 3rd level. Reply here or send me a private message.

Hey I'd be up for this! Though I will be upfront and say that I am currently dming this, I'll give my promise that I won't use my meta knowledge but I totally understand if you'd rather not have me. PM me if it isn't a problem though please!

December 17th, 2017, 01:35
This game is now full.

December 19th, 2017, 01:39
PM sent.