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View Full Version : DM with ultimate license looking for players for 5e adventures - new players welcome

October 28th, 2017, 01:36
I have decided to look into the possibility of running a 5e campaign. I was a DM way back in the days of AD&D before taking a very long break. Recently, I have decided to get back into playing and have been running a table top 5e game for my family which has been a ton of fun! I have been a player a couple times on FG so I believe I have a good understanding of how the interface works. Now for the details...

FG License: Ultimate license, anyone can play for free
Game System: D&D 5E

My Time Zone: Central Time --- GMT -6
Time: every other weekend, exact time to be determined lasting 2-4 hours depending on everyone's schedule and in game progress.
Voice Chat: FG TS server or Skype whichever we decide on.
Character Creation: 4d6 (drop the lowest) or standard array per players handbook, whichever you prefer. You can play any character class you want.

Starting at level 1, we could play either The Sunless Citadel or Lost Mines of Phandelver and from there we could possibly progress through the rest of Tales from the Yawning Portal modules.

What I bring: I am a creative, imaginative DM, who enjoys letting the players immerse themselves into their characters. Role playing is awesome! My main goal is to make sure all players are participating and having fun!
What I ask of players: Respect for other players and the DM! Maturity and a good attitude are highly desireable too! New players are more than welcome, I have lots of patience and enjoy watching new players grow into seasoned veterans.

If you think that I sound like a good candidate for being a DM for you then please send me a private message or reply to this thread. If you don't see a reply right away, please be patient as I do work and have family obligations. I am committed to getting a good group for some great adventuring in the best role playing game of all time!
We can set up a time to talk to see if we would be a good fit for each other and go from there.

Hope to hear from you soon!

October 28th, 2017, 16:16
Hi Cebrann,

I might be interested in joining your group depending on the day / time on the weekend you choose. Like you, I used to play AD&D back in the day and I am only recently getting back into it. I have been playing in some games with my sons and their friends recently, and am getting ready to sign up for a FG plan and start adding some of the modules so I can play.

I am open to either adventure. I love the idea of going through the rest of the Yawning Portal modules! Tomb of Horrors was one of my favorites when I played and was happy to see them bring it back and adapt it for 5e. I haven't gone into it and re-read it, so no spoilers for me yet :-)

Let me know when you are thinking of cranking this up and what the timing looks like. I'll be creating a character in the next couple of days and can post it here or shoot it to you if that helps.



October 28th, 2017, 16:58
Pm sent!

October 28th, 2017, 21:35
Hi Cebrann, my husband and I are interested, if you're still looking for players. We've been looking for a Saturday evening 5e game for awhile. Any time after 8:30pm EST (I guess that would be 7:30pm CST?) would be great. 2-4 hours per session sounds fantastic, as our kid is an early riser, so we couldn't do super-long sessions into the early mornings like many people do. ;)
We've been playing D&D since 3rd edition and have dabbled in 5th (my husband was a DM for a 5e Curse of Strahd game, but he prefers playing over DM'ing). ...I believe we were thinking of a gnome warlock and a gnome druid, but we are totally open to playing whatever classes that will balance out the group.
Thanks in advance and hope to hear from ya! :)

October 28th, 2017, 22:17
This is exactly what I am looking for. My story is too similar to yours. I got back into D&D with the family but have been playing online with some friends. I have be DM'ing the games in FG but have been dying to be a PC.

Weekends are great for me.

Just let me know

Justice (Sin)

October 29th, 2017, 00:26
i would like to me considered as well. I've dm'd a bit but am looking to play. sending pm

October 29th, 2017, 03:31
Hi everyone!
Thanks so much to everyone for replying! I am overwhelmed and humbled by all the replies and PM's sent to me. I wasn't sure what to expect...or if anyone would reply at all!
I think the next step would be to try and speak with everyone individually to see what we can come up with. I will start sending private messages to everyone to arrange a quick voice chat so we can see if we are a good fit for each other and if we can get enough people to agree on a playtime.
This is my weekend to work (hence playing every other weekend) and I work 12 hour days on my weekends..ugh :( so I will start sending out PM's to everyone to see if we can arrange a time to talk briefly, so check your inbox in the next day or two for my message. I look forward to speaking with everyone!
Take care and have a great weekend!
Cebrann :)

October 29th, 2017, 04:13
HI, do you still have place on sunless Citadel ???

November 2nd, 2017, 19:15

Do you still have places? I really would like to join.
I also have the Ultimate license and have been DM for a group in Brazil. I live in Germany, so the time zone can be a problem, but if you play on weekends, then I can do it.


November 3rd, 2017, 18:10
Hello, I was wondering if this group is still open to join

November 4th, 2017, 10:26
Hello, I too used to play AD&D 2nd Edition and stopped until now. A year ago a played on FG during a couple of months, but I would like to try it again. I live in Spain so the time zone can be a problem too, but if you play on weekends I might be able to arange it (would depend on the time the game is set at). I too have work and family so every other weekend would be great.

Please let me know if there is still room for one player. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


November 5th, 2017, 01:59
If there's still availability I would like to chat about playing times to see if I would be able to join.

Beau P
November 5th, 2017, 12:42
Hello, I would be very interested in going this campaign. I have also taken a hiatus from the game, in the 90s I was obsessed with AD&D. I just purchased a handbook for 5e and your bio sounded really intriguing; I would really like an opportunity to play this campaign.

Thank you,
Beau P.

November 7th, 2017, 02:44
Hello again everyone! Thanks so much to all who were interested in playing! I think for now we have enough people. I am hoping to try and set up another game in the near future. I would like everyone to have a chance to play. Feel free to add me to your friends list and maybe we can work something out soon!

Cebrann :)