View Full Version : Digital Terrain Tiles

October 20th, 2017, 15:26
Need New Digital Terrain for VTT/Rol20/FantasyGrounds? My 9th kickstarter (funded) launched a few days ago offers 90+ Beautiful High-Resolution Interchangeable Fantasy 10x10" PNG Digital Terrain Map Tiles,

You'll get BOTH Grid/No Grid versions + a gigantic detailed 48x36" Digital Olde World Map ready for you to customize, name dozens and dozens of locations and plan your next

A short 14 day campaign with full delivery in Nov 2017. Core Art already 100% complete. Limited amount of extremely affordable Commercial licenses available. Vector pack with 40 objects and my illustrated Guide to Learning GIMP also available. Pledges range from $15-$110. Ends Nov 1st. Take a look :)

Kind Regards,
Kris McDermott


https://static.wixstatic.com/media/89d7c0_e9467a37b4174b74b9eb073a0e2d3dfc~mv2_d_2000 _1983_s_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_594,h_589,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/89d7c0_e9467a37b4174b74b9eb073a0e2d3dfc~mv2_d_2000 _1983_s_2.webp

October 20th, 2017, 17:58
This is cool - do you have any sets with interior (dungeon, building, sewer) tiles?

Myrdin Potter
October 20th, 2017, 21:09
He just did a Kickstarter (which is delivered) on that one.

If you go to Kickstarter and look at the new one and then look at others by the same creator you can find it.


No need for me to be lazy, here is the link. Maybe Kris will left you late pledge -message him.

October 21st, 2017, 06:53
Thanks Myrdin!

Happy to accept late pledges.

This is my last KS for the year - will be working on Dungeons, Dragons and Dwarves Meanders fantasy map campaign for Feb 2018 - which will see a large concentration of dungeons, buildings (possibly sewers).

October 22nd, 2017, 03:10
Thanks Myrdin!

Happy to accept late pledges.

This is my last KS for the year - will be working on Dungeons, Dragons and Dwarves Meanders fantasy map campaign for Feb 2018 - which will see a large concentration of dungeons, buildings (possibly sewers).
Ooh, sounds exciting.

October 22nd, 2017, 21:11
He just did a Kickstarter (which is delivered) on that one.

If you go to Kickstarter and look at the new one and then look at others by the same creator you can find it.


No need for me to be lazy, here is the link. Maybe Kris will left you late pledge -message him.

I was perfectly happy to be lazy, thanks Myrdin! :)