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View Full Version : Looking for someone to hire for making basic extension

October 16th, 2017, 01:38
As the title says, I am looking to pay someone for their work in creating a very basic (I THINK, willing to be proven wrong) extension for the 4e ruleset (based on CoreRPG).
The extension I'm wanting to make creates a button that can be used to toggle manual dice rolling on or off in the options for both players and DMs to be able to press.
Preferably this would be able to be dragged to a hotbar to be hotkey-able.
Alternatively, an extension that, regardless of manual dice roll options settings, opens the manual dice rolling input window when saving throws are made.

If anyone is interested, please post here or PM to discuss fair compensation. This would be for the initial version of the extension for the live version of FG that is current upon completion. I would not expect further updates without further compensation of course.

October 16th, 2017, 03:22
I could be wrong but option are owned by the Host so only the Host can access that section of the DB.

October 16th, 2017, 20:51
I could be wrong but option are owned by the Host so only the Host can access that section of the DB.

Players can turn on their manual dice rolling via their own options menu, so I don't think it's limited to the host. It's in the same section as the targeting behaviour, both of which players can change individually.