View Full Version : Subwindows containing subwindows...

February 25th, 2006, 16:53
I have a character sheet that implements the following navigation structure:

----\skills-feats-talents main page
----\skills pages
------\skills page 1
------\skills page 2
----\feats pages
------\feats page 1
------\feats page 2
----\talents pages
------\talents page 1
------\talents page 2

The main "charsheet.xml" contains subwindows and windowchangecontrols for the three top-level pages: character, skills-feats-talents, and equipment. The skills-feats-talents windowclass is simular to the structure of the "charcheet" windowclass and activates the "skills-feats-talents main page". On the "skills-feats-talents main page", three new windowchangecontrols and subwindows are defined for skills, feats, and talents. The "skills pages" windowclass is again similar to the "charsheet" windowclass and activates the "skills page 1" windowclass.

This works great. I can click my way through the various windows to get to the multiple skills pages. I can even navigate to the other top level windowclasses: character and equipment. However, when I click on the windowchangecontrol tied to the "skills-feats-talents" windowclass, it immediately goes to the last skills page that I viewed. I can never get back to the "skills-feats-talents main page" windowclass.

Any thoughts?


Tailz Silver Paws
February 28th, 2006, 03:20
Hum.... no reply yet.... might have to rethink our skills/feats/talents section.... darn.