View Full Version : Story Management

October 8th, 2017, 16:24
What is the best way to manage the story in FG?

I am creating a new campaign and I see that there are groups that you can make but, you cannot transfer one story element to another group.

For example:
Group 1 has:
Quest 1
Quest 2

Group 2 has:
Quest 3
Quest 4

If I wanted to move Quest 1 from Group 1 to Group 2 for organizational purposes, I do not see the option for it.

The way that I have my story setup is a particular quest would have it's own group. In that group there would be numerical story elements that correspond with encounters and maps. Is that the best way to organize the story?

October 8th, 2017, 16:34
Welcome to the forums, redslay!
If you are using the correct FG terminology, you can easily move a quest to another group. Simply drag the quest up to the group drop down at the top of the list and drop it on the group you want to move it to

October 8th, 2017, 16:55

I apologize that I did not use the correct terminology. My issue is that I have a story item in one group and I would like to another story group.

I also want to know what is the best way to organize story elements. My thoughts are to use groups and then each group would have their own unique story items.

October 8th, 2017, 17:02
Open the groups drop down at the top of the story window.
Select Group 1.
Scroll the drop down until Group 2 shows.
Drag the link for Quest 1 to Group 2 in the drop down.

October 8th, 2017, 17:04
And the best way to organize your story entries is in the way that makes sense *to you*.

October 8th, 2017, 17:05
redslay, I told you how to move a story to a different group. I think you are using the correct terminology if, by group, you mean the drop down list at the top of the Story list window.

Your proposal to put quests into groups is about as sophisticated as you can get with the built-in features of FG. If you organize your campaign like the currently in-vogue Pathfinder (and other companies), where you have an adventure path containing several 'chapters' (6 for a PF adventure path) with individual 'scenarios' within those chapters (5 for PF), you might find that a useful architecture. Your use of 'quest' I believe would correlate to a 'scenario' then. So, at the top level, you create a story called, say "Redslay's Ultimate Adventure Path" (RUAP) (you could add others as you develop your campaign). Put that into an 'adventure path' group. When you open that story, it would have links to the individual chapters (which would have groups of RUAP chapter). Then when you open an individual chapter, it would have a list of scenarios (each scenario in a group "RUAP Chapterx", where x is the chapter number)

If you used that kind of architecture, you could then, from the main story window, select groups to drill straight to what you wanted without going through the entire tree.

October 8th, 2017, 17:06
Yea, just expand the group list at the top of the story list and then take the entry you want and drag it into group you now want it to be.

I'm a written instruction type of guy, so I helped write this (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?33538-Adventure-Module-Creation-Best-Practices). But you can also check out numerous videos (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Videos)if you prefer to watch someone do it.

October 8th, 2017, 17:18
Thanks for the response everyone!

Andraax and LordEntrails, your responses was exactly what I needed. I kept trying to open a second window of story to drag over and never thought of having the drop down already open then moving it over.

Bidmaron, what you described is exactly what I plan to do.

October 8th, 2017, 17:53
Glad we could help! We try to be friendly and helpful around here (despite the rage threads you may have seen -- embarrassing).