View Full Version : Combat Tracker Page Suggestion/Question

September 30th, 2017, 22:48
I'm not sure if it is already in FG and I'm not seeing it but is it a thing that say you have a player that's gone on hiatus or you are splitting the party across sessions: for a second page (or more) to be available on the combat tracker?

Or is there already some way to store combat tracker information?

As it is when a player has a few magic items that are giving them effects if they are removed from the CT for whatever reason basically all of those conditions have to be reapplied.

It's more of a convenience thing for me but if a function that stores that information already exists then I'd love to be enlightened.

I've tried a few things so far but they don't seem to have the effect I'm looking for.

Thanks in advance.

September 30th, 2017, 22:54
The nearest thing might be this.

There is also this

October 2nd, 2017, 12:40
Okay, thank you for that.