View Full Version : Tower of Zenopus Module

September 29th, 2017, 17:00
Back in the day, in the old 'Blue box' basic set I came across what many have called the 'Sample dungeon champion of the universe'.

Over the last 38 years I have run it many times to start a new campaign, or to introduce new players to D&D, and I had a lot
of fun converting it the 5th edition of the game, and thought I'd share.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!

Moderator: Attachment removed due to copyright issues.

September 29th, 2017, 18:05
Sorry, but you can't distribute this in it's current form - if at all.

I am fairly sure that the original is copyright material and so the original text etc would be subject to copyright. You have also included within the module NPCs and items from the PHB and DMG which you cannot do - it is possible to use the items and NPCs from the SRD but not the core books. Additionally you would at the very least need to include a copy of the SRD in the module itself. However I think the main stumbling block would be getting permission from the original author and the author of the artwork that you can distribute this. You may have more flexibility in presenting it on the DMs Guild again if you can navigate the copyright issues.

Myrdin Potter
October 1st, 2017, 15:39
If this is a WoTC module, their general rules are you can recreate the map and present the NPC in an updated fashion but the original artwork, text and maps cannot be distributed.

That is what most “conversion” efforts end up being.

If this is not a WoTC module then you need to contact the copyright holder and get their permission.

Then it is OGL vs. DMS Guild for release. If you want to use PHB and other WoTC book links, you end up with needing to release on DMS Guild. If you stick to only OGL items as found in the SRD, then you need to include the OHL modified for your product.