View Full Version : Question about Encounters witch NPC with customized names

September 24th, 2017, 13:44
Both in Savage Worlds core ruleset and DLR:

Create a new Encounter
Drop in an NPC, let's say a Dire Wolf
Customize the NPC name inside the Encounter. ie: rename the Dire Wolf into Black Dire Wolf
Add the Encounter to the Combat Tracker or the Chase Tracker, with the provided button.
The NPC in Tracker mantain the original name (Dire Wolf), instead of the customized one (Black Dire Wolf)

Shold not be the contrary?

September 24th, 2017, 14:59
After changing the name in the encounter, did you close the encounter (or at least click somewhere outside of the encounter window)? FG doesn't actually update the DB when you edit something until you leave the field completely by clicking somewhere else or closing the window.

September 24th, 2017, 17:19
I can recreate. It works fine in CoreRPG but not in Savage Worlds.

September 24th, 2017, 20:18
Thanks for the info! I have patched this and commit to v4.5 maintenance update

September 24th, 2017, 21:43
Similar issue using customized token for Placement.

Create a new Encounter
Drop in an NPC, let's say a Dire Wolf
Modify the # field to more then one
Assign a different token form every placement.
Add the Encounter to the Combat Tracker or the Chase Tracker, with the provided button.
The NPC in Tracker mantain the original token, instead of the one assigned by Encounter Placement

September 25th, 2017, 06:10
Similar issue using customized token for Placement.

Create a new Encounter
Drop in an NPC, let's say a Dire Wolf
Modify the # field to more then one
Assign a different token form every placement.
Add the Encounter to the Combat Tracker or the Chase Tracker, with the provided button.
The NPC in Tracker mantain the original token, instead of the one assigned by Encounter Placement

"Different token for every placement" is not supported by CoreRPG either. You can assign different token for each placement, but they are ignored. The purpose of showing tokens is to have X mark on them when you place them on map. You should not try to set own token to them, only the "master" token is read and assigned to CT entry. If you feel this should work differently, please request change to CoreRPG.

September 25th, 2017, 21:33
These are fixed in maintenance update version, available now in test channel. Release to production will happen within few weeks

September 26th, 2017, 04:59
read more about the fixes here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?40348-Test-Release-v3-3-3&p=356615&viewfull=1#post356615)