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Paul Pratt
September 20th, 2017, 07:00
Hello! Releasing a new ruleset to play the line of 40k RPG's.

With this ruleset you can play: Dark Hersey v1, Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, Only War, or Dark Heresy v2.

The automation supports system pure games, or the ability to mix and match the rules and character types. I have added support for vehicles, hordes/formations, and Rogue trader ships. To the Party Sheet are tabs for Cohesion and Subtlety. I have added support for more weapon qualities and finally the psychic system for Rogue Trader and up.

License: CC-BY-NC-ND
Please do not post or ask for game content, library modules, adventure modules, etc. The copyright to those materials belongs to Games Workshop.

Please download the 40k Multiset for Fantasy Grounds 3.2.pdf file included below (in next post). It has some basic information that will be useful, and a guide for the effects included in this ruleset.

Link to YouTube tutorials:
Basic Tutorial on Options https://youtu.be/sQJPlncD56k
Character sheet Tutorial https://youtu.be/3QbQPhaopqk

** Persistent Effects **
For the Talents and Gear Effects Only!
1. Set up an effect and prefix it "Persistent;" (without quotes)
2. Set the Target cycler to "Self"
3. Cycle the Action cycler from "All" back to "All".
4. Set the number to 0
5. Set the units to DAY instead of RND

When you drop that character into the Combat Tracker these effects will be automatically added to them.

Example of a written effect: (for a Space Marine's Power Armor )

Persistent: STR:20; STRB:2

** CT NPC Weapons List **
1. The button to indicate a weapon is to be used for a filtered CT list is located on the Weapon Details Window, upper right corner.
2. The CT list will have a check box just below the "yellow" offense icon in the CT. No Filter checkbox will appear for ships. Ships use a full list.
3. If no weapons are checked for filter use, then all the weapons will be displayed in the CT when the filter checkbox is unchecked.
4. If all NPC weapons are checked for filter use, then they will be displayed by the CT when the filter checkbox is checked.
5. If all NPC weapons are unchecked for filter use, and the CT filter box is checked, no weapons will display.
--See post#345 for some sample screenshots.

1. 9/24/17: Library drop handling updated
2. 9/25/17: Fixed small graphical issue in the libraries.
3. 9/27/17: Added features: Added True Grit Option, Added an Effect line to weapon entries to handle effects for Toxic, flame weapons, etc., Added Effects for Talents on the Talents tabs, Added Persistent Effects, corrected bug for adding Hordes to encounters, and a few other small bugs sent to me.
4. 9/28/17: Bug Fix for RT+ Psychic system rolls.
5. 9/30/17: Minor Bug fixes, True Grit resolved.
6. 10/5/17: Added an Effects list to the Main tab of NPC's, allows for Persistent effects for NPC's.
7. 10/12/17: Fixed error in damage calc caused by True Grit check.
8. 10/14/17: Update for potential error in effects lists. Added function to drag damage from chat to CT.
9. 1/21/18: Update for potential error in Unnatural Characteristics
10. 2/17/18: Update to fix Initiative effects and Unnatural Characteristics
11. 3/4/18: Further fixes for Initiative while using effects. Override movement and carrying display issues.
12. 4/18/18: Updated for FG 3.5. Fixes for Primitive Weapons and Righteous Fury. Advanced skills will correctly update when trait scores are changed.
13. 5/17/18: Fixed an issue in DH2 with degrees of success. Fixed Influence rolls from Party Sheet. Effects and skills with more than one word names.
14. 5/24/18: Fixed bug in armor locations - missing combinations
15. 8/6/18: Update for FG 3.3.6 Fixed a few bugs in DH2, added more custom skill support, added an effect for Bionics.
16. 8/7/18: Bug fixed when adding portraits to character sheets.
17. 8/8/18: Bug fix for skills issue with NPC's.
18. 8/19/18: Add additional Proven Support to handle up to 5d10 for damage.
19. 9/8/18: Bug in attack modifiers fixed
20. 12/18/18: Updated for FG 3.3.7. Added Inventory mini sheet. Other minor fixes.
21. 3/8/19: Fixed bugs in DH1 psychic tab
22. 3/19/19: Fixed Heal issue
23. 5/25/19: Fixed weapon drop PEN, fixed cover bug, few other weapon bugs. Added new cover type COVERM. Updated reports.
24. 5/26/19: Updated PDF guide file.
25. 6/29/19: Added option to use d5 rolls in Psychic Roll
26. 7/8/19: Fix issue with non targeted drag rolls from chat.
27. 8/23/19: Update for FG 3.3.8 + fixes for ID states. New Flamer Pointer Extension uploaded for image changes, now compatible with 3.3.8.
28. 8/24/19: Update to fix potential item transfer error.
29. 8/27/19: Bug fix for image window.
30. 8/30/19 Added Features, CT Weapon list for NPC's with filtering options. Added ID States for hordes, vehicles, and ships.
31. 9/1/19 Allow for direct weapon drops onto NPC's in the CT.
32. 9/2/19 New Flamer Pointer Extension uploaded for image changes, now compatible with 3.3.8.
33. 9/6/19 Flamer Extension was packaged incorrectly, fixed.
34. 11/14/19 Updated for FG 3.3.9
35. 12/31/19 Bugfix for potential True Grit error.
36. 1/23/20 Bugfix for image issue reported. Missed updates in CoreRPG. Fixed
37. 3/4/20: Updated for FG 3.3.10 Release
38. 4/10/20: Bugfix for ship weapons damage roll
39. 6/11/20: Bugfix for creating effect in NPC main tab.
40. 6/28/20: New .pak uploaded to correct wrongly packaged files.
41. 7/23/20: Bugfix for horde damage not linked between CT and sheet.
42. 8/23/20: 3.3.11b release update and first pass for FGU compatibility.
43. 8/30/20: Fix for NPC Persistent effects.
44. 9/13/20: Bug fixes for True Grit and FGU issues.
45. 10/2/20: Fix for image panel bug.
46. 11/15/20: Fixed encounter bug and npc note bug. FGC 3.3.12/FGU4.01 update.
47. 2/23/21: FGC/FGU 2-2021 update.
48. 3/12/21: Updates for FG 3/9 changes.
49. 5/24/21: Bug fix for skill notes.
50. 7/20/21: Bug fix for NPC gear and PC Cybernetics lists
51. 11/19/21: Bug fix for adding PC's to CT and a fix for the Cohesion party sheet tab.
52. 4/9/22: Updated to FGU 4.1.16 - new currency system used. Support for NPC's in partysheet removed. Added more fields to effects.
53. 7/21/22: Fix for recent FGU update
54. 7/30/22: Fix for header issues
55. 5/21/24: JPG - Added WH40K Calendar to CoreRPG standard calendars

Paul Pratt
September 20th, 2017, 07:03
Place holder for future graphics extensions:

***The .pak below is only for FGC users. The FGU version is in the first post.

4/21/2018: Added extension that replaces imagebox with a non transparent frame.
9/3/2019: Added alternate sidebar button style for readability. **Removed**
9/6/19: Fixed incorrectly packaged extensions
9/13/20: Moved Ruleset manual to this post
4/9/22: Updated Ruleset Manual posted.
7/22/22: Removed alt sidebar file. No longer compatible.
8/5/22: Added pak file that works with FGC.

Blue Haven
September 20th, 2017, 16:49
You rock friend!! :)
Thank you so much for this :)

September 23rd, 2017, 08:26
Hi paul and thank you for this new ruleset !

First my option configuration for your ruleset: every option Deathwatch except degree of success and righteous fury which are on only war. My Character sheet is a Deathwatch one

Here's some question and suggestions:

1.I tried to drag and drop some skills from the skill library to the advanced skills: it work fine but when i try to drop into the basic skills tab it doesn't work.

2.Is there a way to deactivate or modify the auto creation of the skills ? I'm using this ruleset in another language so when i create my skills in another language or modify one existing, when i cycle through the character tab, when i come back to the skill tab, i have two time the same skill: one in each language

3.Always on the skills: is there a particular way to create a skill in the skill library so when we drag and drop it on the character sheet the stat (WS,BS ...) is already choose or do we have to cycle through it for each skill ?

4.Can you make the reference guide table choosable or editable because a house rule i use is to use the action rules of only war for dw (half action for burst/full auto)

5.How do you manage the +20 str of the power armor that add after the unnatural strength calculation ? Usable gear maybe ?

6.I also noted a little bug on the skill tab but i will try to reproduce it to explain it to you clearly

Thank you again,


Paul Pratt
September 23rd, 2017, 08:44
Let me answer these in the order you posted:

1. The original intent was to make the basic skills unmodifiable by requests from others. I have decided against this and will be posting an update that will allow you to drop skills into the basic tab.

2. There is no way to stop the auto generation of skills, however, I think in your case, you could modify one file and translate the skills.

3. When you create a skill in the library and drag and drop, the Stat should set to the one you typed out. I will be posting a video tutorial for Library use. There are particular methods of using them to have things set correctly. Essentially, in the case of skill make sure you use Weapon, Ballistic, Strength, Toughness, Agility, Intelligence, Perception, Willpower, Fellowship. WS, BS, etc will not work.

4. Let me look into this. I originally wanted the ref guide to be player selectable, but had many who thought it should match the character sheet.

5. I would place an effect in the combat tracker STR:20 on all the marines. Or, hold ctrl + middle mouse wheel scroll over the Strength stat rollable box at the top of the main tab and a temp modifier will open up. Scroll to +20.

6. Let me know the error. If you can capture the console report that would help.

September 23rd, 2017, 16:32

Concerning your answer:

2.I manage to find the data_common.lua and modify it for the auto generation in the good language.

3. Thank you it work

4. Ok, thank you

5. I did it with a usable gear power armor STR:20

6. I did not manage to reproduce the troubleshot i had.

And a new question:

1. In the combat tab of the pc sheet, in the wound box, the fatigue max should be equal to the endurance bonus with the unatural toughness ?


Paul Pratt
September 23rd, 2017, 18:02

Thanks for the report. You are correct, the fatigue max calculation was wrong. The has been corrected. It will be included with the next release. I hope to have it out later today or tomorrow.

Edit: I also changed the ref guide back to my original vision. It is selectable again.

**To select a reference guide.
1. Use the cycler button in the upper left of the Actions area. Cycle to the game system you want to use for the guide.
2. Right click and choose "create item".

This will generate the list for the system you have set with the cycler button.

September 24th, 2017, 01:29
Is there supposed to be skills and talents already in the ruleset when I load it, or do I have to add them. On the Skills there is an aptitude 1 and 2 and reaction use. What is supposed to go in those fields when adding skills to the ruleset? Lastly, if there is supposed to be skills in the ruleset by default, mine aren't showing...any reason why?

Paul Pratt
September 24th, 2017, 09:33
Talents are not loaded. You need to build them.

Skills, Aptitude 1 and 2 are relevant for the Only War and Dark Heresy 2 games. If you are playing something else ignore these fields. Reaction is for things like Dodge and Parry. In your rulebooks the skills lists will state if a skill is a reaction. If it is type "Yes" into the field.

There are no skill loaded in the Skills library. On your character sheet, depending on the option chosen, there are all skill loaded on the skills tab. These will be basic skills if playing DH1, RT or DW, and the entire skill list if playing BC, OW, or DH2.

September 24th, 2017, 11:57
Hi Paul,

In the vehicule Tab, the total manouver roll should be equal to Ag+Skill+Mod ? Actually it's equal to Skill+mod.

Edit: when i try to roll the damage roll of a weapon of a horde i get the error : Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/manager_char.lua"]:190: attempt to compare number with nil

edit 2: the talent true grit halves the critical damage, is their a way in your damage calculation to make it count or shall we adjust ourselves ?

edit 3 : could it be possible to add effect box for the talents/trait and solo/squad mode as you did for the useable gear ? or is their a way to name the effects in the effect sheet ?

September 24th, 2017, 16:15
Hello Paul,

Thanks for the answers. With that I have another question.
1. Traits, where am I supposed to build them? I mean which button? There are buttons for Talents, Skills, Data, Psychic 1 and Psychic 2.
2. Where do I build Powers?

Paul Pratt
September 24th, 2017, 17:33
Traits are built using the Data. In fact Data is the catch all group, so Home world, Mutations, etc. build from Data.

Powers? Psychic Powers? If so, Psychic 1 is for DH1. Psychic 2 RT and up.

Paul Pratt
September 24th, 2017, 17:48
The total maneuver roll should be skill + mod. The Ag box is there to aid calc'ing the initiative of the vehicle. Are you seeing it calculated AG+Skill+Mod? I can not recreate that.

The weapon error is caused if you haven't opened the weapon details page. The green button in the weapon profile. I know about this "bug", but I also like it. Reminds my players they haven't set up their weapons 100%. It is annoying if you have a simple weapon with no specials.

Let me think about True Grit. Currently you will have to adjust the damage manually. I just use the CT and ctrl+middle mouse scroll the critical damage box.

I thought about Effects for Talents, Traits, and even gear. There is something worth looking into, and some good extensions out there to see if I can get to work with this rulesets. Currently I help players build effects using the effects list and they drag them to there hot keys to add as needed.

September 24th, 2017, 18:18
Wicked many thanks!

September 24th, 2017, 19:36
Thanks Paul! You rock brother!

September 24th, 2017, 20:55
The way i understand the vehicule sheet is this way:

In the agility box you put the agility of the character, in the skill box you put the value of the piloting skill (+10, +20 ..) and the mod is the piloting modifier of the vehicle (+15 for a bike for exemple). So in the Total manoeuver roll you should have the sum of this 3 box for your evading,piloting test?

Concerning the weapon error, opening and closing the weapons details, ok got it !


September 25th, 2017, 01:10
Is there any way we can get a description tab or something like that where we can put an image link and a detailed description of an NPC? Either I missed where I can do that on an NPC entry or it doesn't exist.

Paul Pratt
September 25th, 2017, 03:15
@miniou - Correct on the agility box; but for the skill box, add the total skill.

@ Echo - Currently there is no place to put an image or link to that image on the NPC sheet. I envisioned using the NPC notes tab for a detailed description for GM only use. Use the Story library for the description and image, if intending to share it with players. - The reason to do this, is to have the description/image only available to share with players; otherwise the entire NPC sheet would have to be shared! Story, or even using the Notes library works to control what you want to share with the PC's.

If you are thinking of something more along the line of an image in the NPC file so you could use it in a Story or Note, that's doable, but in a way redundant. To get the image on the NPC sheet, it would need to exist in the Image Library first, so you would be the same image linked in this order: Image Library to NPC sheet to Story/Note. I figured on saving the DB entries and go: Image Library to Story/Note directly. Hope that makes some sense.

Paul Pratt
September 25th, 2017, 06:43
Update. Please download the .pak from the first post in this thread.

Changed the handling of dropped items to be similar to D&D 3.5. For PC's, NPC's, Hordes - drop your weapon links on the inventory list. It will populate to the weapon list. Basic info will be filled in. Remember to open the "green" weapon details button to complete setting the weapon up. Armor links dropped onto the inventory will be added to the armor section. When you delete a weapon on the inventory list it will be removed from the weapon list.

Changed the way Library links are handled. They do not share a common node but are copied from the library to the charsheet. The way it was handled before, if a change was made to the item in the library, or a PC made a note or change to the item in their inventory, every link to that item changed!

Added functionality so that older Dark Heresy v1 homemade modules should work with a small edit. In the Definition file of the module, change the ruleset from WH40KDarkheresy to WH40KMultisetRules. They will load. Any issues PM me and I will see if we can sort out how to get them to load.

September 25th, 2017, 12:45
Hi Paul,

When you select the deathwatch character sheet, when you choose to be in squad mode,there is a small triangle next to the squad mod indicator. What are we supposed to do with it ?


September 25th, 2017, 13:28
Thanks for the answer Paul. Last question, which extensions will work with this rules system?

Paul Pratt
September 25th, 2017, 14:28
@Miniou, The small triangle is linked to the Party Sheet Cohesion Tab. On the Cohesion tab you can set what Oath and what abilities are available to the squad. The squad mode abilities list has the small triangle also. So at a glance you can see what mode and ability the PC's are using. I talk about the party sheet in the video tutorials. To use the cohesion tab make sure the "Specialty" field on the char sheet (just left of the squad/solo mode cycler) starts with DW. So, DW tactical, DW Assault, etc.

@Echomikedelta, right now, other than my calendar mod/ext. I am unsure. It depends on the extension. If they set up for any ruleset based on CoreRPG it should work. I will have a version of Enhanced Images available soon. I am reaching out to Dulux-Oz to have this ruleset added to the DOE's. What extensions are you interested in? I can look at them and see what needs to happen to make them work.

September 25th, 2017, 14:43
Paul, The Delux Oz extensions where the ones I am looking to use. I appreciate your help.

September 26th, 2017, 10:05
Hi Paul,

Thank you for the update !

1.I dont remember if I could before the update but i'm not able to drag and drop data to the marine abilities box.

2.in the party sheet, concerning the squad mode,when you drag and drop à data for a squad mod, the maintain column remain empty. Am i supposed to use à data sheet for my squad mode or is there a specific sheet ?

3. What's the difference between the different degree of success options in your ruleset ?

edit: i'm not able to drag and drop a horde profile to an encounter.

Paul Pratt
September 26th, 2017, 23:17
1. You should be able to drag and drop "Data" into the Marine Abilities box.
--Basically the rule of thumb is right click and create a new item in a list. Look at that link. The header should say one of the following: Skill, Talent, Data Reference. Then you know where to create items for them. I tried to organize the character sheet to be consistent with the content on each tab. Skills for skills tab, Talents for the Talent tab- (however, on the talents each game had different needs, so some is Data), Items for Inventory. The Main tab is Data.

2. The sustain column will be empty. You need to fill that in.

3. The degrees of success and failure follow the rules from the different games. DH1, RT, DW are the same rules. BC, OW, DH2 are the same rules, but different - the rule changed for these three. It's subtle, but effectively adds 1 success to each die roll.

Let me investigate the hordes not being added to encounters.

Paul Pratt
September 27th, 2017, 00:29
Found the issue with encounters and the Marine Abilities not accepting "data" drops. Both will be corrected and an updated .pak file posted shortly.

September 27th, 2017, 07:14
You rock !

I read the rules again concerning the degree of success.

Yes it's subtle !

edit: i tried to attack an horde with a bolter, with the checkbox horde selected on the weapons stat. It looks like if the damage roll is successfull, it inflict 1 point of damage to the magnitude but it should be 1 for the successfull attack +1 for the explosive damage and +1 if the attack do more than 15 points of damage. I also tried to add the blast quality to the bolter but it always do 1 damage to the magnitude. Am i doing it wrong or is this something we have to do by ourselves ?


Paul Pratt
September 28th, 2017, 06:34

The damage works correctly. The way the rules work for Hordes is:
1. Each hit that scores damage, meaning a damage roll that after reduction for armor and toughness is greater than 1, will cause 1 point of Magnitude damage. (the confusing part is the 15 damage they use as the example in the rules.)
2. If it is Explosive (X) type damage it cause an additional hit.
3. If it is Blast Quality it causes Blast Rating ("x") automatic hits.
4. A Flame weapon will cause 1d5 + 1/4 range in hits.

They are hits not additional damage. You need to roll damage for each hit separately.

So, in your example, a Bolter causing damage is 1 Magnitude point. The explosive damage means roll damage again. So a Bolter hit will cause 2 hits, for a potential 2 Magnitude damage.

Let's say you hit with a Blast(4) weapon. Roll damage for the initial hit, and then 4 more damage rolls. According to the rules, you have to make damage checks for each hit.

Make sense?

September 28th, 2017, 08:17
It's m'y Bad, i forgot that it's for the hit calculation. Ans yes i find the 15 damage part a bit confusing.

Thank you

Paul Pratt
September 28th, 2017, 08:33
New .pak file added to the first post in this thread. Corrected bugs reported, and added features. True Grit option, Effects for Talents, Effect line for weapon entries, Persistent effects.

Persistent effects are added automatically to the character when they are dropped into the Combat Tracker. See first post on how to use them.

Report any bugs found here.

Thanks - Paul

Paul Pratt
September 28th, 2017, 20:06
I think I have found a way to auto roll Righteous Fury for DH1, RT and DW. I will be working on the concept and update again if the feature works correctly.

For BC, OW and DH2, since the Righteous Fury works different, it already rolls the d5 Crit. All it does is report 1-5, so you can look up the results on the table in your rule books. I am working on having this d5 roll roll on a crit table and report the results automatically. This would require the crit tables be present. I can not build them into the rule set, that would violate copyright. Would it be desired to add the feature and point it to a table that a Gm can add to his campaign?

For instance, I can point it at a table named- Righteous Fury Crit Table. A Gm can create this table. Than can add them straight fro the rule book, create a custom one for home brew. It would require that table be present to work, so is more GM set up. Worth it?

Let me know some opinions, I am working on a few ideas I hope will work out.

Paul Pratt
September 29th, 2017, 04:38
Posted new .pak file for bug reported in the RT+ Psychic system rolls. Psychic Phenomena will work correctly now.

Thank you for the bug reports. I know the updates are coming rapidly, and I will continue until we find all the major bugs. This is a complicated ruleset and was play tested for 48+ in game hours. With all the options, I expect a few more will creep up. Please report them, I will do my best to update quickly. Sorry for the almost daily updates and download/installs, but they help get things improved and stable.

September 29th, 2017, 22:14
Where can i find the true grit option (i already selected it in the option menu), should i create a talent named true grit ?

Paul Pratt
September 29th, 2017, 23:13
You need to have in the PC's or NPC's talent list an entry for True Grit. If they have the talent, then it will be detected and factored in.

September 30th, 2017, 11:21
Hi Paul,

I tested the True grit talent: first, you have to write it without space (TrueGrit), then it doesn't seems to work if the character have some damage point left:

If the character have 24 damage on 24 hp and i do 10 damage to him, then it'll be correctly calculated and he will have 5 critical wound (29 damage)

If the character have 22 damage on 24 and i do 7 damage to him, then he will have 5 crit damage too (29 damage)


Paul Pratt
September 30th, 2017, 18:33

The way it works is this:

Total wounds for the PC are 24. 22 Starting damage + 7 new wounds --> 2 wounds are applied first (normal damage) --> 5 wounds (crit damage) are halved to 2.5 round up for 3 Crit. Total 5 damage (2 normal and 3 crit) caused that action. If True Grit is a talent.

The issue is this: for some reason the PC's are returning false for the talent no matter how True Grit is written. The NPC's work fine. I am testing this right now. NPC's work perfect, and the calculations are correct. Pc's are the issue.

Test a PC shooting at an NPC with True Grit. It will work as expected.

I will get this solved and post a new. pak sometime today I hope.

September 30th, 2017, 21:00
I did the test with a npc, if my npc with true grit take 7 damage at 22/24 damage he end with 5 crit damage but if he take 10 damage with 24/24 damage he take 5 crit damage

Paul Pratt
September 30th, 2017, 22:19
Found the issue fixed it with True Grit. New .pak posted.

Paul Pratt
September 30th, 2017, 22:23
Miniou, I have tried several times to recreate what you are seeing. I am finding the damage handled correctly each time. Download the new .pak, and test from that. Let me know if you have issues.

Paul Pratt
October 5th, 2017, 08:17
Added Effects list to the NPC main tab, allows for Persistent effects for NPC's. First post has latest .pak for download.

October 12th, 2017, 22:01
Hi Paul,

Awesome ruleset, I have one issue on my end though. Im running Only War, have the GM options set for it, as well as the character sheets. Testing out a combat in the combat tracker between a PC and an NPC, and I am noticing a bug happening when I try to damage an NPC or PC that already has crits.

If I roll the damage from a weapon onto the entity that already has a crit number listed, I get this error.

Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_action_damage.lua"]:1992: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'CritDamage' (a nil value)

If I bring the damage down to where the crit shows 0 again, the damage will apply, but even if its showing a 1 crit value, and I roll the damage, the error comes up, and nothing changes on the character sheets and CT

Paul Pratt
October 13th, 2017, 00:35
Let me look into this. It probably has to do with the added True Grit features.

Paul Pratt
October 13th, 2017, 00:53
Fixed. Updated .pak added to the first post of this thread.

Error was in the True Crit check.

ShotGun Jolly
October 13th, 2017, 02:38
You got the flamer pointer working after!? good job!

Paul Pratt
October 15th, 2017, 04:38
Small update to fix a potential error when adding PC's or NPC's to the CT with effects lists that have blank label fields. Please see the first post for updated .pak.

**Added function to drag damage from chat to CT.

January 1st, 2018, 18:47
i have this error "access denied" in chat every time i roll:


Any idea?

Paul Pratt
January 4th, 2018, 15:49
That is not an error. It is a graphic that replaces a "?" graphic for rolls that are hidden from players. You have the option "Chat: Show GM" rolls set to off. This graphic, instead of the "?", is a reminder that the roll is not shown to players. You will also get this graphic if you turn "Chat: Show GM" option on and activate the option "Table: Dice Tower" and use the dice tower.

January 4th, 2018, 16:38
That is not an error. It is a graphic that replaces a "?" graphic for rolls that are hidden from players. You have the option "Chat: Show GM" rolls set to off. This graphic, instead of the "?", is a reminder that the roll is not shown to players. You will also get this graphic if you turn "Chat: Show GM" option on and activate the option "Table: Dice Tower" and use the dice tower.

thanks! this clarifies :D

nice rule set, thank you for the work

January 5th, 2018, 00:04
That is not an error. It is a graphic that replaces a "?" graphic for rolls that are hidden from players. You have the option "Chat: Show GM" rolls set to off. This graphic, instead of the "?", is a reminder that the roll is not shown to players. You will also get this graphic if you turn "Chat: Show GM" option on and activate the option "Table: Dice Tower" and use the dice tower.

Hahaha! Thats funny!

January 8th, 2018, 04:25
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/manager_char.lua"]:454: attempt to compare number with nil
Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/manager_char.lua"]:454: attempt to compare number with nil

Comes up when trying to roll damage with any weapon on the combat tab of the player sheet.
Somehow I managed to fix this for one of the weapons but have been unable to recreate the fix.

January 10th, 2018, 22:06
Click on the MECHANICUS Green button undre the Weapon Name in the COMBAT Tab... for some reason clicking on it once clears the issue forever!

Let me know if that works

- Also alot of functions dont work unless you plug in Foes into the Combat Tracker then have Player target said for Then "Set" THE hit locaton under the damage for the weapon - by doing all THREE STEPS you'll find most of the functions work - elsenot you'll be scratching your head doing ALOT OF TESTING

January 10th, 2018, 22:14
New BUG Found:

By the by - the XP Tab > all the "characteristics" bonuses are sloted 1 slot down (aka transposed by 1 down) - I think then the TOP characteristic being

So If I enter in a "bonus" value (i.e. that last box to the right of XP Characteristcis) say for Strength then it transposes that to Toughness I think - test it out you'll see

P.S. had this issue with DH2 and BC sheets (I dont know about the other sheets)



P.S. My "player" says LOL
honestly I'd just say the "unnatural characteristic" boxes arent mapped properly on the EXP tab
aka unnatural strength is not mapped to strength

lol ++++

keep in mind you said "characteristic bonus"
its the unnatural bonus
the characteristic bonus gets filled automatically based on the characteristic value
but unnatural defaults to 0 unless otherwise stated

January 18th, 2018, 17:57
Any headway on the Character Sheet?

In the meantime I didnt find any other bugs...


Paul Pratt
January 21st, 2018, 00:57
Spite, please reference the youtube tutorials. I do mention the fact that when a weapon is initially set up, you must open the weapon details page and set the weapon up completely. I recommend the tutorials and the pdf reference, there is a lot of information there.

Paul Pratt
January 21st, 2018, 01:00

I am unsure what the bug is. The unnatural characteristics are mapped to the proper stats. They can be giving unexpected results if the options are not set to what you expect. You can use the DH2 and BC sheets, but have the option for DH1 or RT unnatural characteristics rules. Please reference the youtube tutorials, I also mention the proper way to handle unnatural characteristics in the reference pdf available in the first post of this thread.

Screen shots of the bug with screen shots of settings would help with the bug reports.

If you send them I will pursue this more.

January 21st, 2018, 01:16
Spite, please reference the youtube tutorials. I do mention the fact that when a weapon is initially set up, you must open the weapon details page and set the weapon up completely. I recommend the tutorials and the pdf reference, there is a lot of information there.

Ahh must have missed that bit, or misunderstood the reasoning for it. I've been going along making things with the videos running alongside me but sometimes I get out of synch with things, or it's focusing on DH sheet instead of OW so I listen less :P
Thanks for the great ruleset though, btw.

Paul Pratt
January 21st, 2018, 16:04
This ruleset is complicated with all the options and 6 for 1 character sheet. There are several small things that can frustrate your efforts in this set.

The item you hit on is one of two items that really frustrated me building the ruleset. The choice to break the weapon list up for room and clarity meant I had to add a weapon details page. Which led directly to forcing it first to be opened, before any rolls would work. I am still looking at this one. I am sure there is a better way to implement it than I have, or even could code wise.

The issue is with all the options for weapons, the talents, upgrades, and various special rules, was to move this to a separate page for clarity and handling. When I did this I forced players to open this sheet, when it is opened it initializes and populates all the info to the DB. If it is never clicked and opened, the weapon is missing a substantial amount of variables for the roll's functions. In some ways I like it since it forces players to set up a weapon quickly, for GM's with NPC's it is one more thing and a hassle. Plus the problem of getting everyone in the "know" so to speak.

The other is the unnatural characteristic and automatically having it update based on the option set by the GM. I am working on this on too, because frankly, my current method just sucks!

Anymore issues please post them, I will get to them as soon as I can.

I am just glad someone was watching the thread and pointed you in the right direction (thanks Morbid)!

Paul Pratt
January 21st, 2018, 17:42

I went thru and I think I know what you are observing. I cleaned up some string matching based on the various options and with these changes I think I have eliminated what can cause an issue based on options versus character sheet selection.
Please see the first post for the latest updated .pak file.

Paul Pratt
January 21st, 2018, 17:42
**Updated .pak file posted to the top of the thread. Fix for options versus character sheet selection and potential Unnatural Characteristics errors.

Paul Pratt
January 22nd, 2018, 05:17

The psy powers will also throw errors if the power details window is never opened, same as the weapons. Again same idea, set up the power completely for use.

January 25th, 2018, 07:25
So I've started importing Talents and Traits to the ruleset for use with my players, but I've just started showing my players and they cannot see any of the talents unless I drag it to the chat individually to make it shared. Is this expected behaviour of the talents and Data entries?

Paul Pratt
January 25th, 2018, 07:39
Yes. The entries you make in skills, talents, items, etc will not be visible to the player unless shared directly with a chat link. You can create the needed items and then export them to a module. Say you create a module for skills, and one for talents, these can be opened on the player side by loading the module to display in their library windows. Just make sure when you perform the export it is flagged as a player module so they can use it, also make sure in your GM's modules window you allow players to load it.

January 25th, 2018, 08:17
Ahh perfect, that was the plan in the end so as long as it'll work like that, it's perfect. Thank you!

Edit: and thanks for the fast response too!

February 1st, 2018, 21:02
So I've done the library modules for Skills, is there any easy (or possible) way to get the auto-populating skills lists to link to my filled in skills instead of blank placeholder ones? Even if I edit those, they appear to be unique and subsequent characters create a new placeholder link.
Just wondering if there is a way other than making a bunch of premade "blank" characters and putting the links in manually for each one.

Paul Pratt
February 3rd, 2018, 02:18
I see what you mean, let me look at that. It may be doable.

I did not include skill or talent descriptions because of copy right. You could edit the file that sets up the skills and define the descriptions there. Then the auto populated skills will have their descriptions. That would be pretty easy to do.
My players use my libraries and copy paste the description from the library to the character sheets. Not ideal, but I never thought about going back in a personal campaign and editing that file.

February 4th, 2018, 20:48
Maybe i'm missing something but is there a way to toggle burst/full auto attacks or would I have to set it up somehow? If I would how would I go about it?

Paul Pratt
February 5th, 2018, 15:49
Semi versus Full auto is a modifier, so I didn't add any toggle for automation. When rolling you would add the appropriate roll modifier to the modifier box, and then make the roll. Same with All Out Attack for melee.

I could add something like this to the weapon sheet in the conditionals area I think. I just felt at the time I was going to leave firing modes and other player decisions off the sheet and have them use modifiers.

Paul Pratt
February 5th, 2018, 17:01
I looked into the skill list deeper and I remembered what the compromise was. When I first made the ruleset I didn't have the basic skill list auto fill, you added every line or made a custom library to drop links.

I had several on these forums ask for an auto filled list they could add details too. When I made the change, I realized anyone that had custom data libraries, (like me) were going to be frustrated that their custom data was overwritten each time. So, I made a compromise that I think works ok. If you made any custom skills, they can be added to the basic skills or advanced skills list and they will not be overwritten. If you made a library that contains the basic skills, then the ruleset auto fill data is less complete.

What you can do is this.

Like the skill roll field and the advancement fields the shortcut link itself can be modified. Middle mouse click and you can delete the link that is auto generated. If you have a full blown skill library with descriptions, (for me custom descriptions), players can drop your library links on the empty shortcut and use your data. They will not be overwritten. The player will have to do a one time list link replacement to use your data. Still less work than entering everything by hand, but more work than a blank list you can drop your data on.

This was a compromise. For those with no libraries and those with libraries. That's the thing about writing rulesets for games that we can't support with modules due to copyright and licenses. Either very generic, or you try to add features that feel not quite finished.

I hope that helps and works for you.

February 5th, 2018, 23:06
I looked into the skill list deeper and I remembered what the compromise was. When I first made the ruleset I didn't have the basic skill list auto fill, you added every line or made a custom library to drop links.

I had several on these forums ask for an auto filled list they could add details too. When I made the change, I realized anyone that had custom data libraries, (like me) were going to be frustrated that their custom data was overwritten each time. So, I made a compromise that I think works ok. If you made any custom skills, they can be added to the basic skills or advanced skills list and they will not be overwritten. If you made a library that contains the basic skills, then the ruleset auto fill data is less complete.

What you can do is this.

Like the skill roll field and the advancement fields the shortcut link itself can be modified. Middle mouse click and you can delete the link that is auto generated. If you have a full blown skill library with descriptions, (for me custom descriptions), players can drop your library links on the empty shortcut and use your data. They will not be overwritten. The player will have to do a one time list link replacement to use your data. Still less work than entering everything by hand, but more work than a blank list you can drop your data on.

This was a compromise. For those with no libraries and those with libraries. That's the thing about writing rulesets for games that we can't support with modules due to copyright and licenses. Either very generic, or you try to add features that feel not quite finished.

I hope that helps and works for you.

Hey mate that's a fair compromise, and will definitely be better than doing it all by hand each time :P

February 12th, 2018, 20:36
Fantastic work, Paul! My Deathwatch players and myself are very grateful for your Ruleset, as some of them cannot always attend my games at home. One's a trucker who logs in from different places every game, another lives in a different city (he runs our Fantasy Grounds 5e D&D campaign, and introduced me to FG). I have a couple of questions:

1) Have you set some standard abbreviations for Armour Locations, to enter in the "Protects" field of an item's description? I'm asking in case it's needed for any automated Damage calculation.

2) In your own campaign, do you manage Traits and Special Abilities (such as Astartes Implants or Power Armour Abilities) as Talents?

Paul Pratt
February 12th, 2018, 21:15
Hello Flamewielder,

Glad you are enjoying the ruleset.

Armor Locations for items should be one of the following for the auto equip to work.
Arms, Body, Legs

In my campaigns I use the following:
Chapter Traits, Deeds, Distinctions, Primarch's Curse, Marine Abilities, Squad Mode and Solo Mode abilities = Data

I only use Talents for talents.

For Power Armor Abilities, since its gear I will use a Data reference for it, and make an effect to apply it on the Gear tab, Useable Gear. You can also set these to "Persistent" so they auto apply themselves when the character is dropped into the Combat Tracker.

There is more on the Effects included in the guide in the first post, and looking at the DnD 3.5 effects guide. I also recommend watching the tutorials I made, they are listed in the first post, youtube links.

February 14th, 2018, 16:56
Thanks Paul! The YouTube tutorial and documentation helped a lot. I have a stupid question:

In your DW character sheet, what do "Chapter Traits" refer to? Can you give me an example? I'm not sure if "Chapter Traits" refers to the Chapter-specific starting benefits (for example, Blood Angels start off with +5 WS, +5 Ag and Blood Frenzy Solo Mode), the short text preceding these listed benefits, or something else entirely. I do own the entire collection of DW rule books, so you can point me to a reference and that should clear it up for me. :)

Paul Pratt
February 15th, 2018, 03:39
You are correct, the Chapter specific starting abilities. I tried to make the front sheet be place were all the chapter related info could be stored. Primarch's Curse, Chapter Traits, then the Marine's own History with the Deeds and Distinctions.
Talents page I figured could be for general talents and the traits/talents/abilities shared by all Marines.

Hope that helps.

February 16th, 2018, 02:10
Ran into something curious when playing around with Persistent Effects for Power Armour:

The Kill-team Assault Marine has an Agility of 48, giving him an AB of 4. His power armour history being A Fury like Lightning, it grants him a +5 bonus to Agility and +1 to Initiative rolls. The +5 bonus raises his Agility to 53, which would give him an AB of 5 when wearing his power armour, so his Initiative roll would be:

1d10 + 5 (for higher AB) +1 (for armour history bonus) = 1d10 + 6

Since the ruleset manages bonuses to Characteristics with Effects, I've used the Useable Gear pane on the DW CS to assign Persistent Effects to the suit of armour: [Persistent; AG:5; INIT:1]

The resulting Initiative Roll is surprising:

1d10 + 4 (unaffected by the +5 to Agility) + 1.5 (!!!)

It looked like the ruleset handled the +5 bonus to Agility Effect as a +0.5 bonus to AB Effect, which is added to the +1 bonus to Initiative Effect, to give a +1.5 bonus to Initiative. To test this, I removed the [INIT:1] Effect and the roll became:

1d10 + 4 (unaffected by the +5 to Agility) + 0.5

As a temporary workaround, I've removed the [AG:5] Effect and will use [INIT:2] to accurately reflect the change in AB and include the +1 bonus to Initiative, making a note to modify this next time the player picks a +5 Agility Advance.


Paul Pratt
February 16th, 2018, 03:14
Interesting, let me look into this. I think it's not the effect but the initiative code. I will look at it and update as soon as I can.

Paul Pratt
February 16th, 2018, 03:30
Ok, it is the initiative code. I will need to update this. The AG:5 is being added from a line that treats it as AG:5 bonus, but base agility is then divided by 10, thus the .5 you are seeing.

I need to write something in there that handles the bonus properly. I should have something posted this weekend. Thanks for the report.

February 16th, 2018, 16:59
Another minor issue: the Carrying, Lifting and Pushing Weight should reflect the US(x2) and UT(x2) Traits. As it is, the Ruleset uses only the base SB and TB to determine these weights...

"These Loyalist weaklings can't even carry a heavy bolter! Our victory is assured!!! Blood for the Blood God!" :D

Paul Pratt
February 17th, 2018, 02:29
Correct, I knew about that one. It is "fixed" so to speak in the .xml. I didn't script for it. I should make it editable though for US and UT.

Paul Pratt
February 17th, 2018, 21:18
Updated .pak file added to the first post. This update fixes initiative rolls with Effects and unnatural characteristics.

Paul Pratt
February 17th, 2018, 21:24

I looked into the character sheet about the Unnatural Strength and Toughness bonus for the carrying, lifting, pushed weight fields. I made these editable fields originally. In fact all the movement types can be edited.

On the main page of the character sheet, bottom area, Movement. In the upper right is a red rectangle. Push this and you can enter the values you want to adjust.

I did this rather than automate because over the editions covered, and all the varied creatures and potential bonuses it was much simpler to make these simple base value fields that could be overridden with manual inputs.

So, for the Marines, click the edit button, enter the proper amounts, click again to close and save those values.

March 1st, 2018, 02:16
Got it! For future releases:

1) Can we make the Carry, Lift and Push weights on the Gear Tab of the Character Sheet match those of the Main tab?

2) Initiative rolls on NPC Sheet returns an error message on the GM Console: Script Error: [string "init_total"]:1: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)

Paul Pratt
March 1st, 2018, 03:07

Thanks for the report.
1. I can do this. (I thought I already had...)
2. Seems I forgot to update the NPC files when I changed the code for the PC's.

I will get this pushed out hopefully in a day or so when I get home.

Paul Pratt
March 4th, 2018, 18:17
Updated 3/4/18

1.Further fixes for Initiative and effects for PC's, NPC's, Hordes, Vehicles, and Ships.
2. Fixed Movement and Carry values not displaying on Character sheets correctly when using override values.

Please find updated .pak file in first post of this thread.

March 4th, 2018, 19:35
Thanks for the update Paul :)

March 10th, 2018, 23:40
I run a Deathwatch campaign, with all game system options set to Deathwatch, with character sheets set to DW.

I noticed that the PC and NPC sheets do not recognize the Psychic S1 power description format, but only the Psychic S2 description format; even if you set the Psychic Tab to DW (Deathwatch). This makes it impossible to drag and drop Psychic Powers created in the Psychic S1 library onto the character's Psychic Tab. Did I misunderstand that DW was part of game group 1? Or is this a limitation of the FG character sheet mechanics?

Paul Pratt
March 11th, 2018, 00:49
Let me look into this. Psychic S1 should be set and working for DW.

OK, I see what you mean. This is odd, I must have changed something by accident. I had this working in my own campaign. Let me run this down. I will post something this weekend.

Paul Pratt
March 11th, 2018, 06:24

I am losing my mind. Been too long since my DW campaign ended. Right now I am using DH1...

RT+ uses Psychic System 2. Only DH1 uses Psychic System 1.

March 19th, 2018, 15:53
Hello Paul,

I would like to thank you for the wonderful Ruleset for 40k Roleplay! Even though the system is discontinued by FFG, it is still played and needs more love! Your ruleset is actually making me consider moving to FG for my 40k games :)

Having said that, i have a question: is there a way to add standard d100 (2d10) in the dice pool below the chat? Typing command or using shortcut is sometimes not always convenient, and the right-click option is just too much.

In my games, I often don't prepare monster sheets (takes too much time) but instead I roll d100s in front of my players and inform them on the results. Keeps the tension as they like to guess the power of their enemy and not meta-game too much.

March 19th, 2018, 15:56
is there a way to add standard d100 (2d10) in the dice pool below the chat? Typing command or using shortcut is sometimes not always convenient, and the right-click option is just too much.
Welcome to the forums.

Use the right-click menu initially, but instead of drag/dropping in the chat window, drag/drop on one of the shortcut keys at the bottom of the screen - then you can roll 1d100 with the click of a button or the press of the relevant key.

Info here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Hot_Keys

Paul Pratt
March 20th, 2018, 03:13
Thanks Valyar, I appreciate the comments. Trenloe does not steer you wrong. The hotkeys are a wonderful thing.

March 20th, 2018, 10:15
Thank you for the suggestions, we configured a hotkey indeed for the purpose. Out of curiosity, what is the effort to add 2d10 in the dice pool and have it persistent across the sessions? Doing custom modifications for FG is still a bridge too far for me, but if I permanently move to FG it will definitely be something I need to look into, as none of the systems we play are available in the store.

Paul Pratt
March 21st, 2018, 02:54
The method for 2d10 as a percentile roll or 2d10 rolled and totaled?

Both are built into the d10 on the virtual table. Right click on the die, you can roll 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, or 20 d10's at a time, or there is a symbol that is custom dice. Custom dice has two options included, a d5 roll and a percentile roll.

If right clicking is not desired, are you looking for a set of virtual dice configured to roll a percentile roll? So on the table top you would have a d10 and then 2 more d10's configured to roll the percentiles?

March 21st, 2018, 04:47
Minor thing, when an effect is not set up on a weapon, clicking the effect button on the combat tab opens the error
"Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_effect.lua"]:843: attempt to index local 'rEffect' (a nil value)"

It's fine to close etc.

March 21st, 2018, 05:17
Keep up the great work on these Paul Pratt.
Fantastic Job!

March 21st, 2018, 10:10
The method for 2d10 as a percentile roll or 2d10 rolled and totaled?

Both are built into the d10 on the virtual table. Right click on the die, you can roll 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, or 20 d10's at a time, or there is a symbol that is custom dice. Custom dice has two options included, a d5 roll and a percentile roll.

If right clicking is not desired, are you looking for a set of virtual dice configured to roll a percentile roll? So on the table top you would have a d10 and then 2 more d10's configured to roll the percentiles?

Ah, apologies for not being clear enough. I am looking to simulate the real table-top setup of my players - having a pair of d10s that are rolled as percentile. Adding those to the existing d10 for dmg/scatter/etc. will complete the the table.

March 21st, 2018, 10:28
Ah, apologies for not being clear enough. I am looking to simulate the real table-top setup of my players - having a pair of d10s that are rolled as percentile. Adding those to the existing d10 for dmg/scatter/etc. will complete the the table.
Do you mean like this? https://bit.ly/2u7BN2X

March 21st, 2018, 10:50
Yes, this is what I mean. But instead of going through the right-click menu to have the dice set and with simple drag to roll.

Using the menu is OK if you don't roll that often, but when things get hot during combat the shortcuts and having ready dices for raw rolls is great. I realize it is not something super important but small cosmetic/functional boost to the overall excellent Ruleset and table. :)

March 21st, 2018, 11:03
You can drag those two dice to a shortcut instead of the chart which can then be dragged from with the mouse or accessed by function keys. I can see the appeal of having the dice on the table for sure but this manner should meet your needs?

Paul Pratt
March 22nd, 2018, 01:43

I think I should change this somehow. When you expand the weapon to expose the effect button, the button you see is to apply the effect. If there isn't an effect set then this button should be invisible is my thought. Otherwise this error will be generated as it tries to apply a blank effect.

I will look into this one, I should be able to hide the button if no text is present in the effect field.

Paul Pratt
March 22nd, 2018, 01:44

I have never tried to add dice to the table top. I am game to try. Let me see what I can come up with.

March 27th, 2018, 23:36
Hello Paul,

Thank you for this amazing ruleset.
I just discovered Fantasy Ground and your ruleset I had installed on my computer.
To handle how FG works during the combat phase I created a PC character in DH1 mode and a NPC to test the combat tracker functionning (both of them use a autopistol with the same characteristics you described in your pdf document).
When I roll the Initiative test for the PC, the score obtained is add to the Initiative score of the PC in the combat tracker window. But when I do the same for the NPC, the Initiative value obtained is not inserted in the combat tracker window.
I noticed the same behaviour with Combat skill (WS or BS) and damage. It works for PC but not for the NPC.

Please could you tell me if I miss something for a good functionning ? Is it a bug ?

Thanks in advance.

March 28th, 2018, 22:48
I resolved my issue. I didn't know that I had to click on the combat skill of my NPC and drop the dice on the PC line in the combat tracker to generate my combat skill tests.

Paul Pratt
March 29th, 2018, 14:42
First, welcome to Fantasy Grounds!

When you add an NPC to the combat tracker, it is a copy. On the far right of the combat tracker's entries is a square shortcut symbol. To roll the NPC's tests, click that to open the NPC's sheet linked to the tracker and roll from that sheet. If you want to use the targeting features, make sure the NPC has targeted a PC.

There are several features built into the 40k ruleset. I advise reading the pdf guide in the first post of this thread, and watching the you tube links also. Lot's of information in them. I also recommend searching you tube for some basic tutorials on Fantasy Grounds. Targeting, combat tracker, images, etc. There are plenty of really good tutorials out there that will assist you in learning Fantasy Grounds and how to get the most out of it.

Enjoy the ruleset, and if you have any more questions please post them or PM me, and I will try to assist as best as I can.

April 2nd, 2018, 17:15
When using a primitive weapon and you roll a 10 on damage it doesn't count it as righteous fury as it should. Nor does it show you you rolled a 10 so you can roll it manually if you missed the roll.
Using the Dark Heresy 2 rules in case it's different for the others.
Small thing, but thought I'd mention it, love the ruleset.

April 3rd, 2018, 02:22
Hi Paul,

Used the ruleset to handle a big fight during our last session and the players loved it.

Noticed a minor glitch on the Skills tab of the character sheet, when the players started spending XP's on Characteristics advances: If a player picks a Characteristic advance in the XP Tab, Basic Skills automatically update their TN's but the Advance skills do not.

For example, a Character with Intelligence 40 has an untrained Evaluate TN of 20 and Ciphers (Chapter Runes) TN of 40. If you add a +5 Int advance, the untrained Evaluate TN becomes 23 (as it should) but Ciphers (Chapter Runes) remains 40. The workaround is simply to cycle through the skill's Characteristic selection until you're back to Int, which will update the TN to 45, but it's a bit of a pain having to cycle through when you have several skills relying on the Characteristic you've improved.

Paul Pratt
April 3rd, 2018, 02:54
@TheCyberMonk, let me look into this one. I need to re-read the DH2 rules. I know I have it set as you described based on how I interpreted the rules.

@Flamewielder, The advanced skills should update with a characteristic advance. Let me look into this one as well.

Be a few days, and I will post some results.

Paul Pratt
April 3rd, 2018, 10:25
Advanced skills corrected.

I am going to continue to investigate the DH2 rules, well for that matter it affects BC, OW, and DH2, as far as the primitive weapons and Righteous Fury. I know where I am replacing the result, and I can fire the Righteous Fury Crit roll, but as I understand it, primitive weapons that are rated below "10" can't invoke Righteous Fury. I can have this work either way, it is a very simple thing as it's just moving the function up to get processed before the primitive function is checked.

DH1, RT, and DW work differently and a "10" can be rolled and Righteous Fury can be checked for. Not sure how to handle this for the other systems.

Please chime in with thoughts, I don't use DH2 myself, we prefer DH1, so any help with how the rule is applied would be appreciated.

April 3rd, 2018, 10:35
I play DH2 and the rules are the following:

Primitive(X): ​When rolling for damage with these weapons, any die result greater than the number in parentheses (X) counts as that number instead. For example, a weapon with Primitive (7) would count all damage rolls of 8, 9 or 10 as 7. These weapons can still generate Righteous Fury (see page 227) as normal, on a damage roll of 10.​

Righteous Fury: ​When rolling damage after a successful hit, if any die rolled results in a natural 10 (rolling the 10 result on a 10 sided die), a particularly bloody and spectacular hit might be inflicted. This also includes a result of 10 when rolling 1d5 for damage. After resolving the effects of the hit, one of two things can happen.​

1. If the hit dealt damage after being reduced by Armour and Toughness bonus, the hit is more severe and 1d5 is rolled on the Crit tables for the appropriate weapon and location
2. If the hit damage is completely reduced by Armour and Toughness, 1 point of damage is inflicted.

PS: Paul, the latest&greatest updates are in the first post in this thread? I assume you update the files if there is fix?

Paul Pratt
April 3rd, 2018, 16:02
@Valyar, thanks for the rules post. Yes, I keep the latest .pak in the first post, with a history of changes.

I will package up the fixes and post later tonight.

***Edit: FG has an update inbound, these fixes will be included in that release.

April 6th, 2018, 10:26
I encountered a problem with the map masking while preparing for test combat - masking causes transparency on the whole window making hard the normal play. When I have other stuffs open below it it gets a bit messy.

Is this feature, bug or I am not doing something right?


Paul Pratt
April 7th, 2018, 17:42
@Valyar, You aren't doing anything wrong. The issue is the image window itself. The base file that builds the frame has transparency to it. This is used as the mask as well. So, you are correct since it is transparent, any open windows beneath it are visible.

I guess using it depends on the available screen real estate. If someone has very little, I can see this being a muddled issue. It was meant to be a cool image.

I will see if I can rework the mask to be solid, that should help.

April 14th, 2018, 01:03
I've noticed from session to session a lot of my players talents and traits are becoming unlinked. As seen here https://puu.sh/A2D6C/a18c4fca27.png
Is there something that might be causing that? They're fine and linked one week, and then not the next. Nothing is done to the campaign between weeks.

Paul Pratt
April 14th, 2018, 06:31
I have never seen that. My own campaign is large and has been run over a year without this being a noted behavior. Are the modules they drew the link from open?

Paul Pratt
April 19th, 2018, 02:28

New .pak file posted to the first post in this thread. Updated for FG 3.5 and a few other bug fixes for Righteous Fury and Primitive weapons. Also have the advanced skills updating correctly when traits are changed.

April 19th, 2018, 03:39
Great work as always Paul! Downloading to my devices now. Thanks so much

April 19th, 2018, 10:27
Fantastic, Paul! Thank you :)

Do you think the opacity feature can be tweaked to not show the background while using mask? :D

Blue Haven
April 19th, 2018, 20:25
Thank you so much for another release :)
Big Hugs

Paul Pratt
April 22nd, 2018, 01:53
Sorry, I forgot that I had made an extension for a non-transparent image frame. See the second post. I have uploaded it.

April 22nd, 2018, 07:09
Sorry, I forgot that I had made an extension for a non-transparent image frame. See the second post. I have uploaded it.

I am not sure if this was the intention, but the extension gets rid of the actually cool transparent green border (imagebox?), leaving the problem when you use the mask tool. Check the attachment.
The original green transparent border is indeed cool! Maybe I didn't use the proper term initially when I explained the issue from my point of view :)

Paul Pratt
April 22nd, 2018, 15:29
@Valyar, You have no image box at all! Hmm, it loads fine for me.

April 22nd, 2018, 15:31
Wow, this is super weird. I not only don't have image box but the transparency bug is still there.

I am using the latest version of your files and also the updated FG to version .5 that came out few days ago. Is there anything I can do to reset things, clean some cache or anything?

Paul Pratt
April 22nd, 2018, 15:39
@Valyar, OK, try downloading the extension again. I think the version I posted was packed up incorrectly. Let me know.

There is no bug, it's simply how I made the base frame work. The extension replaces the base frame. The image you posted has no frame at all! That tells me the version of the extension I posted has an issue. Works for me, on my end, because I have a slightly different version of the extension as I developed it.

April 22nd, 2018, 15:54
Now it is perfect!!! :)

I thank you so much for this ad-hoc extension!

Paul Pratt
April 22nd, 2018, 15:59
Good deal! Glad it works as you wanted. I think you brought up a good point and the extension may be needed by several users. Without tons of screen real estate, the transparency would make using maps that much harder.

April 22nd, 2018, 16:05
I found the need when I was running two combats in parallel but on different maps for the characters (the group had to split up). I have 1920x1200 but still the maps I use are big and the players are enjoying to watch what is going on with the other group. Then one of them said that they can't stack and change maps due to this.

Maybe if it is technically possible to put this extension in the main ruleset and get a switch in the option that turns the transparency on/off. I am still too new to the modding in FG to know if this is realistic. :)

May 12th, 2018, 11:49
Hi Paul,

What is the formula that calculates the Degrees of Success for Dark Heresy v2 ruleset? (We had a session that was entirely in FG to test the automation and noticed that sometimes the DoS are one more or less compared to what is supposed to be. I tried to read the code but I am not fluent in LUA and not familiar with the logic inside the ruleset yet.)
Do you think it is worth adding separate category in the Library for the Traits?
Resizable PC/NPC sheets would be awesome addition.

I also started working on some modules for Skills. I see that if i add a Skill in the Library section of the skill, the item is not the same as the Skill that is in the PC/NPC character sheet. I don't see a way to automatically map the skill name in the PC/NPC sheet to the skills in the Library without replacing all Links ("I" icons), which is tedious. Also the skill's box content is different between each PC, so there is no point to set it at all on sheet level. Am I missing something here?

Paul Pratt
May 12th, 2018, 15:36
@Valyar, Do you have any examples of the degrees of success being off? Screen shots of those rolls? Could be a specific result or results that have rounding issues.

Traits... I thought about a library category for them, but there are Traits, Space Marine Traits, NPC Traits, etc.. There are several uses based on the system.
Looking at serving all 6 games I decided to leave them, plus corruption, mental trauma, etc. all wrapped up into the Data section.

May 12th, 2018, 16:04
@Valyar, Do you have any examples of the degrees of success being off? Screen shots of those rolls? Could be a specific result or results that have rounding issues.

Traits... I thought about a library category for them, but there are Traits, Space Marine Traits, NPC Traits, etc.. There are several uses based on the system.
Looking at serving all 6 games I decided to leave them, plus corruption, mental trauma, etc. all wrapped up into the Data section.

Can you share some screenshots of how you organized your data and the major categories? I am considering moving part of it from Realm Works as modules so I can make FG the main VTT and still experiment with the formats. Looking for hints, indeas and inspiration, so I don't re-invent the wheel.

For example I outlined the following major data i should put into FG to speed up the play. Where and how you think those best are to be mapped to the framework of the ruleset?

Home Worlds
Elite Advances
Gear (Weapons/Protective/Tools and etc)
Skills List > Skills library
Talents List > Talents library
Psychic Powers > PS1 or 2
Some rules articles for quick reference as fear, insanity, damnation, psychic powers and combat.

Is the issue with the skills (opening separate instance of each skill per PC/NPC sheet) due to the fact that the Link is not pointing by default to a object in Skills? Do you modify the link for your players or just leave those blank for example?

Paul Pratt
May 12th, 2018, 18:58

First, thanks for pointing out the issue with degrees of success. I went in and made 100's of rolls and saw the issue. The issue is fixed. Frankly, wasn't a fix, I had forgotten to swap out some files from earlier versions. I will post the new .pak after I fix another issue with effects.

Home Worlds, backgrounds, roles, traits -- all these should be in the Data Library. They can be organized there using the dropdown menu for categories.
Skills have a library, talents have a library, psychic powers have libraries, and gear have a library.
Modifiers/Effects each have a menu to build lists for the mod/effects you wish to prebuild.
For rules references you can use notes to build the entries you want and export that as a module for reference.

**Note, if there is a list that has links, create a new item and click the link. The window that opens will have the reference library it can accept drops from listed. Example, create a home world item on a PC sheet. The reference window that opens is a Data Reference. If you prebuild all your home world links in the data library, then players will be able to drop them on that list.

I am not sure I understand the issue with skills. Each link is a separate object per NPC/PC. If the link originates from the Skills library it is copied to the PC/NPC sheet. If the Skills library is updated, then the PC sheet will need to be updated manually to reflect.
I had them at one point, all pointing to the same reference, but if a PC modifies the entry then it is modified for everyone. I could make it read only, but that limited functionality for players. That was the feed back I had during play testing. So, I went with each PC/NPC having a copy of that is there own.

Screen of my Data section in my test campaign.

May 12th, 2018, 20:28
I am not sure I understand the issue with skills. Each link is a separate object per NPC/PC. If the link originates from the Skills library it is copied to the PC/NPC sheet. If the Skills library is updated, then the PC sheet will need to be updated manually to reflect.
I had them at one point, all pointing to the same reference, but if a PC modifies the entry then it is modified for everyone. I could make it read only, but that limited functionality for players. That was the feed back I had during play testing. So, I went with each PC/NPC having a copy of that is there own.

Allow me to withdraw the word "issue" I used in my previous post. It is not an issue, but question on how the functionality in PC/NPC Skill section is designed. I suspected this is the case, you explained it quite clearly and the rationale behind. I don't think it is too much of a hassle for PCs to swap links once. NPCs ... who cares anyway, I just need to roll on the list :)

Thank you for finding time to check the DoS/F case and sharing the "best practices" on the ruleset. I still can't believe there is such good piece of work related to my main roleplaying system.

Do you have plans for future enhancements or plan to work on "Wrath & Glody" one after it is out later this year?

Paul Pratt
May 12th, 2018, 23:25
I do plan to look at Wrath and Glory.

As far as the ruleset currently, I am open to suggestions for improvement.

May 13th, 2018, 16:09
I think the following enhancements might improve the quality of life of players a lot:

Re-sizable character sheet - big pain in all rulesets, but now with the resizable feature in core it is much much better. This will allow for example the Trait box to take more than 3. Currently if i add 3 traits I can't scroll down and they are lost. For example I have my Role bonuses added as trait, same for Home World bonuses for DH2. I don't either see the scroll bar or the scroll wheel does not work. Same is valid for the other boxes.

Bigger fonts - I tried few extensions but they messed the color or the font type. I play on 15" 1920x1080 and 24" 1920x1200... Will appreciate bigger letters on the laptop with /scaleui independently. I tried to modify the ruleset or the extensions I found, but the results were not good. Still learning how to mod FG :)
As there is no dynamic option to increase fonts during play, I guess the only proper way to do it is to have it as separate .ext as your Alt Image one with desired font size.

Testing: Creating data entry on character sheets (such as Mutation) does not create automatically entries in the Data library. I have to drag it there to appear a copy. Is this how it is supposed to be?

Paul Pratt
May 14th, 2018, 05:49

You can middle mouse wheel on all lists to scroll them. The traits, home world, and a few others do not have scroll bars simply due to room on the sheet.

I have had the character sheet resizable in prior releases. It caused me issues with some layout due to the various rulesets one sheet is handling, so I abandoned it. I have thought about laying it out again, but it is an enormous effort.

Fonts, this too is an enormous effort. Change font size and I have to essentially layout the graphics again. I play on 2-36" 1920 x 1080's, I know what you mean about font size.

When creating an entry on the character sheet it will not automatically generate in the library. It must be dragged there. Skills, Talents, Data Reference, etc... all must be dragged over if created on the PC sheet. I haven't seen a ruleset that auto generates library entries. Normally, the library entries are created, exported as a module, and shared with players for ease of use.

May 14th, 2018, 10:44
After I dug around fonts and tried to understand how they are implemented and how a window is skinned/organized, it looks quite an endeavor to me. I am still far from being useful member of the modding community (have to learn LUA and what is exposed by FG), but I can be code monkey if something needs to be done to help here. Still, I will need guidance from experienced people, it is something to consider if you want. One thing is sure - I am not leaving 40k Roleplay behind, as this is my favorite setting.

On the ruleset, yesterday we encountered error when rolling for Influence during the "market day".

Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_action_skill.lua"]:167: attempt to concatenate local 'sAbil' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_action_skill.lua"]:167: attempt to concatenate local 'sAbil' (a nil value)
The line mentioned is part of IF/ELSEIF statement that does not include Influence as possible value for sAbil variable. Funny thing is that I recall long ago being able to roll influence, but I didn't managed to duplicate this success yesterday.

My player also noticed that the "Rank" remains after the character name in the "Characters" library after one is created and does not disappear when rules are changed for the character from DH1 to other.

Paul Pratt
May 14th, 2018, 15:00
Are you rolling from the character sheet or the party sheet?
**Never mind found it fixed it.

May 14th, 2018, 15:05
Edited: The Party Sheet's Influence next to the Inquisitor is not rollable.

May 14th, 2018, 20:34
Today I finished the data upload from RW to FG. I wanted to have full libraries with same content that my players and I are enjoying in RW. I think that there should be at least two or three additional libraries in addition to Data, to support the this type of structure. I find putting so many various types of data into the Data library quite bulky to handle, unless there is a way to open the Data library's windows twice? Attached is a screen from part of my Data Library.

The suggestion:
Rules Reference <- to contain various rules. I tried with Notes or Stories, but those must be shared first and do not really match the idea behind those two libraries.
Traits <- traits are in all games, can even accommodate the Astarte's ones.
Then maybe the long shot:
Home Worlds / Roles / Backgrounds or at least library for category common with all rulesets.

What is the best way to log entries for Weapon Special Qualities, Weapon Modifications, Weapon Upgrades, Armor Upgrades, Cybernetics? When I cycle through the pre-defined list in the items section I can only think of using the " - " general category. Attached is also a screenshot from my Realm Work's Mechanic categories, illustrates what I want to achieve in FG.

Paul Pratt
May 15th, 2018, 03:52

I use the "-" for a catch all for gear items. The description is what is needed since its really for reference, it won't drop or be used for the automation.

I PM'd you regarding the balance. I really think what you are after are reference modules. Something more than additional libraries for organization.

Paul Pratt
May 18th, 2018, 06:21
New. pak posted for those who use DH2.

May 20th, 2018, 09:59
A small suggestion for improvement for the next release:

The Item object to have "Used with" either in the "-" category or have "Weapon Modification" defined. This is for data clarity. Currently, only Ammunition category has this field, but it is also valid for Weapon Modifications. Since the unused fields are hidden when sheet is locked, this will not have impact on readability and clarify of data, only improve it.

Attached is screenshot to visualize this :)

May 20th, 2018, 14:47
I have noticed that if I have Armour that covers "Arms, Body" (such as Heavy Leathers and Flak Cloak in DH2 and similar.), the values are not applied properly and go to all sections.

I did some string search in the files (slowly figuring out what is where) and it seems culprit is the function calcItemArmorClass in manager_char.lua file. It misses a condition for "Arms, Body" string.

Following your code I added the section below and it is now applied properly. I did some testing and I don't think it breaks anything else, as whatever functions and scripts I could find they refer the DB values armor.ra and etc. Am I correct?

In addition - is there a way to tweak the ruleset for the Max Agility rules existing in DH2? It basically states that for the purposes of movement and Ag Bonus during combat the Max value you can have is the one specified by the armour.

For example, an Acolyte with Ag 50 while wearing Feudal World plate will have effective Agility of 25 for the purpose of Movement, Dodge and etc.

elseif sCoverage == "Arms, Body" then
DB.setValue(nodeChar, "armor.ra", "number", nArmorValue);
DB.setValue(nodeChar, "armor.la", "number", nArmorValue);
DB.setValue(nodeChar, "armor.body", "number", nArmorValue);
DB.setValue(nodeChar, "rightarmarmor", "string", sName);
DB.setValue(nodeChar, "leftarmarmor", "string", sName);
DB.setValue(nodeChar, "bodyarmor", "string", sName);
if sPrim == "Primitive" then
DB.setValue(nodeChar, "prim.ra", "number", 1);
DB.setValue(nodeChar, "prim.la", "number", 1);
DB.setValue(nodeChar, "prim.body", "number", 1);
DB.setValue(nodeChar, "prim.hordes", "number", 1);

DB.setValue(nodeChar, "armor.hordes", "number", nArmorValue);
DB.setValue(nodeChar, "armortype", "string", sName);

Paul Pratt
May 21st, 2018, 01:27
Nice catch. I forgot that combination. It should be in there.

As far as Max Agility, instead of looking for one off items that had additional rules, use persistent effects in the gear section. I would set up, "Persistent; AG:-25" for the case described above.

May 21st, 2018, 05:26
The Persistent option for gear works great, indeed. Also the Initiative roll is included in the calculation, superb. I also found the "Misc" field in the Characteristics setup as alternative, because some keep forgetting to reduce their speed, because the effect does not touch the movement section :D

Some things that came up after the last combat (the automation is so awesome when PC/NPCs are set up properly!!!)

I noticed that "Crushing Blow" for DH2 set rounds down the WS bonus instead of up as in the rulebook. WS 31 should result in 2 extra damage instead of 1.
Same rounding rule goes for the Hammer Blow in DH2, but I don't know how it can enabled from the character sheet. We add it manually so far for post calculation of All-Out-Attack or as weapon detail.
The Gear/Talents effect that impact STR (as the example with the Power Armour), they do not apply automatically the Damage calculations. Must be added as Weapon Detail, correct?
I really love the cover effects implemented. With this ruleset is much more enjoying to have firefights with a lot of obstacles. If I read the "code" COVERRS - covers RIGHT SIDE of the character and COVERLS - LEFT side, therefore the arms should be in reverse? This is from perspective of the character behind the cover and from the one shooting at it. I might be confused in my interpreting the settings though.

COVERRS: The Body, Left Arm, Legs report “covered”.
COVERLS: The Body, Right Arm, Legs report “covered”.

Paul Pratt
May 21st, 2018, 07:10
Power Armor, would need an additional line using STRB for the strength bonus adding to damage. It works. Use STRB:2 for the additional +20 strength. The automation for the effect may report PEN: + x, its a bug I have been hunting, but it calcs correct. (**edit: found the bug and fixed it).

Of course DH2 has to be that slight bit different than the rest of the line that rounds down. I will change that for Crushing Blow, Hammer Blow, and Mighty Shot. (**edit: this may take a bit, I need to do a bit of work to get lua to round up properly.)

COVERRS would mean the right side of the PC's body is covered from their perspective. If they shoot right handed, then they wouldn't be shooting, or would shoot off handed to keep the right arm in cover. Right handed shooter's would be seeking COVERLS most of the time. Shooting with two hands means COVERL or COVERH depending on how they are exposed and shooting.

May 21st, 2018, 07:55
COVERRS would mean the right side of the PC's body is covered from their perspective. If they shoot right handed, then they wouldn't be shooting, or would shoot off handed to keep the right arm in cover. Right handed shooter's would be seeking COVERLS most of the time. Shooting with two hands means COVERL or COVERH depending on how they are exposed and shooting.

Then shouldn't the arms be changed in the cover?
If COVERRS covers the right side of the body, then the effect should not cover the left arm as it does now? Same goes for COVERLS - the right arm should not be covered.

PS: DH2... :)

Paul Pratt
May 21st, 2018, 16:39
I am not following you on this one.

When I roll against COVERRS, if the shot is a success then the report text will report ">>Covered<<" for every location but Left Arm and Head.

It is working as intended in the testing I just performed. Are you finding a different result? Screen please if so, I can not recreate what you have described above.

May 23rd, 2018, 18:40
[MODERATOR - Sorry guys - come on! Please don't request copyright protected material on these forums. Hypothetical or otherwise.]

May 23rd, 2018, 18:43
Hypothetically speaking, it is absolutely possible. :D

Paul Pratt
May 25th, 2018, 06:29
.pak posted addressing the missing armor location combinations.

May 25th, 2018, 08:16
Fantastic! :)

June 1st, 2018, 02:14
Hi All

I began receiving this script error since last FG update - it hasnt impacted me but figured I'd share since I found another person with the same issue using a Shadowrun rules set:



Getting the following script error:

Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_targeting.lua"]:10: attempt to call field 'setCustomDeleteCombatantHandler' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_token.lua"]:20: attempt to call field 'setCustomDeleteCombatantHandler' (a nil value)

If an extension is not the issue (disable all extensions to determine), then see below.

Those scripts were updated in the CoreRPG base ruleset layer, which Shadowrun is built on. You'll have to ask the community developer to make sure they are not overwriting those scripts, or it will cause errors. Replacing any of the CoreRPG global scripts will cause the ruleset to need updating with most FG releases.

>>> I figured out this is due to Enhanced Images 40k from your older ruleset Paul for dark heresy:
File Type: ext Enhanced Images (40k).ext (34.0 KB, 148 views)

I kno its not a part of this ruleset but I've been using it without a hitch otherwise > just that prompt comes up is all

please advise? (ty morbid)

Paul Pratt
June 1st, 2018, 03:11

The basic Enhanced Images works for 40k too. I stopped updating the 40k extension because it was no longer needed.

June 1st, 2018, 23:33
Thank you for the great ruleset! I've been slowly and painstakingly trying to add what's in my DH v1 books into a campaign using this rulset. My hop is that if I pack it all up in a module, my players can access it on the server and enable them to drag and drop. This'll also allow me to finish up a partial utomated character generator I cobbled together using the random tables in the books. :-P

June 3rd, 2018, 20:26
When I click on "Character Reference Sheet" to to open the "Reference Guide" windows in the Notes section of the Character sheet, I got the error below. Despite the error, the reference sheet is populated properly with the action types.

Script Error: [string "common/scripts/list_text.lua"]:46: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Ruleset Warning: window: Anchored static width ignored for control () in windowclass (charsheet_ref)

Paul Pratt
June 4th, 2018, 17:29
Thanks Valyar, I had forgotten about that one.

That was a quick solution for a request. I am aware of the error, but since it didn't affect anything (and would only ever been seen once when a character set the ref guide to the value needed) I haven't gone back and really put some time into solving this.

If I remember correctly I need to work around the issue of the button cycler and populating a new list. Right now it works with an error since I am forcing someone to click and "add" to the list which fires an update and I can get the list populated.

June 7th, 2018, 18:51
A question came up from my players - how to use the ammo check-box in the combat tab of the character sheet? Is it supposed to automatically reduce the clip after attack is made or it is to be updated manually based on the attack (it was my assumption)?

Also - I noticed that if i equip two armour sets, the calculations take into account the latest one equipped. Game rules state that only the higher AP counts, but I guess the way that sheet calculates (yay, i remember the code), make it impossible to take two or more sets into account and we have to make manual adjustments.

Paul Pratt
June 8th, 2018, 04:25
1. The ammo counter is manual.
2. If you have two armor sets, then make a custom piece of armor for it. The equipped armor will only allow for one set.

June 16th, 2018, 07:21
Quick question:
When dealing with Accurate weapons, how do I add the +1d10 per 2 degrees of success(max of +2d10) to the damage?
I'm guessing I should have a +1d10 damage and a +2d10 damage effects at the ready, but I don't know how to make them work.

June 16th, 2018, 09:03
Quick question:
When dealing with Accurate weapons, how do I add the +1d10 per 2 degrees of success(max of +2d10) to the damage?
I'm guessing I should have a +1d10 damage and a +2d10 damage effects at the ready, but I don't know how to make them work.

The player with the sniper weapon is either amending by hand the Damage of the weapon before the damage is rolled, or rolls standalone d10s in the chat and I simply subtract it from NPC's Wounds in the combat tracker.

Paul Pratt
June 16th, 2018, 23:41
In my group we have the weapon set up with the damage altered for the +1d10 or +2d10 as needed. True, its 3 weapon entries, but it is pretty fast.

I will also look at adding this to the conditional ranged abilities - Melta, Maximal, Razor Sharp - there is room to add Accurate +1 (checkbox), +2 (checkbox). Accurate works similar to tearing in the sense that it just adds additional dice to the roll, so the vehicle is already in the code. I will look and report back.

June 18th, 2018, 11:17
Yesterday we started to go into pretty big target numbers when the party ended in close quarters fights. They already have high Characteristics and skill training, so there were rolls that were targeting 100+. The DoS/DoF calculations went ballistic when TN is above 100. I think extra check of the TN and special handling of those 100+s will be great. :D


Paul Pratt
June 18th, 2018, 19:14
Yep, I should have looked at that when I restructured the DH2 DoS/DoF code when you last mentioned it didn't calc correctly.

DH2, is different than all of the other 5 games. The other 5 work fine, even with TN's over 100. It's just DH2.

Originally, I kept DH2 using the BC and OW rules. When you brought up that the calc was wrong, I changed it and completely forgot why I had fudged it in the first place. I will look for a work around. Really we are just comparing the 10 digit of the die roll to the tens digit of the TN. I guess since the limit of a stat is 100, and a mod is +60, the highest tens digit would be "16" to compare. I will see what I come up with.

Long live DH1...lol

June 18th, 2018, 19:17
If W&G does not deliver... DH1 and the rest of the line will be immortal! :D

July 14th, 2018, 15:35
Paul, do you think it will be easy to integrate support for Dark Heresy 2 Fatigue mechanic into the ruleset?

Structured Time: A fatigued characteristic counts as half its normal value (rounded up) when the character wishes to perform an action that includes a test that calls on that characteristic, or any other uses of that characteristic.​
​Narrative Time: Any time the character performs a task that includes a test of a fatigued characteristic, that task takes twice the normal time to attempt. ​

I ask the players to subtract half of it from the XP tab where the raw numbers are, but I think it will be awesome if can happen automatically.

Also small enhancement that can be made: Fatigue Threshold for DH2 is Toughness bonus and Willpower bonus added together. The Character sheet does not take WP into account when set into DH2 mode.

Paul Pratt
July 14th, 2018, 20:30
DH2 fix for max fatigue will be included in the 3.3.6 release. I also have for ability, attack, skill, and psychic rolls, added use of modifier keys. Holding down Shift and rolling doubles a characteristic. Holding down Alt Halves a characteristic roll. That should work for the fatigue feature in DH2. I added it in this cycle for a house rule some have, seems useful for that also.

I also fixed the TN issue for DH2 with TN's over 100.

July 14th, 2018, 22:28
The forum does not have good icons that can represent my joy. :)

July 19th, 2018, 14:58
Hi Paul,

I created a campaing using your ruleset and adding several new skills with their description.
The problem is when I create a new campaing all the skills previously created are missing.
Do you know how to maintain all the skills created to any new campaing ?
Thanks in advance.

July 19th, 2018, 15:00
You need to create a Module in order to preserve information between campaign.

For example - I have Master campaign, where I do data entry for the module (separate master campaign for each adventure I want to have as module as well), and the rest are "normal" campaigns, where a module is loaded.

July 19th, 2018, 15:06
Thanks Valyar.
How To find a explaination describing the way to create a module ?
Is it working for item too ?
Thanks in advance.

July 19th, 2018, 15:16
You can create a module for all data types in the ruleset (i.e. all libraries from Data to Tokens). Creating a module for 40k Multiset does not differ much than creating a module for any other ruleset:

Create master campaign, it will be used for data entry only, don't play here as best practice
You create the content you want to have in the module
You export the module via /export command, selecting which library to export. You can be granular on per-item level if necessary
Create new campaign and load the module.

A good videos on how to do a module:

This is, for example, the content of my module for Dark Heresy 2: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AjAQJv_NpezYgsUS0v8YBTZLKfLgfg

July 19th, 2018, 17:54
Thanks Valyar.
I am going to read and try generating my first module.

July 19th, 2018, 19:07
Thanks Valyar.
I am going to read and try generating my first module.
Though it's designed for adventure modules, the best practices link in my signature will be useful to you as well.

July 24th, 2018, 09:24
Thank you guys.
I could export easily the skills as a new module for another campaign.

July 29th, 2018, 07:39
In our Deadwatch adventure we have Techmarine with bionic legs. The rules state that "the robust construction of cybernetics adds 2 to the owner’s Toughness Bonus (after Unnatural Toughness) in the relevant location." In the ruleset, adding 2 to the Leg armor section or using the Cover mechanics is not working well in situations where there is too much Penetration from weapons.

Is there a way to represent this feature of bionics properly in the ruleset and still have the benefits of the automated damage calculations :)

PS: Not Dark Heresy 2 question, but this is still valid there :D

Paul Pratt
July 29th, 2018, 17:44
Currently no. I would have to add something very specific for this case. The Toughness Bonus acting on just the legs. Cover, and Leg Armor, or the ARMOR:x effect won't do much, they are too generic for location.

I think this would be something I could add as a static effect. BIONIC LEG: 2 and have it add 2 TNB to specific locations. Or, I would add a small number to fill in next to the hit locations. Space is a commodity on the sheets, so I would try to avoid this.

let me look into this, should be something I could add to the 3.3.6 release coming soon.

July 29th, 2018, 20:50
Have in mind that there should be possibility for each body part to be marked separately, so always two legs or two arms is not viable. During the previous campaign a character lost his right arm and left leg during combat, while the priest put sub-skin armor and artificial heart and the tech-priest installed head-only bionics. :D

I think Effects will be great, because it is taken into account during combat. You might put some visual indicator on the rag doll in the combat sheet showing bionic limbs beneath the armor.

Paul Pratt
July 30th, 2018, 05:46
I ended up adding 5 effects.

Bionic RA, Bionic LA, Bionic RL, Bionic LL each granting +2 to Toughness Bonus
Bionic Heart with a +1 bonus.

Each will factor in for the proper location. I am figuring these should be set up as "Persistent" effects on the gear tab.

Built in already is support for Armor +1 thru +10. So, items such as the cranial armor, or the armors from Rogue Trader, (I can't remember the names) that add armor to a hit location, you can set up a persistent gear effect.

That should cover these items.

July 30th, 2018, 07:25
Awesome :) You plan to release along with 3.3.6 version of FFG and CoreRpg?

July 30th, 2018, 12:39
Hi Paul,

I created and exported all the skills for DH in a module.
Each skill contains a description (advanced and basic).
For each basic skill I tried to add the description in the data_common.lua file like for example :
skilldataDH1 = {
["Vigilance"] = {
stat = "perception",
attribute = "Perception",
ability = "Basic",
description = "Description of Vigilance"

When I created a new pc or new npc, when I click on the Vigilance skill nothing is provided in the description frame (no "description of Vigilance" text).
Please do you know how to proceed ?
Thanks in advance.

Paul Pratt
July 31st, 2018, 08:15

I am confused with your description above. The example you show is adding a skill to the basic skills in the DH1 Skill List. Currently, I don't have the description field active in the file data_common.lua. If you add it, there is more to be done in the skill scripts, and skill xml files.

What did you export? If you built a Skills Library and exported it, then just drop the links from your module on the skills list.

**Edit: I added the support you would need to make your example work. It will be included when 3.3.6 releases.

@Valyar, yes this will release when FG updates to 3.3.6

July 31st, 2018, 08:51
Hello Paul,

In fact I did not add the skill to the basic skill. I wanted to add the description for each basic skill défined in the data_common.lua file. But as you just said the description field is not active. I thought it was.
So is it a way to replace quickly all the basic skills by mine without doing it one by one ?
Thanks in advance.

August 1st, 2018, 08:56
I keep getting this error on a players combat tab whenever I enter ANY type of weapon, I've tried everything I can think of, it really messes up the interface and I don't know what I can do to resolve it. Its just on this one persons combat tab and no one else.

"Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/weapon_utility.lua"]:45: attempt to index a nil value"

This is how it makes the combat tab look, its near unusable, and it overlaps with each other when I add more than one weapon in there.

August 1st, 2018, 09:02
Hi Skrain,

What actions you perform and in what order?
What is the version of 40k Multiset ruleset and Fantasy Ground?

I tried to replicate this by adding weapon to the Gear from the module (it appears in combat tab as linked) and even creating one in the combat tab from scratch without error. I am currently running 1.1 for Multiset and 3.3.6 for FG.

August 1st, 2018, 09:12
Hi Skrain,

What actions you perform and in what order?
What is the version of 40k Multiset ruleset and Fantasy Ground?

I tried to replicate this by adding weapon to the Gear from the module (it appears in combat tab as linked) and even creating one in the combat tab from scratch without error. I am currently running 1.1 for Multiset and 3.3.6 for FG.

I'm using 1.1 for the Ruleset, and 3.3.6 FG version as well.

As for what I'm doing I get this error whenever I open this characters combat tab. I can go from a fresh launch to his character sheet and combat tab and it'll give up the error pop up. No other character sheets give me this error and I have tried looking through all info on his character sheet and nothing should be interfering.

If I completely empty his combat tab of weapons I do not get the error.

August 1st, 2018, 09:33
The only time I had similar issues were when I was messing with the XML database on the character sheets.
If this is isolated issue, I would re-create it, or try export-import and see the outcome.

Do you run other extensions?

August 1st, 2018, 10:06
No other extensions except the Imperium style calendar, and the flamer pointer.

August 1st, 2018, 17:42
I'm using 1.1 for the Ruleset, and 3.3.6 FG version as well.
Just like every other community extension, when FG is updated, you have to give the community developers time to test and update their extensions (and rulesets) to any changes that occur within FG.

Since Paul hasn't updated the attachments since May 24th, it has not been updated for 3.3.6. You will need to expect the possibility of problems and errors until Paul is able to make updates.

August 3rd, 2018, 01:28
Just like every other community extension, when FG is updated, you have to give the community developers time to test and update their extensions (and rulesets) to any changes that occur within FG.

Since Paul hasn't updated the attachments since May 24th, it has not been updated for 3.3.6. You will need to expect the possibility of problems and errors until Paul is able to make updates.

I understand this but I was still receiving this error prior to FG 3.3.6. It is not caused by the FG update, I simply came here to see if I could be helped in resolving whatever issue this turns out to be.

August 3rd, 2018, 02:27
Skrain if its only affecting one character at this time Id recreate the character.

August 3rd, 2018, 04:17
I understand this but I was still receiving this error prior to FG 3.3.6. It is not caused by the FG update, I simply came here to see if I could be helped in resolving whatever issue this turns out to be.
Ah, I didn't get that from the timing of the post and what you said. As Damned said, it's probably easier to recreate the characrter, but you could compare the character's xml to another character and see if you can find a corrupted character or phrase.

August 5th, 2018, 01:47
Now one of my players is getting this error randomly, it was working fine post recent update, then without changes from either myself, or him he starts getting this and apparently he can't see any of his characters or loaded maps, combat tracker Ect..

He has cleared all FG data multiple times and redownloaded, I tried from my end and he keeps getting it. I'm not sure why, because I haven't changed anything scriptwise or with lua, all I want to do is play Only War but for some reason this past week it hasn't been possible. Can anyone help me fix this error please? 24197

August 5th, 2018, 03:07
You still do know that this ruleset isn't yet supported on 3.3.6? Were these errors like the other and occuring on 3.3.5 or have they just started since you upgraded to 3.3.6?

August 5th, 2018, 04:40
3.3.6 changes a lot of things and all rulesets require some maintenance to work with 3.3.6

August 5th, 2018, 06:16
Skrain, the errors are due to the 3.3.6 update that introduced new features and modified the underlying codebase upon which many rulesets are built (called layered rulesets). The 3.3.6 update wreaked havoc across the community based rulesets and some work needs to be done. :)

Sometimes real life gets in the way and people can't immediately take actions. Paul has an update that probably is ready to be released, but please have some patience!

Did re-importing or re-creating the Only War character resolved the visual glitches on the spreadsheet?
The error you reported above is caused when players use the combat tracker and if not - under what circumstances?

August 6th, 2018, 19:32
Hi Paul,

I am using Celestian's Author extension to build a reference manual. It has been updated to work with dark themes, like the existing one in your ruleset. When the ref. manual is exported, the section headings are having hard to read font color. Is this something that can be easily amended?

Screenshot is attached.

Moon Wizard
August 6th, 2018, 21:50
This is something that will need to be adjusted in the theme.


Paul Pratt
August 6th, 2018, 23:06
@Skrain, the last error you have is from 3.3.6. I have a .pak ready to go for 3.3.6 an will post it shortly.

@Valyar, You need to track down the header font and change the color there. It's in the graphics folder, fonts xml file. What is the color from your screen shot? Same as the emotefont? I am not sure what font Celestian's extension is calling to, or I would tell you what font to edit and what other impacts it may have. I can't figure out what that is. My theme for the library uses all white fonts. It could be calling to something used in CORErpg.

Paul Pratt
August 6th, 2018, 23:21
Uplaoded new .pak file for FG 3.3.6

Updated the calendar extension. Updated the calendar module. Note the claendar module. I had trouble uploading a .mod file. So, I named it Imperium Calendar mod.zip. Change the name to Imperium Calendar.mod to use.

Paul Pratt
August 6th, 2018, 23:35
@Skrain, as far as the weapon issue goes, the weapon tab is trying to find the Parry skill. Did the player delete the Parry skill? Rename it? Add a note next to the name? That is one possibility.

Second, when you enter the weapon, how are you doing it? Are you making the weapon in the items list then dropping it onto the gear list? This is preferred. Otherwise if you are directly entering a weapon in the weapon list make sure you open the weapon set up. The green gear symbol, first icon, second row. Create a weapon entry. Proceed left to right row by row. I have tried for an hour to re create your issues and haven't been able to.

August 7th, 2018, 10:00
The release of this update has the best timing ever! I can't believe it. I have game tonight, and I was prepared to do it the old fashion way without the CT automation... but it seems we might not have to go back to the manual ways of doing things after all... :)

Is the change in the calendar mod is the way days are reported in the chat? Instead of Month/Day it is the day number out of the whole year?

I have no idea what the reference manual is doing yet, the .mod file that is the output is not containing any reference to a font that i can identify. I will play with this in the next weeks

Some bugs:

1. When I attempt to put portrait on character: Script Error: [string "portraitselection"]:1: attempt to call field 'getFile' (a nil value)
This is on new and all existing campaigns. I have to modify the db to assign picture and token based on the picture.

2. The new ruleset breaks all existing campaigns where there are entries in the combat tracker, making them impossible to remove (unless you modify the db by hand)
This is just opening the CT. Adding new combatant unleashes the hell in the console :)

Ruleset Error: windowcontrol: Database type mismatch for control (speed) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: windowcontrol: Database type mismatch for control (halfmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: windowcontrol: Database type mismatch for control (fullmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: windowcontrol: Database type mismatch for control (charge) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: windowcontrol: Database type mismatch for control (run) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Script Error: [string "ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua"]:287: attempt to index global 'halfmove' (a nil value)
Ruleset Error: windowcontrol: Database type mismatch for control (speed) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: windowcontrol: Database type mismatch for control (halfmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: windowcontrol: Database type mismatch for control (fullmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: windowcontrol: Database type mismatch for control (charge) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: windowcontrol: Database type mismatch for control (run) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(halfmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (halfmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(halfmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (halfmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(halfmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (halfmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(fullmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (fullmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(fullmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (fullmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(fullmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (fullmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(chargeunits) anchoring to an undefined control (charge) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(chargeunits) anchoring to an undefined control (charge) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(chargeunits) anchoring to an undefined control (charge) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(rununits) anchoring to an undefined control (run) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(rununits) anchoring to an undefined control (run) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(rununits) anchoring to an undefined control (run) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Script Error: [string "ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua"]:287: attempt to index global 'halfmove' (a nil value)
Ruleset Error: windowcontrol: Database type mismatch for control (speed) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: windowcontrol: Database type mismatch for control (halfmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: windowcontrol: Database type mismatch for control (fullmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: windowcontrol: Database type mismatch for control (charge) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: windowcontrol: Database type mismatch for control (run) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(halfmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (halfmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(halfmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (halfmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(halfmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (halfmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(fullmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (fullmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(fullmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (fullmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(fullmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (fullmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(chargeunits) anchoring to an undefined control (charge) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(chargeunits) anchoring to an undefined control (charge) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(chargeunits) anchoring to an undefined control (charge) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(rununits) anchoring to an undefined control (run) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(rununits) anchoring to an undefined control (run) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(rununits) anchoring to an undefined control (run) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(halfmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (halfmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(halfmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (halfmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(halfmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (halfmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(fullmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (fullmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(fullmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (fullmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(fullmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (fullmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(chargeunits) anchoring to an undefined control (charge) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(chargeunits) anchoring to an undefined control (charge) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(chargeunits) anchoring to an undefined control (charge) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(rununits) anchoring to an undefined control (run) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(rununits) anchoring to an undefined control (run) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(rununits) anchoring to an undefined control (run) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Script Error: [string "ct/scripts/ct_entry.lua"]:287: attempt to index global 'halfmove' (a nil value)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(halfmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (halfmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(halfmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (halfmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(halfmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (halfmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(fullmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (fullmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(fullmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (fullmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(fullmoveunits) anchoring to an undefined control (fullmove) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(chargeunits) anchoring to an undefined control (charge) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(chargeunits) anchoring to an undefined control (charge) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(chargeunits) anchoring to an undefined control (charge) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(rununits) anchoring to an undefined control (run) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(rununits) anchoring to an undefined control (run) in windowclass (ct_entry)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(rununits) anchoring to an undefined control (run) in windowclass (ct_entry)

Paul Pratt
August 8th, 2018, 03:01
Just to be clear, the errors will not break the campaign, the DB doesn't need an edit. The CT just needs to be cleared. You can do this by setting all NPC's and PC's to hostile and then use the right click menu to delete all hostile. Once the CT is cleared, add the PC's back. Sorry for the fuss, but I had to do some clean up to get the CT working correctly. Once you clear the CT and add back you won't get the errors.

Paul Pratt
August 8th, 2018, 03:09
Updated .pak file to correct the error when adding a portrait to the character sheet.

August 8th, 2018, 06:21
Just wanted to voice my appreciation for this ruleset and your continued work on keeping it going Paul. Thanks again!

August 8th, 2018, 19:00
Thank you Paul. :)

August 9th, 2018, 02:16
Whenever opening an NPC's combat tab for the first time since opening that NPC, I get the following error

Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/char_basicskill.lua"]:98: attempt to index global 'description' (a nil value)

Closing the error and switching back and forth between tabs does not repeat, but closing and reopening the NPC causes it to come up again.

Paul Pratt
August 9th, 2018, 06:53
Hmm.. let me track down what I did.

**Edit: Found it. Thanks for the report, spite!

Paul Pratt
August 9th, 2018, 07:09
New .pak posted top correct NPC skill bug.

August 16th, 2018, 18:11
Hello Paul,

When a player try to connect to my W40K campaign, he obtained systematically the following errors when he access to the "character selection" frame:
"Ruleset Error: windowlist: Could not find windowclass () for control (list_local) in windowclass (charselect_client)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(list) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor_main) in windowclass (charselect_client)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(list) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor_main) in windowclass (charselect_client)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(list) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor_main) in windowclass (charselect_client)
Ruleset Warning: window: Anchored static height ignored for control (button_import) in windowclass (charselect_client)
Ruleset Warning: window: Anchored static height ignored for control (button_localadd) in windowclass (charselect_client)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(list) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor_main) in windowclass (charselect_client)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(list) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor_main) in windowclass (charselect_client)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(list) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor_main) in windowclass (charselect_client)
Ruleset Warning: window: Anchored static height ignored for control (button_import) in windowclass (charselect_client)
Ruleset Warning: window: Anchored static height ignored for control (button_localadd) in windowclass (charselect_client)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(list) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor_main) in windowclass (charselect_client)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(list) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor_main) in windowclass (charselect_client)
Ruleset Error: window: Control(list) anchoring to an undefined control (contentanchor_main) in windowclass (charselect_client)
Ruleset Warning: window: Anchored static height ignored for control (button_import) in windowclass (charselect_client)
Ruleset Warning: window: Anchored static height ignored for control (button_localadd) in windowclass (charselect_client)"

These errors appears also when he opens or resize the "character selection" frame.
I deleted all the PC and the problem still continue.

Do you know how to resolve it ?

Thanks in advance.

P.S : I have not access to your last version of your ruleset. Please could you provide it to me ?

August 16th, 2018, 18:32
You have to delete the content of the Combat Tracker from the db.xml or by setting all NPC's and PC's to hostile and then use the right click menu to delete all hostile. Once the CT is cleared, add the PC's back.

Do you see the download links in the first post of this thread? If not, try to change the forum's theme to FG Responsive

August 16th, 2018, 18:40
Hello Valyar,

Thanks for your answer but the Combat tracker is empty (also in db.xml).
However I have the Encouters not empty. Do I delete this contains ?

Thanks in advance

August 16th, 2018, 18:43
Please accept my apologies, I misled you when I said combat tracker, I didn't see the code well on the phone's screen. This seems not to be related to the combat tracker issue I experienced. Did you download the latest ruleset and updated to FG latest version?

Paul Pratt
August 17th, 2018, 04:15
Carter, the issue is the update to 3.3.6. You need the new .pak file. It is located in the first post of this thread.

August 17th, 2018, 12:15
Carter, the issue is the update to 3.3.6. You need the new .pak file. It is located in the first post of this thread.

Thank you Paul.
I installed the last version.

Blue Haven
August 17th, 2018, 15:26
Paul will you add in a near future, suport for the W&G?

August 17th, 2018, 20:17
Paul will you add in a near future, suport for the W&G?

I'm not Paul but I am guessing that would be it's own ruleset as its hugely divorced from the FFG line of 40k game rulesets in mechanics

Paul Pratt
August 18th, 2018, 03:00
I just got my Wrath & Glory rulebook... more to follow in a different thread.

Blue Haven
August 18th, 2018, 13:50
Yeah i thought that too Spite :( its too much diferent from the rest and i didn't like at all...but it doesn't hurt to ask right?
Thanks :)

August 19th, 2018, 08:23
Bug report:
Proven appears not to be doing anything in the current ruleset. See attached link for example

Paul Pratt
August 19th, 2018, 16:28

Proven only works with 1 or 2 dice. I set it up and didn't notice a weapon with more than 2d10 damage and Proven. I can add more die support, I guess I never considered custom weapons. What would be a reasonable limit for the scope of the game? 4d10?

August 19th, 2018, 20:50
Hi Paul, the Only War core has up to 5d10 Proven 3 for the man-portable and vehicle lascannons, with a number of 3d10 proven weapons through Dark Heresy 2e and Black Crusade. I'd say at least up 5 that would be ideal.

Paul Pratt
August 19th, 2018, 21:23
OK, I can add that support.

Paul Pratt
August 20th, 2018, 00:40
Added additional Proven Support to handle up to 5d10 for damage. I loaded a new .pak to the first post for those that want this support.

August 20th, 2018, 04:19
Awesome, thanks Paul :)

August 20th, 2018, 23:58
The ruleset gets better and better :)

August 24th, 2018, 01:27
Am I misremembering? I thought then Armor type was filled out as so https://puu.sh/Bjkbb/05edc785c4.png the AP would only apply automatically to those locations when added to an NPC/Player?
When I put that on an NPC Ork for example, I get all fields filled by the 2. https://puu.sh/BjkbP/16814b949e.png
If it's always done that, it's fine I just thought it used to pay attention to the "protects" field.

Paul Pratt
August 24th, 2018, 05:27

It should be Arms, Body.

You can use one of the options below:
Arms, Body
Arms, Body, Legs

August 24th, 2018, 06:11

It should be Arms, Body.

You can use one of the options below:
Arms, Body
Arms, Body, Legs

Ahhh thanks Paul! Didnt realise it needed to be in that order. Thanks :)

September 1st, 2018, 09:09

I made the update of the ruleset.
I noticed that for the NPC on the Main tab all the Characteristics (Weapon skills, Ballistics skill,...) do not mentionned the associated values but "1" with the folliwng information "Unnatural Characteristic".
Is it normal ?
As i made a translation of several elements for my player may I have modified something wrong ?

Thanks in advance.

Paul Pratt
September 1st, 2018, 16:35

The "1" is a default setting for Unnatural Characteristics. The ruleset defaults to DH1, RT, DW values. This needs to be adjusted based on the game system you are playing. As a base value, this should be 1 if you are playing DH1, RT, DW. Should be "0" if you are playing BC, OW, or DH2.

September 6th, 2018, 23:13
Hello Paul,

Thanks again. I have resolved my issue.
Tonight with my players we start to play an adventure.
I prepared all the scenes with notes, map, images, NPC and encounters.
My players enjoyed the beggining of the adventure and the use of this ruleset.

I noticed that when I clicked on "Add to CT" button of the encounter I obtained the following message for the Body Snatchers I prepared :
[ERROR] Unable to create NPC record. (Body Snatcher).
In the Combat tracker the NPC appeared as Unidentified creature

I create a new NPC and a new encounter and I still have the same problem.

Do you know why this error appeared and how to resolve it ?

Thanks in advance.

Paul Pratt
September 7th, 2018, 02:23

Let me look into this. I haven't seen it before.

** Carter77, I created a new NPC, added it to a new encounter, then to the CT with no errors. Are you running any extensions?

September 7th, 2018, 07:49
Hello Paul,

You are a amazing !
I was using the "Enhanced Images (CoreRPG+)" extension to resolve an old issue.
I disabled it and it works now.

Thank you again.

September 7th, 2018, 15:37
Hello Paul,

Sorry to bother you again.
A player has a psycher (Psy level 2 and WP 44) and I add the Chameleon psychic power (DH1) on his fantasy grounds sheet.
I configured the Tresh to 7, Overbold to 0.
I selected the psy power level "PL 2" and Sustained power to 0.
When I roll the dice, I see 4 dices instead of 2. Is it a bug ? Do I have to change something ?
How to add a +30 bonus to Concealment Tests ?

The player has also a Psychic-Focus which allow a +10 bonus to Invocation test.
Is it a way to add this items and configure it by adding a +10 bonus to his skill ?

Thanks in advance.

September 7th, 2018, 22:52
Hi Paul, is there any way to turn off item identification?
I have made a module but all the items in it that players are meant to see are unidentified in the items window, and if opening through the library, they can see the names, but opening any entry results in https://puu.sh/BrnpO/5c7d8c4c2e.jpg
I can't figure out any work around either, all the items are set to ID green.

Moon Wizard
September 7th, 2018, 23:09
If you made the module in FG interface and exported, toggle the identification of the items before exporting (i.e. two clicks).
If you made the module via XML, add an isidentified tag with a "number" type and a value of 1 for each item record.

This will explicitly mark those items as identified; instead of using the default.


September 7th, 2018, 23:13
If you made the module in FG interface and exported, toggle the identification of the items before exporting (i.e. two clicks).
If you made the module via XML, add an isidentified tag with a "number" type and a value of 1 for each item record.

This will explicitly mark those items as identified; instead of using the default.


I'll give this a try now, thanks Moon.

Edit: cool, this worked.

Paul Pratt
September 8th, 2018, 07:44

I can't recreate the issue. Can you post a screen shot please? Do you have the Psy system set to DH1? It's located on the psychic page upper right corner of the Psy power list.

As far as the +30 Concealment, you have a few options. You can use the modifier box and add 30 to the concealment skill rolls when needed, or you can set up an effect in the Psy power and add it to the CT when the power is used.
I would use effects and add these to the CT
SKILL:30 concealment (placed on the player)
BS: -20 (placed on the enemies in the encounter)

For the Psy Focus I would have the player set up a hot bar modifier key for +10 and add it whenever they make the rolls.

Paul Pratt
September 8th, 2018, 08:10
For those that use Enhanced Images, here is a version that works for the 40k ruleset.

If this stops working let me know by posting here.

September 9th, 2018, 03:05
Modifiers appear to be applying double what they should only on weapons BS roll. This is the case on vehicles, player sheet, and NPC sheets
Example in this gif. BS roll unadjust TN is 44, adding in 20 to the mod box results in target number of 84

Paul Pratt
September 9th, 2018, 04:09
@spite Thanks for the report.

Found the bug in the attack code and fixed it. New .pak uploaded to the first post in this thread.

September 9th, 2018, 04:14
That's awesome! Really fast we didnt even finish the session before you had patched it :) Thanks Paul!

September 9th, 2018, 17:51

I can't recreate the issue. Can you post a screen shot please? Do you have the Psy system set to DH1? It's located on the psychic page upper right corner of the Psy power list.

Hello Paul,

I tried to reproduce the bug and it is weird I could not reproduce it.
Now I still have the two dice when I do a Psy roll.

Thanks for your answer.

September 9th, 2018, 21:07
For those that use Enhanced Images, here is a version that works for the 40k ruleset.

If this stops working let me know by posting here.

Hello Paul,

With this extension the "Mask Mode" on maps does not work.

Paul Pratt
September 9th, 2018, 21:35
@Carter77, Mask mode only works on the lowest layer, try the lowest layer and let me know.

September 10th, 2018, 07:39
Hello Paul,

I checked again and yes it works.
Thanks again Paul.

September 11th, 2018, 12:57

I made my second sesssion of game yesterday with my group of players.
During a combat I noticed that even if all player chose a target in the Combat tracker, one of them does not obtain any location on his roll (like HIT: roll : 35 vs 37 -> Location:Body ->>>> Outcome : Standard Sucess) ; it was like he made a basic roll.
Did someone encounter also this issue ?

Thanks in advance.

Paul Pratt
September 11th, 2018, 17:15
Did that player have a token targeted? Could you see/verify that the player had something targeted in the Combat Tracker?

September 11th, 2018, 20:35
Did that player have a token targeted? Could you see/verify that the player had something targeted in the Combat Tracker?

In fact the player selected a wrong token first as target.
Then I replaced the wrong token with a good one myself.
I made several tests in local today by using several FG sessions (one for each PC) and it was fine.

September 11th, 2018, 22:19
Did the little circle at the top of the NPC sheet that says "ID" have a diagonal red line through it? If so click on it to remove the line and try again. See if it still gives you that error.

September 12th, 2018, 07:40
Did the little circle at the top of the NPC sheet that says "ID" have a diagonal red line through it? If so click on it to remove the line and try again. See if it still gives you that error.

Hello Skillkoil,

If I remember the NPC had their little circle without the "ID" and the diagonal red line through it during the game.
I will pay attention next time about this point.
