View Full Version : [LFP][5E] - Shadowmore (Homewbrew Campaign)

September 20th, 2017, 02:27

This will be my first attempt at running a campaign in Fantasy Grounds. I used to run a few over at Roll20, but I am here now and digging the program. I have the DM, Class, and Monster Manuals for 5E. Maps are mostly borrowed from other modules, but story and everything else is pretty custom for each adventure.

The Campaign

I'm rebuilding my original homebrew campaign. It involves a series of adventures that are centered around a (medieval) world in chaos that is facing an epidemic of pure evil. You will begin in a major capital city that is completely barricaded from the outside world in order to help increase their survival while also trying desperately from keeping the evil out.

With each adventure, you will be faced with political agendas, action & adventure, and straight up survival as the evil from the outside world tries to basically take over the entire world, including the city you now live in. You will be faced with many challenging tasks that could help save the world or easily secure it's demise.


I've had some bad experiences with players over at Roll20. Therefore, I'm going to set the bar high here and ask for mature players who are not looking to straight up power game, but actually a story and will attempt to actually play their character in whatever role you decide to play in. Newbies are ALWAYS welcome, but some experience with the game is preferred just to keep things rolling.

Having a working mic and English speaking is a must and likely Discord access.

Schedule / Times

Play time starts at 8:30 PM EST/EDT on Wednesdays every week. Duration will be between 2 - 4 hours depending on the group and how long they would like to play for. As I work full-time, I cannot go earlier, but have no problems staying up late to at the most, 2AM EST/EDT. Will try to shoot for next week as the first introduction/adventure.

About Me

I've DM'ed a number of campaigns over the years. I don't consider myself great, but I can run some fun campaigns. I'm 35, work full-time, have a wife and 2 kids. I'm a data architect by trade these days, but have worked in the AAA gaming industry for 7 years prior to what I do today. I'm an old school MUD player and game developer who mostly DM's because I really enjoy creating game content in the same fashion as I love building fun MUD's.


PM your details and concept or go here:


Baron Von Mandrick
September 20th, 2017, 14:45
PM has been sent.

September 21st, 2017, 02:46
Thanks for the responses so far!

September 23rd, 2017, 12:09
Looks like we have 4 companions thus far, would love one more. We have a good mix of classes. Would love to see one more either spell caster or even a rogue!

September 24th, 2017, 01:32
Welcome to FG, I really think you will like the software and the majority of the community.

Applied for that rogue spot, sounds like a neat campaign. I love homebrew and this time slot is perfect for me.

September 25th, 2017, 01:24
Right here. Sounds like a really interesting story. Would love to join and play.

September 25th, 2017, 01:48
im interested, do you still have a spot?

September 25th, 2017, 12:08
Interested in this, posted on the calendar.

September 26th, 2017, 12:24
PM sent
Hope to hear from you soon :)

September 26th, 2017, 22:44
We are still on. Calendar invite for the game has those accepted. Should be 5 in total. Cya tomorrow!

September 28th, 2017, 01:50
Need one for a fill. Our cleric vanished!

Baron Von Mandrick
September 28th, 2017, 06:18
Sorry I had to walk the dog. I didn't mean to kill the party. That was awesome. Thanks for hosting and DM-ing.

September 28th, 2017, 23:47
Yep, thanks a lot Famine. I had a lot of fun. Is Bondboy not able to stick with us from week to week?

Baron Von Mandrick
September 29th, 2017, 23:11
Hi, I just checked the calandar. Is that the correct time for the next game? 4:30 AM EST/1:30 AM PST?

September 29th, 2017, 23:16
Hi, I just checked the calandar. Is that the correct time for the next game? 4:30 AM EST/1:30 AM PST?

Is that what it says for you? It's same time I entered last time. Wed, Oct 4th 08:30 PM

September 29th, 2017, 23:36
Your game is closed right?

Baron Von Mandrick
September 30th, 2017, 00:37
Is that what it says for you? It's same time I entered last time. Wed, Oct 4th 08:30 PM

That is so strange. I wonder if somehow my timezone on my account got reset. I will go back and double check.

::edit:: Sorry, I don't know why it said that for me at first. But it is fixed now. Crazy. Thank you for clarifying.

October 2nd, 2017, 16:15
Hi all,

If accepted my build is a Fey Warlock controller type.

Aristrandos (Aris to friends) was born to the house Palaemon. An ancient elven royal family. Aris' parents were in love when they wed against the families wishes. Aris' father, Taboris, was to wed a proper Elven maiden when he eloped with Aris' mother. Their union was blissful. Aris was born shortly after.

Feeling guilt at abandoning his family Taboris brought his child to the patriarch of the family for his blessing. The child was taken from Taboris and in a cruel twist, promised not to the family but to the Fey. To add insult to injury, Aris was promised to a lower member of the Fey court of Summer. Aris was fostered by a Sprite in service to Puck, the courts jester. He spent his youth in their court serving the jester as a straight man in his performances as well as the butt of many jokes.

When Aris reached the age of majority the Jester took him aside and offered him the deal, be his agent in the world, sew chaos where he went and freedom would be his. Aris took the deal in a heartbeat.

October 3rd, 2017, 21:41
If you got room, I'm interested but what classes are being played?

October 4th, 2017, 00:45
I know for sure that we have a barbarian, bard, rogue, and paladin. I think that's it unless we've filled the fifth slot.

October 4th, 2017, 00:52
I can go warlock or Druid which ever is needed more. If you still need a 5th player.

October 4th, 2017, 23:06
I know for sure that we have a barbarian, bard, rogue, and paladin. I think that's it unless we've filled the fifth slot.

This is accurate although our Barb and Rogue are out for tonights session. I would love to see if we could get a healer, but a druid or other spellcaster is fine too.

October 4th, 2017, 23:27
Druid does healing so I can roll one up. Are you rolling for stats? Any restrictions on classes and races?

Baron Von Mandrick
October 5th, 2017, 01:34
Druid does healing so I can roll one up. Are you rolling for stats? Any restrictions on classes and races?

Welcome aboard. Hopefully everyone will be around for an awesome session next week. I think you'll like it. It seems like a really cool group and a fun concept. If you haven't already talked to Famine, he's the one with the final say on character creation.

October 5th, 2017, 02:26
I'll definitely be back next week. I should be reliable for Wednesday nights 95% of the time. This was unusual for me.

December 21st, 2017, 00:26
We have a opening in the party. This is every Wednesday at 8:30 PM EDT (USA). Recommended class would be melee based such as Rogue.

Party meets on Discord and thus requires mic. Party style is very mature casual.

PM me if you are interested.

December 21st, 2017, 01:41
Party has a Cleric, Paladin, Barb, & Bard.

December 21st, 2017, 04:03
You are approached by a Gold Dragonborn wearing very loose fitting silk pants and a vest. He speaks.
"Good day sir. My name is Gygax" He puts one fist into his other hand and bows to you.
"I have seen on the calendar that you will be adventuring. I would like to join you in your adventure. If you cant already tell I'm a monk, i normally only come here to this village when needed so i guess one could call me a hermit, meaning i wont be in town for long. I live a ways north of here in a small cave, should you wish to speak find me there. Thank you for your time good sir" he bows again
"may your life be filled with peace, wisdom, love, and strength." he says as he walks away and enters a near by shop.

this short character intro by


Availability as follows. On Eastern Standard Time USA
Sunday - Evenings available 4pm start
Monday - not available
Tuesday - All Day available
Wednesday - not available
Thursday - not available
Friday - not available
Saturday - Evenings available 5pm start

December 21st, 2017, 20:46
Um, only Wednesdays, BlueDemon617.

December 22nd, 2017, 01:27
I'd be remiss if I did not extend caution to players looking to apply to join this group. While the group of players is fine outside of some mic setup issues and occasional hot or live mics, they are nice people to play with, I want to discuss the GM here. While not explicitly telling people to avoid this game, I do encourage caution and it is perfectly understandable to leave a game if you don't enjoy yourself in this game. The biggest regret I have seen many people have playing RPGs like this online is not leaving a group sooner when they knew it was not working out and wasting more time and anguish trying to make something work when it just won't.

Every session played in this game with this GM has resulted in at least once during those sessions where a player is describing an action or asking about the situation and then finishes their comment waiting for the response from the GM and this dead air will last for a while and then the GM will then come on and state, "Oh, what was going on, I wasn't paying attention." EVERY SINGLE SESSION this has happened. The GM does not listen to players, does not pay attention and admits it, and then goes on with what he was wanting to say anyway without letting whoever was asking him something re-ask or re-explain. The GM is also running a very linear railroad campaign where deviations or questions are met with hard no's. "As a dwarf, I'd like to look at these cave walls to see how sturdy this place is and if a cave-in is possible." Answer is "No." Lastly, the majority of NPCs do not act in a believable manner.

If you are willing to play in a homebrew game where the GM doesn't listen to players and will railroad the group down the path he has chosen, then this is a game that fits that bill and has some nice players in it. I do apologize if this particular game is your first introduction to online RPGs or D&D, this is not a good example of what the genre or game can do.

December 22nd, 2017, 03:20
thank you for the warning, maybe i will be retracting my offer to join.

December 25th, 2017, 13:05
Thanks for the feedback PhorgottenSon.

I will say this in my defense. We are all pretty casual. 4 out of 5 players are enjoying themselves. From my point of view, that is bound to happen. You cannot please everyone. In all my years playing and DM'ing, there is always going to be a few people who play a certain way and do not mesh. It's normal and is bound to happen.

In regards to your play style PhorgottenSon, here is some feedback for you.

You are a very reclusive player. In meaning, you keep to yourself and you don't really interact with the party or let me know what you are doing. Instead, you pull away and sit in the back and don't say anything. This is really up to me to prod you and get you interacting, but it's also equally your part to let others know what you are doing or even better, what you want to do. There was a few times when you just did things the entire opposite and did not actually let anyone know what you are doing. In that sense, it was like two games. One the party was playing, and the other that you were playing.

I do agree the game is a bit linear, but a lot of modules are. Most of that does belong to you to make it non-linear too. For example, if you wanted to go the opposite direction of a quest and instead, go rob a store in the city, I would say, "Yes!" If you wanted to jump the walls, climb a mountain and explore caves for treasures, I would say, "YES!" But, unless you actually play your character and share (keyword here being share) what your character would do, I cannot make those things happen for you because I am not going to play your character for you.

Examples like asking me if this is the color red or blue or is this lake deep or shallow or if there are cave-ins possible or not the same as those prior examples because they either are yes or no in the sense of true and false. When it comes to things like, "Hey, My character actually would not go into this cave because of fear of cave-ins, I would like to do X instead." Then that would be a solid, "YES!" Of course, you never took that route because you don't share and very "one-wordy".

If there is one thing you should improve on, is sharing and interacting. Not sitting in the back boiling over secretly until you quit the game. It's meant to be fun and I surely want to make it fun for you. Don't take my critical feedback as me saying you are wrong on all those points you raised. I will certainly take all of this feedback to heart and reapply it to the players and future players. :)

Good luck!

December 25th, 2017, 14:36
Um, only Wednesdays, BlueDemon617.

Yeah, I was a bit confused by that.

"Wednesday - not available "

December 26th, 2017, 01:27
Thanks for the feedback PhorgottenSon.

I will say this in my defense. We are all pretty casual. 4 out of 5 players are enjoying themselves. From my point of view, that is bound to happen. You cannot please everyone. In all my years playing and DM'ing, there is always going to be a few people who play a certain way and do not mesh. It's normal and is bound to happen.

In regards to your play style PhorgottenSon, here is some feedback for you.

You are a very reclusive player. In meaning, you keep to yourself and you don't really interact with the party or let me know what you are doing. Instead, you pull away and sit in the back and don't say anything. This is really up to me to prod you and get you interacting, but it's also equally your part to let others know what you are doing or even better, what you want to do. There was a few times when you just did things the entire opposite and did not actually let anyone know what you are doing. In that sense, it was like two games. One the party was playing, and the other that you were playing.

I do agree the game is a bit linear, but a lot of modules are. Most of that does belong to you to make it non-linear too. For example, if you wanted to go the opposite direction of a quest and instead, go rob a store in the city, I would say, "Yes!" If you wanted to jump the walls, climb a mountain and explore caves for treasures, I would say, "YES!" But, unless you actually play your character and share (keyword here being share) what your character would do, I cannot make those things happen for you because I am not going to play your character for you.

Examples like asking me if this is the color red or blue or is this lake deep or shallow or if there are cave-ins possible or not the same as those prior examples because they either are yes or no in the sense of true and false. When it comes to things like, "Hey, My character actually would not go into this cave because of fear of cave-ins, I would like to do X instead." Then that would be a solid, "YES!" Of course, you never took that route because you don't share and very "one-wordy".

If there is one thing you should improve on, is sharing and interacting. Not sitting in the back boiling over secretly until you quit the game. It's meant to be fun and I surely want to make it fun for you. Don't take my critical feedback as me saying you are wrong on all those points you raised. I will certainly take all of this feedback to heart and reapply it to the players and future players. :)

Good luck!

That was spoken very much like someone who doesn't listen to his players, me formerly being one of those players. Reclusive is not a word most would put on my play style, but I do hang back from time to time early on to gauge the group and their playstyle and characters. This game is not a single player endeavor. In the first session, my rogue was very chatty with the prison guards, created the distraction in the mess hall, was taking point on some things and some story bits you had put out there. Then, your NPC came in, knocked out a guard, killed another, and started unlocking every door for us. Then he went to the warden who was his best friend and forced us to go out the secret passage the warden had access to. All while brushing off any concern that was voiced by the players about having us escape looking bad for the warden who was already butting heads against the church that put us in prison from the get go (we started the game already locked up in prison). Also while you kept telling us the most likely result of our imprisonment was release from jail the next morning or day after. Every attempt at engagement was either not paid attention to by you or was immediately followed up by an NPC coming into the scene to take over and force the group in a certain direction. The above one, then the meeting that ended as we had to leave to go to a fight involving people we never met nor heard of at a bridge where the NPCs that came and asked other NPCs we were talking to to help didn't do anything during that combat (My character did not go to this bridge fight as it seemed unfathomably stupid to do so in the circumstances presented, to your 2 games remark). The NPC forcing us to the mine. The high priest NPC forcing us to leave that mine. The NPC city guard captain forcing that encounter upon leaving the mine and interaction.

If you feel like you have to prod a player to interact, don't. Some people don't like being prodded to join in and just enjoy going along with the flow. I don't, but some do, and prodding those players to speak up and do more is only a behavior that further alienates them and make them uncomfortable and not what they are wanting out of a game.

While I cannot stand a linear game, others are fine with them and still some others even prefer them. To each their own, I just noted it here as many associate Homebrew with a more open non-linear game.

I can certainly understand a No answer to "Does this area of the cave where the helmed horror is somehow locked in a holy ritual prison seem like it could cave in if forced?", it certainly came off more as a "No, that wasn't part of the plan so no way are you going to try that" instead of a "No, this area of the cave while natural does appear very sturdy indeed. Of course with enough force a cave in is possible, but you can't imagine what would need to happen to accomplish that. You are certain it is out of your ability to do so in a short time with the people and gear you have."

I do truly hope you take these criticisms and feedback to heart and learn, grow, and have fun being a DM and/or player. It is a great hobby with many different players, playstyles, GMs, & GM-styles. I would do the same from yours if it was accurate or applicable.

December 26th, 2017, 02:52
Hard to respond to that because you're referencing the first scenes from the first session where after, most of everyone said that was super fun and they couldn't wait for the next session. I was a bit hard on myself because I thought due to the slow pace of trying to escape, many would find it not fun. But it was the opposite. While it was a bit linear, it kind of had to be to push you guys out to the open city where hopefully things would open up more.

I absolutely agree with you about prodding. That's why I don't really. But when I read your feedback, I'm going to start doing it more because clearly from your input, you're under the impression that you can't do certain things and it feels a bit like railroading (which I would love to address). I've noticed them too, mostly because I do try to have at least a path defined for everyone, but also hoping that no one takes that path too. I'm fine with either option. The thing is, being I don't advertise it when I talk about that path, I feel people get the impression it's the only option. That's why some dead air happens, I'm actually shutting up to let you guys decide on your own. But maybe I should try just coming out and saying it for a bit to get people in the spirit. :)

And yes, I will truly factor it in. It's no hard feelings. Again, don't take me responding to you as me saying you're totally wrong. But, I must emphasize this for you, when you told us you were dropping, you made very little mention of any of this (think you were trying to be nice, which I understand, but then you come here and slam the hell out of it). I obviously had a good idea why because of how you interact with the group, but you cited RL issues and whatnot. If you can't even be bothered to talk about your intentions there where I have to read in a forum post after the fact, that tells you a lot about how you interact with the group and with the DM. If you have issues or if you want to do something, speak up. I know it's hard when it's something negative, but there is email, PM's, etc that you can take too that doesn't have to be on voice. It shouldn't be, "Well, I just can't take it anymore." type of tone. It's like marriage or any relationship, if you don't come out and talk to each other then you will likely end up divorced or out in the dog house for the night.

Forgive me if that was a bit wordy and blount, but having worked in game development for so long to boot, it's hard to diagnose and fix something if you don't actually list your symptoms. I felt like you held it in to the point where it was too late to save you. This is bad for all parties involved.

I hope you had a happy holidays, thanks again for the input.

December 26th, 2017, 04:03
Sent you a juicy pm

December 26th, 2017, 19:27
Thank you, I hope you had a happy holidays as well.

Yes, you are right. I should have contacted you and voiced my many concerns about the game instead of waiting to see if things would get better without mentioning any issues I was having. Another player told me to give it time that it was likely that you were caught off-guard during the first few sessions and it was not going how or where you wanted to go, but now that the base of the story was set and things were setup, maybe things would be different.

I admit that I did not contact you partially because of previous conversations with other GMs who did not want to hear anything anyone had to say about their game, and partially because of how much I felt listened to as a player during the game when you would flatly state you weren't paying attention to what anyone was saying and go on to your next scene without any attempt to figure out what had been said. If we weren't listened to as players during the game, it seemed foolish to think that I would be listened to as one outside of the game.

And since it seems that I am being listened to, I want to be blunt so that there is no misunderstanding and no poor data to make decisions from. It did not seem a bit like railroading, it seemed exactly like railroading. And to that, it was more like I felt like a passenger car attached to an NPC locomotive on the railroad, feeling like an unnamed minion in an already written fantasy novel. It felt like we weren't there to play a part in penning a story together or experiencing a living world together but to add color and banter to fill out a story you had already written and had your NPCs already do.

And while this may have been better sent as a PM to you at this point, I wanted this in the open so that there would be an example out there of an actual dialogue back and forth to help each other. I haven't seen any examples of this in our hobby where it did not go horribly wrong with people ending up name-calling and yelling at each other. I will be thinking about stuff to include in a template to post for something like an exit interview for when a player leaves a game or even better for issues arising during games before leaving so that maybe leaving doesn't have to happen.

Take care.