View Full Version : LFG: Star Wars FFG game at a Europe-friendly time

September 19th, 2017, 17:08
Hello there!

My name is Jonas and I often get bored on weekends, so I'm looking for a Star Wars FFG game to spend my time on.
I've been roleplaying for about 7 years now, both as a player and a GM. New to Fantasy Grounds, but don't think that'll be too much of an issue.
I'm fine with any of the subsystems (perhaps a slight preference towards Edge of the Empire and Age of Rebellion) and very flexible as far as character choices go, I'd just go with something to fit well within the group.

Since I live in Germany, I'd prefer Europe-friendly times: I've got time on Friday evenings (6pm GMT and later), pretty much all day on Saturdays and time until evening (before 5pm GMT) on Sundays.

Does any (or even all) of this sound good to you? Then I'd love to hear from you soon!

Cheers, Jonas

September 21st, 2017, 22:55
Still looking!