View Full Version : looking to dm a campaign weeknight

February 15th, 2006, 23:24
I'm looking to dm a relatively small group, optimum time is a weeknight, mon-thur, 9 pm central us start time. i have got this geared for four players, and i have a group of linked adventures set that should take a party from first to about fith level. hoping to extend beyond that if everyone wants.

QT Barrister
February 17th, 2006, 21:42
A colleague and I are in a campaign but it looks like our DM has to close up shop. We're looking for a game to join. We're in the North American Eastern Time Zone (same as New York). We may be able to join depending on the day you ultimately choose (Mon-Thurs). Please contact me and we can discuss.

February 18th, 2006, 17:08
I'm another of the refugees from QTB's group. I'd love to join in. My best days are Tuesday or Thursday.

February 18th, 2006, 19:19
What setting, and what time in the evening are you looking at?

February 19th, 2006, 16:43
looking like tuesdays or thursdays are lining up for the best. at thsi time, i'd be starting at appx 9 pm central, with a projected run time of two to four hours per session (three to four preferred). the setting is my own campaign world with the one i've got set up. i'll put up an url here for you to get the background on it. it is a popup hell site, so if you can block popups, make sure you're set to do so before going there.

If adequate interest is expressed, i could set this aside to dm a shackled city campaign or age of worms campaign (the adventure paths that have done so much recently in Dungeon Magazine, taking pcs from first level up to 20 or nearly there)


February 20th, 2006, 00:55
I would be interested in joining your campaign as well. I recently got the full version of FG, and I am interesting in being a player for a while before trying my hand at GMing. Once I am comfortable with FG, I plan on trying a d20 Modern campaign, using the d20 Modern SRD that Digital Adventures will be releasing in March.

The start time and session length work particularly well for me, as the child will be asleep by 9pm Central and I already stay up until 11pm-12am many nights. The day we play doesn't matter to me, since any weeknight Mon-Thu works for my schedule. I am okay with any setting, and I like the idea of starting at 1st.


February 20th, 2006, 01:28
all right, we're looking at tuesday or thursday, i'll put it up for a vote.

Barring negative feedback, my campaign world is going to be the setting, per the web page indicated above. Any Player Character class from the core rules is definitely acceptable, the goal of any prestige class is acceptable as well, (but let me know the source, please, so i can make sure i'm on the same page, so to speak). Player character classes from other sources are acceptable as long as i can access the information (and i do have most of the WotC core books). please contact me at [email protected] so that i can coordinate what night we'll play, and get your characters at least somewhat set up. I've already worked with Paxar on this, and i'd like us to start playing as soon as everyone feels okay with getting things rolling

QT Barrister
February 20th, 2006, 02:54
I just sent an email off to you. I would prefer Tuesday nights around 8pm to 11pm US Central standard Time.
Best Regards, QTB

February 20th, 2006, 09:41
I'd also be interested in gaming latish (after 7pm Est) on one day Mon - Thurs. Normally Tuesdays are my preferred days. This week Tuesday is impossible.

I'm a Role player first and I love building a good story.

I don't want you to make your group too big to accomodate me. Put me on your list and call me if there is a hole in your line up.


February 20th, 2006, 21:06
Sent you a PM Mrannah


March 16th, 2006, 19:49
I'm interested if there is still room in the group. I sent a PM to you and signed up. I'm generally available after 9:30 Eastern but can play a little earlier on Mondays and Wednesdays.

March 16th, 2006, 22:39
I would not mind joining if the time is a tues wed or thurs at 9 PM central...

Let me know


March 25th, 2006, 20:50
I would also like to join if you have room.