View Full Version : Using Proficiency, Level as modifiers?

September 13th, 2017, 20:29
So, I've read the effects wiki many times. If it was a book, the pages would be dogeared and torn! However, I was trying to help someone recently with the proficiency and level modifiers and I couldn't get them to work. I'm afraid I'm doing something very stupid. Here are some examples:


I was trying to use the first above to add a characters proficiency bonus to an attack and the second to add the character's level to an attack. I couldn't get either of them to work. I searched the forums and probably missed a thread on this. I created an effect for ATK: 2 to add a +2 to make sure I wasn't missing anything and that worked just fine.

To clarify, I started a brand new campaign with absolutely no extensions running to test as I typically run a number of extensions. This is for 5E.

Did this get changed in a recent release where you can't use those modifiers anymore? Thanks in advance....

September 13th, 2017, 20:57
Now, this has been fixed here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?39182-Test-Release-v3-3-2&p=348032&viewfull=1#post348032). But I thought that it was something Moon Wizard had done in the patch since I was on test when I discovered the issue. But it may also be in the live version and something which has been around for a while. At any rate it is now working and the test version will go live soon. (Both your effects are correct btw).

September 13th, 2017, 21:24
Now, this has been fixed here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?39182-Test-Release-v3-3-2&p=348032&viewfull=1#post348032). But I thought that it was something Moon Wizard had done in the patch since I was on test when I discovered the issue. But it may also be in the live version and something which has been around for a while. At any rate it is now working and the test version will go live soon. (Both your effects are correct btw).

Excellent. Sorry I missed that! I try hard to look for the answers before I post. Much appreciated.