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View Full Version : LFP 1 Player to roll play a Companion Witch - Saturdays 10 PM CST - Pathfinder

September 10th, 2017, 20:57
A well established campaign Roll Playing opportunity.

This is a bit unusual, but it is a great Roll Playing opportunity. This is a well established group playing through a homebrew version of the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure Path and beyond. Your mission if you choose to accept it, is to play Riris, an adopted daughter of Mercival Jeggar, a nobleman of Korvosa in Exile. You are a companion of Egric the rogue, that has his hands in many pies, and is mysterious and cryptic. You are loyal to him, and free spirited. Your wild nature has become evident to you, you learned of his adventures while talking to his wife at the soup kitchen his wife Yovan ran in Korvosa.

Riris is a Dreamspeaker Elf witch, level 6, her father an Elven Ranger had an afair with a witch, and one day found a baby girl on his door, he later died under neath Kaer Maga. Recently she has discovered that she can freeze and thaw water, which at first scared her, but now it is a fascination.

The events describing her involvement in the group and the events and implications are fund here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?33746-LFP-2-3-Players-3-5-Karvosa-Campaign-Home-Brew-followed-by-The-Curse-of-the-Crimson), beginning with session 40.

If you have questions please PM.

Other Requirements:
Facebook - Some of the roll playing and scheduling, etc. is done there through a secret group(s) and messenger.


September 10th, 2017, 23:52
It would be nice to get someone to play this character. So far, Dellanx has been having to play her and it could better if someone else did it. We had a player to take her over, but he had to quite due to family issues. We're looking for someone who enjoys role-playing the character, not just combat. Someone who can commit to playing and who we can count on to make at least most of the games. We do have several members who are well established, and a few new players. It's a fairly large and diverse group, and we definitely have a lot of fun when everyone shows up.