View Full Version : PST/MST 5th Edition Thurs 8-11?

September 8th, 2017, 02:37
Hello fellow adventurers!

Player with longing to play a bard with a small allergy to miniature giant space hamsters and a strong aversion to ice weasels is looking to start a 5th Edition group for Pacific and Mountain Time players, preferably Thursdays (or every other Thursday) from 8-11pm.

I have an Ultimate License but would like to see if I can get someone to DM and have 4-5 other players besides me.

Ideally, our party would have a good mix of personalities and humor styles, enjoy social interaction campaigns (rather than hack and slash dungeon crawls) and be generally good at running away very very fast when ogres threaten to crush the party into goo.

If this sounds like your cup of tea then you'll need a support group and you might as well make it an adventuring party!

September 8th, 2017, 03:59
If you find a DM for this. I too like to run away from ogres while screaming "go for the eyes Boo!"

September 8th, 2017, 06:38
While I can't promise giant space hamsters, I wouldn't be opposed to characters with *invisible* giant space hamsters. I'm a paid DM, and would be happy to discuss details with you on Discord, if you're open to the idea.

September 13th, 2017, 04:50
While I can't promise giant space hamsters, I wouldn't be opposed to characters with *invisible* giant space hamsters. I'm a paid DM, and would be happy to discuss details with you on Discord, if you're open to the idea.

So kind of good news.. One of the LFP threads I have been following has me and someone else who is interested in playing! Hurrah! I will try to get everyone organized into one group. I do not, however, have the slightest clue as to how to use Discord to make a group thingie. But! I do have it and have used it for voice while gaming, so not a complete neophyte.

Everyone PM me with your emails and I will try to organize everything that way first!