View Full Version : How do I import the complete d20 srd into ........

February 11th, 2006, 04:50
How do I import the complete d20 srd that I own into the adventure I am playing as a player character into , cause I would love to be able to have that info at My characters disposal , thanks for any replies in advance .

February 11th, 2006, 14:18
How do I import the complete d20 srd that I own into the adventure I am playing as a player character into , cause I would love to be able to have that info at My characters disposal , thanks for any replies in advance .

First, you have to make sure your DM has the same ruleset. What he has is what matters.

Second, the DM has to change a setting in the campaign.xml file for the (campaign) game he is running so that it points to a different ruleset.

For Example: what the DM has now for a game would be:

<setting name="" />
<ruleset name="d20" />

What he needs to change it to is:

<setting name="" />
<ruleset name="d20-SRD" />

Hope this helps!