View Full Version : LFG 1 player Sunday anytime or Weds evening ET: Savage Worlds or 5e

September 6th, 2017, 02:03
Time zone: US Eastern

Number of Players: 1

Time of Day Available: Sunday anytime, Weds 5:30-11 ET

Fantasy Grounds License: Ultimate

Term of game play: Long Term

Voice/Visual: Whatever the group is using is probably fine. Have Discord and Skype. Have used Teamspeak in the past. Have a webcam if it's necessary.

Game System Preferred: I want to try Savage Worlds before I try to GM it. I am currently GMing a 5e campaign for some friends on a different VTT, but figure a way to learn FG is to play as a PC rather than jumping in the deep in GMing.

Game System Experience: I played a lot of systems years ago. Experience with AD&D, Morrow Project, Aftermath, Ysgarth, Paranoia, Shadowrun, Rolemaster, Champions, Stormbringer, Thieves World, Arduin, Gamma World, 5E

Fantasy Grounds Experience: About a week of self study.

Character Type Preferred: Any really. I tend to play Rogue type characters or multi-class spell casters.

About me: As you can tell from my game system experience, I've got some miles on the odometer. Still pretty young at heart and just getting back into playing table top style RPGs. Have played computer RPGs for years and spent several years on a Shadowrun Mush in the early internet days. I'm easy to get along with (I think) and not a rules lawyer by any means. I like the story part of RPing and the rules are really just there to advance the story imo. I'd really love to give Savage Worlds a try as a player before doing GM work for my buddies (and for the general FG community). I live in Raleigh NC and work for a software company as a Product Manager, so my tech skills are still relatively sharp. I should be able to get up to speed pretty fast.

September 6th, 2017, 06:44
I have a Sunday evening paid game, 5e. If you're interested, PM me on discord: UnityNooblet#3614