View Full Version : Runtime Error: Exception: bad allocation

September 5th, 2017, 19:01
Hey guys,

I'm getting the error, "Runtime Error: Exception: bad allocation" when I run FG. This has been happening since the last update. I've got 32gb of ram and it happens even with it's just FG running so I don't think it's a lack of memory which some of the other posts I read suggested.

I had a lot of tokens and saw that too many tokens might cause it. I moved all of my tokens out of the folder, restarted, and it still is giving the same error.

I've had great experience with FG, but I currently am unable to use it as it stands. Should I just completely reinstall FG? If so, how should i go about backing up everything so I don't lose it all?

September 5th, 2017, 19:21
You can reinstall FG without harming any of your data but you can back it up first as a precaution. You'll find all your data files by clicking on the folder icon in the start up screen.

Bad Allocation usually indicates a memory issue but you can check to see how much memory FG is using by opening up the Task Manager and then click on the processes tab. Start up FG and watch what memory it uses. If it gets up around 3Gb then that is the problem. Having said all that just running FG on a new campaign would not be a problem. If you have a huge amount of stuff open in your existing campaigns then it could be an issue. I haven't heard of a DM having the problem though.

September 5th, 2017, 19:22
Yea, I made a brand new blank campaign and it still immediately crashes. I'll try reinstalling and report back if it works.

September 5th, 2017, 19:44
I've got 32gb of ram and it happens even with it's just FG running so I don't think it's a lack of memory which some of the other posts I read suggested.
FG is a 32-bit application, which has limited memory access - so it doesn't matter if the computer has lots of memory, FG is still limited to using somewhat less than 4GB of memory on a 64-bit operating system and issues start to occur once memory use for FantasyGrounds.exe exceeds 3GB.

Reinstall FG and see if that changes anything.

If not, monitor the memory use of FantasyGrounds.exe when you start up and see what it is using when you get the bad allocation errors.

September 5th, 2017, 22:01
That makes a lot of sense Trenloe. It seems that I'm hitting the 3gb even after reinstalling. I'm guessing it's because I've got a ton of custom tokens. It hasn't crashed since I moved out the custom tokens. Seems to be fixed for now.

September 5th, 2017, 22:09
That makes a lot of sense Trenloe. It seems that I'm hitting the 3gb even after reinstalling. I'm guessing it's because I've got a ton of custom tokens. It hasn't crashed since I moved out the custom tokens. Seems to be fixed for now.
Lots of tokens (and large tokens) will use up a lot of memory as they are all loaded when FG starts. It's recommended to put tokens into a few different modules and activate the relevant module just when you need it.