View Full Version : LFG 1 Player for 5e Late Evening/Night 2200 CST

September 4th, 2017, 12:42
FG License: Standard
Time Zone: CST US
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Looking for any night, most should be open, bi-weekly to semi-weekly (3 times a month), Late Night from 2200-0200 (or later sometimes)
Term: Long term, hopefully with a meaningful story and world that we can be part of and help shape. Long enough to see the fruits of our labor.
Voice: Discord preferred or any program with push-to-talk. Can accommodate others

Game System Preferred: 5E
Game System Experience: I have been playing D&D off and on since the late 90s as a teenager and been playing 5e since the play test.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I am relatively proficient with this FG as a player. I may need help or reminder on something from time to time but only more advanced functions. I can put together effective ability pages and effects for myself and others without problem and if I am not sure I know how to google/wiki to find what I am looking for.

Character Type Preferred: I am not really one for rolling tons of damage. I prefer control, utility, and support. I also prefer to walk the line between optimized and non-optimized.
About me: I have played in all sorts of groups and some of those groups have become second families and close friends. I often see people try and reference how much RP there is vs Combat the prefer and I find it hard to quantify it for myself. I don't see combat as a break from the RP but more another flavor of it. We sit down, everything we do is RP and if we keep the cinematic and story in mind then we have great combat that is more than numbers and dice rolls.

I am no rules lawyer but I am someone who tends to know the workings of the rules off hand if a quick reference is needed. I am also the kind of player that can keep things moving along in game when analysis paralysis affects others. Between sessions I like to make logs or tell stories on whatever forum we use to help develop my character further and tell stories from his time before the adventure. I tend to find ways to craft something more out of the game (my favorite being complete plans for a magic eye patch and magical eye for one of our PC's who lost an eye).

My hall of fame moment was my Halfling Bard (reskinned as a Witch Doctor) named Tolly in HotDQ. HE believed the spirits of his slain tribe followed him and were responsible for his powers. First combat, first round, first turn went to him. Viscous Mockery to a Kobold "The Spirits tell Tolly your mother lays rotten eggs." Max damage, Kobold has a stroke and dies from a yo' mama joke. Runner up HoF moment was my Tabaxi Battle Master Archer who unintentionally became Green Arrow and made trick arrows to represent the Maneuvers. The Spring Loaded arrow (pushing attack) saved the life of a new player's PC and kept them interested in the game. They were dissatisfied and were about to quit altogether because the game wasn't what they expected (at first). Their PC was about to be killed by a vampire if I hadn't knocked them off with the special arrow/maneuver. After that they seemed to have a better idea what the game was about and kept at it.

Ideal Game: I would love to play in something a bit more urban with a pretty liberal approach to acceptable material (anything from WotC including some/all UA). I feel like all the games I have played in recently the cities and towns are just from resting and shopping between quests. Would be nice to have a game centered around a specific area and get to know it better. I always like Play Testing the UA stuff and there is still much I haven't messed with. so that would be great. Ideally I would like a DM who doesn't get bogged down by rules and rolls with the punches and fellow players who don't feel a session chatting up NPCs in a tavern is a wasted games.