View Full Version : How to best add a subrace option for dragonborn

September 3rd, 2017, 16:36
At the moment I am trying to convert the Tal'dorei Campaign guide for FG.
Right now I am trying to implement the Ravenite subrace for the Dragonborn race.
afaik for adding subraces you need to add the complete basic race in your xml-file.
Dragonborn seem not to have any subrace-option in the PHB-content for FG so I am wondering what would be the best practice to add a subrace in that case.

I added a second subrace to represent the basic race because I needed FG to show the dialog to choose between both variants.
By obmitting most of the data for the race and traits data representing the basic race I was able to achieve two things:
* no need to parse the phb-data for the base race with my modified race also not showing up in the race list of FG but still have the choice between my two subraces.
* when choosing the subrace representing the basic race the character only gets the traits from the basic race.

* when choosing the Ravenite subrace I get the "Ability Score Increase" and "Damage Resistance" from both the basic race and the subrace which is not what I want.

Is it possible to have a subrace "overwrite" traits from the basic race, and if so, how do I do that?

A question for the FG masterminds:
Are there any plans to change the dragonborn race in the phb-content so the right now basic version would be a subrace-choice in foresight of possible subraces added in "Xanathar's Guide to Everything"?
Also would it not be good to make subraces for the different heritage options depending on the kind of dragon chosen an therefore be able to automate the damagetype of the breathweapon and resistance?

btw my modul looks like this atm:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<root version="3.0">
<name type="string">Ravenite</name>
<text type="formattedtext">
//some text here
<link class="reference_subracialtrait" recordname="reference.racedata.dragonborn.subraces.ravenite.tr aits.abilityscoreincrease">Ability Score Increase</link>
<link class="reference_subracialtrait" recordname="reference.racedata.dragonborn.subraces.ravenite.tr aits.damageresistance">Damage Resistance</link>
<link class="reference_subracialtrait" recordname="reference.racedata.dragonborn.subraces.ravenite.tr aits.speed">Speed</link>
<name type="string">Ability Score Increase</name>
<text type="formattedtext">
//some text here
<name type="string">Damage Resistance</name>
<text type="formattedtext">
//some text here
<name type="string">Speed</name>
<text type="formattedtext">
//some text here
<name type="string">Draconian</name>
<text type="formattedtext">
//some text here

September 3rd, 2017, 17:01
You can add a subrace to the Dragonborn now; there's no need for any changes to it. Here's a link to a video to show (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?36611-Video-tutorial-Races) how it can be done from withing FG.

Also see Nickademus' templates here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?36157-5e-Asset-Templates) for how to add a subrace using XML.

I'm not familiar with the setting so it's difficult for me to know what exactly you are aiming for. But some general observations follow.

If you have ability score increase in both the main race and the subrace you get both. If you don't want the ability score increase from the main race then miss that bit out. You can make the heritages into subraces if you want; there's no particular benefit from doing so really since you can't automate the breath weapon or resistance from just dragging in a race.

September 4th, 2017, 11:28
Also see Nickademus' templates here for how to add a subrace using XML.
I am already using these, but none the less thanks.

If you don't want the ability score increase from the main race then miss that bit out.
I do not quite get what you meen with "miss that bit out", maybe a typo, or autocorrect?
I just did it like that:
Your Constitution score increases by 1 and your Wisdom score increases by 1 and your Strength score is reduced by 2 and your Charisma score is reduced by 1.

I'm not familiar with the setting so it's difficult for me to know what exactly you are aiming for.
In the setting the new Dragonborn subrace replaces three traits from the basic race:
Ability Score Increase: +1Con +1 Wis instead and not additional to the +2 Str +1 Cha from the Base Race
Damage Resistance: resistance to non-magical slashing damage instead an not additional to the resistances depending on your heritage (trait of basic race)
Speed: 35 Feet instead of 30, but it seems the subrace-traits overwrites the basic one so that fine

I think I know sorted out the different Abilty Score increase (as noted above) but I am still looking for a possibilty to "overwrite" the Damage Resistance trait. Right now the basic one and the subrace ones are added and I would need to remove the basic one manually, thats why I am looking for a "overwrite" option.

September 4th, 2017, 12:13
So what I mean (no not a typo or autocorrect) is that currently the base race has an ability score increase and a resistance trait. You don't want to have that so don't put them into the base race. Put all the ability score information and the resistance information into the subrace. You don't need to then worry about overwriting or not overwriting anything. You can do the same for speed; don't put anything in the main race just put it in the subrace.

Another way is to create each subrace as a race and just put everything you need into the race. So you could have Dragonborn (race 1), Dragonborn (Race 2) or whatever. Actually from what you are saying the Dragonborn race has just been changed so you could just change it rather than needing any kind of subrace at all no?

September 4th, 2017, 12:39
I totally forgot to state one of my initial intends why I wanted/started to use subraces:
I wanted FG to show the subrace choice when I drag "my" Dragonborn race but also when I drag the PHB Dragonborn race to a character sheet (just like the additional subclasses from Sword Coast Adventures work).

So what I mean (no not a typo or autocorrect)...
Ok, now I understand. In that case I would have to use my race to get a dialog to choose a subrace and none if I dragged the PHB one, or do I still miss something?

Actually from what you are saying the Dragonborn race has just been changed so you could just change it rather than needing any kind of subrace at all no?
The "basic" race and its variant are both in the setting. Right now I starting to think that creating a complete new race will be the best way to go as my initial intend does not seem to be a easy (or even possible) one to do.

September 4th, 2017, 14:57
I think you could have problems if you tried to make it so that the subrace 'merged' with the PHB and your module. As you say the basic race gets changed and you are not going to be able to fully sort that out with just a subrace. I think your best plan might well be simply to create a new race essentially. At present there's no subrace in the PHB for Dragonborn so the only one that would show would be from your module. Not sure what would happen if you changed the main race in your module to be different from the PHB one. It might choose the wrong version. So, all in all, I'd go with a separate race. Since it's for home use anyway it can be anything you like :)