View Full Version : XML Schema Available for Fantasy Grounds

February 9th, 2006, 03:22
I have an XML schema (RNG and XSD) that was generated from the various XML documents found in the FantasyGrounds folder.

How to generate:

(I'm new to XML so forgive me if I use the wrong terminology.)

Combine all XML documents into one source. Create a new XML document with a single <root></root> element. Then, for each XML document in the FantasyGrounds folder, copy all the text between <root> and </root> and place into the new document between <root> and </root>. The final document should have a single <root> element with all the text from the other XML documents in between.

Next find an XML schema generator that generates a schema for the XML editor that you are using. I am using an open source XML editor called PolloXML (https://pollo.sourceforge.net). PolloXML will except both RNG and W3C XSD schemas. I found a tool called EditiX (https://www.japisoft.com) which will generate these schemas. Open the XML source file into the tool and generate the desired schema.

NOTE: I did have to modify a few of the XML documents under the FantasyGrounds folder. Some of the XML documents contain @laquo (or something like that) that the XML Schema generator did not like. In order to get something the XML Schema generator would like I replaced @laquo with --.

This method creates a schema based on the source that is input into the generator. This schema may not actually match the exact schema that is being used by the developers of FantasyGrounds. However, it does create a schema based on how the structure is currently being used.

I dont mind sharing what I have, but I dont know a site where I can post the schemas that I have. Any recomendations? I'm looking for a free site that only requires a user name and a password. Or, if someone would like to post it for me, I could PM a ZIP of both schemas.


February 10th, 2006, 07:24
I'd be willing to put the files on my website, send them to me!

March 20th, 2006, 00:05
Did you ever get the files?

March 20th, 2006, 00:11
If they are worth while for the FG Community, we could always host them over at the FUM community downloads page for you.

Tailz Silver Paws
March 20th, 2006, 23:36
I could pop it up on WyldFurr.com if you like?

March 21st, 2006, 12:59
It's nice to see all these people offering to host the files, but does anyone have them?

Tailz Silver Paws
March 21st, 2006, 23:56
Give him some time, Ghingis is a very busy boy.

(gets out his whip)

"Now back to work on my character sheet!!" *whip*whip* :D

March 24th, 2006, 15:24
I have to appologize Ive been alittle busy lately. I could PM the files to you if you would like me to, just send an email address to my FG account where you would like them delivered. Also, if you have a sight that you would like to host them on that would be great too!


March 24th, 2006, 15:48
PM Sent,



Tailz Silver Paws
March 24th, 2006, 23:41
I have posted the files to my web site, look for the F.G. XML Schemas option in the Beyond the Barbed Wire project.

April 2nd, 2007, 03:44
Didn't see the files on your web site?

Tailz Silver Paws
April 10th, 2007, 05:06
Didn't see the files on your web site?
Yeah I nuked my web site a little while ago and rebuilt it. The old files were turned to smoke and dust when the nuke went off - sorry about that.

May 6th, 2007, 16:32
Perhaps the FG Dev guys can provide the full xsd schema specification for us? would certainly make live much easier on anyone who is going to programatically generate FGII module/rulesets.

June 10th, 2007, 15:45
*bump* am I smoking crack, or is there a reason why we don't need the xsd schema? EDIT: If it's just a priority thing I'll stop asking for it (or at least resurrect this thread in 4 months :-) ) EDIT2: Something like the RPGXplorer schema definition (https://www.rpgxplorer.com/characterXMLDataset.xsd)

July 3rd, 2009, 21:57
Hey dev guys, I would LOVE to find a link to the whole schema for db.xml. I'm trying to build a GWT app that will let a DM make queries (for example, display all the passive perception scores for the PCs), and allow the players to view their characters when FG isn't running. I also would like to let players view their PCs while FG isn't running. The last thing (and the biggest reason I need the schema) is for me to be able to import a character from *hehem* certain character generators (which export xml) that will remain unnamed. :D
