View Full Version : LFP: Looking for one more player for Tyranny of Dragons Campaign (D&D 5E)

Will Tomorrow
August 28th, 2017, 00:21
Hey nerds,

I've got an established RP group that has been playing Deadlands together for a couple of years, we're branching off into D&D, starting with the Tyranny of Dragons campaign and level one toons. We plan on playing through the Rise of Tiamat, which is gonna take a year or two and end up with a level 15ish party. I've got an ultimate license, so all you need is the demo version of Fantasy Grounds.

TIME: Sunday (weekly) 11am - 3pm (ish) CT
VoIP: Discord (MIC required)
Experience Level: All, though preferring newish players, as we're not a bunch of rules lawyers, just some folks trying to kill some dragons and have a good time. Light on RP, heavy on good times.

You should be comfortable with the occasional adult word or theme, but also not that dude that spends all his time trying to seduce every female NPC you come across. We're all adults with like, jobs, wives and such, so ideally you'd be on the same page. That being said, sometimes the language gets colorful and the group a little rowdy. Be the kind of person that is okay with that.

If you're interested, shoot me a reply/message with a little bit about yourself, and we'll chat about your preferred class and a little about yourself.

I paint and sculpt miniatures for a living, so I'm a nerd through and through. If you're also a nerd, you'll be in good company, just be able to pick up on social queues and the like, if possible.



Will Tomorrow
August 28th, 2017, 01:46
All full up, thanks for all the inquiries!