View Full Version : LFG 1 New Player Looking To Game 5e Prefered Open To Others

August 27th, 2017, 18:58
FG License: Paid Standard

Time Zone: PST

Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I could play from 5-6 to around 11 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On Saturdaus I'm open to pretty much any time. I am up for once a week, twice a week, or every other week. Just want to get some games in.

Term: Preferably long term, I never made it past level 5 playing a half orc barbarian and would like to get to some end game stuff eventually, but I'm also up for a series of short adventures or One shot games. I bought the core class pack bundle the sword coast adventurers guide so im ready for anything 5th edition.

Voice: I would prefer Discord, But I could use TS3, Skype, or any other voice software that is required as long as its not super expensive.

Game System Preferred: I would prefer 5th edition D&D, but I'm open to trying pathfinder or some of these other games I see on here I would just need to learn.

Game System Experience: I played at a dice shop with some friends for about 2 months, I bought a few books and my brother did as well we just never played much after that and couldnt find any people to be the GM. I have been wanting to start painting miniatures and making hirst arts stuff just for fun until I have some people to game with around where I live but I'm fine with doing it online as well.

Fantasy Grounds Experience: None whatsover. Going to start watching a few videos. Make a few characters. But I definitely won't be an expert and will have to be taught a little as we go.

Character Type Preferred: I am really open to playing any role, I will try to roleplay as much as possible but as I haven't played too much I still will be breaking out of my shell so to speak. I played a half orc barbarian and just kept it simple. but I made quite a few other characters outside of him as well like a wizard and a rouge. I kind of want to play a spell user this time though but then again I'm perfectly fine with playing a barbarian again just to keep it easy and the game running smooth.

About me: I already said a little about my hobbies outside of work, but I also play a lot of video games. I like to record and make videos for Youtube. I haven't uploaded anything for awhile as I need a new video editing program. So I have a pretty sweeet gaming setup.

Will Tomorrow
August 28th, 2017, 00:08
I'm running a Tyranny of Dragons campaign starting next Sunday. We play from 11am to 3pm(ish) CT. Starting with level 1 toons and working our way through both Horde of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat, ending up somewhere around level 15. Probably a year and a half or so long. I know that is earlier than your stated time, but thought I'd put it out there. I've got a group of three dudes I've gamed with for a few years, and we're looking for a 4th. We VoIP through Discord and require folks to have a mic for obvious reasons. Looking for people that can handle the occasional adult word/theme, as it gets raucous from time to time.

I have an ultimate license, so all you need is the demo version. Being new to fantasy grounds is no big deal for D&D 5E, as it's pretty much a self driving car. If this interests you, let me know and I'll PM you the server deets and get your toon set up.

On the miniature tip, I paint/sculpt them for a living. Just got back from some big wins at the national competition at Gen Con (took the diorama category for the second year running). If you're so inclined, you can check out my stuff/tutorials at www.miniaturesoftomorrow.com or follow me on Facebook or Twitter @minisoftomorrow



August 28th, 2017, 00:59
woah thats awesome. yes im very interested if its on sunday that's my day off. I am buying the bones 4 miniatures on kickstarter if you havent seen that i suggest looking it's pretty damm cool.

August 28th, 2017, 17:50
Bump still looking. I could manage to do more then one group as well.

August 30th, 2017, 14:43
Bump. Found something for Sunday morning. Still open to another group in my other free time. Let me know. Also the one I'm doing Sunday is tyranny of dragons campaign so I'm down for anything else.

September 4th, 2017, 01:23
Bump. Looking for a second campaign on monday, wednesday, and friday nights PST. Also open for saturday mornings I'm up for mainly 5e, No tyranny of dragons. but I could try other stuff, there is a lot I want to try also.

September 5th, 2017, 18:40

September 5th, 2017, 22:17
I have paid games on Sat and Sun nights, if that interests you.

September 7th, 2017, 04:27
Bump. Looking for a game Monday, Wednesday, or Friday evening PST.