View Full Version : Feature request: hidden tokens

February 7th, 2006, 18:19

Thanks for a great product with lots of nice features.

However, one easy thing to add that would make me very happy would be to make an option to hide tokens on maps so only the DM can see them. That way he can setup and move around yet undetected enemies.

Also, it would be convinient of the position of tokens was saved with the session so they would be on the map when FG is restarted. Now I have to make a couple of screendumbs and setup before the players arrive.


February 7th, 2006, 19:42
both great requests that have been submitted before. Welcome!

February 7th, 2006, 19:49
I don't remember who's idea it was, but someone also posted an idea to use the "stick pins" feature as a substitute for hidden tokens.

Since players can't see the stick-pins, and the DM can move them at will, you can simply drag-n-drop monster entries from the ruleset onto your map and have red pins to move around to track the monster movements. Once the players can perceive them, you can replace the stick-pins with actual tokens. I believe the red pins will display the monster name when moused over, so although it's not quite the same as having actual hidden tokens, it should serve the purpose in the short term.

February 7th, 2006, 20:27
Yep! That was me! :) One of my better ideas I think.

Yes, the pin shows the name when you mouse over it. If you drag and drop it from the personalities page, clicking on it will bring up that page as well.

You can do this to mark creatures not yet found or for creatures that go invisible.


February 8th, 2006, 09:20
The pins are an extremely good idea!
(I cannot however understand, I did figure this out myself)

Thanks a lot and sorry for flooding the board with already posted requests