View Full Version : LFP 1 Player LF Monday Game EDT D&D 5E

August 17th, 2017, 03:01
FG License: Ultimate License
Time Zone: EDT USA
Time: Mondays at 7PM EDT to 11PM EDT
Term: Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat
Voice: Teamspeak 3, Microphone required.

Game System Preffered: Game will be 5E.
Game System Experience: Have mostly played Pathfinder in the past, have been playing 5E for a couple of months now. Feel confidant that if I don't know something one of the other players definitely will.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I have been using Fantasy Grounds for years now so I know it fairly well. Again, if I don't know something one our other players definitely will.

Character Type Preferred: Party will consist of all Gnomes. One has decided to be an awakened mystic, with the other being an artificer. The third player is currently undecided.
About me: I have been playing Pathfinder and D&D for a couple of years now. I have now decided that I'm interested in DMing a game, now with a group who I reasonably trust to be around and take part. Generally, I enjoy roleplaying and combat in equal parts, seeing what sort of crazy shenanigans the party can get itself into.

If you are interested in joining please PM me about your reason for wanting to play. We will be starting this upcoming Monday, August 21. I look forward to hearing what you all have to say!

August 17th, 2017, 09:27
Hello Qyboor, I sent you a PM about joining your game. Thanks for your time.

August 31st, 2017, 19:33
I'm interested and a total newb. What time are you looking for in Eastern Canada EST time?
