View Full Version : Fantasy Grounds players

August 12th, 2017, 08:06
I'm new to this community and I have noticed that others, including myself seem to struggle to find players for anything other than D&D 5th. Is there a reason why many here seem so slanted towards that one game when FG seem to support a variety?

August 12th, 2017, 10:25
Well, i guess it is so because 5e is the most developed and supported ruleset here on fg an also because most people have played only de&d and does not like to change..or just learn another ruleset.

August 12th, 2017, 10:47
This (https://www.enworld.org/forum/content.php?3507-Who-s-Playing-What-on-Fantasy-Grounds#.WY7Nz-mQyUk) will give you some idea of the games played by ruleset on FG for last year. And here (https://www.enworld.org/forum/content.php?3134-Which-Games-Were-Most-Played-On-FANTASY-GROUNDS-In-2015-(Hint-D-D!)#comments) is the year before. Obviously people will play what they want to play and you can't force them to play a system that they don't want to play. I certainly see a number of people looking for groups and games for systems other than 5e but there is no way to know really whether any of them resulted in anything much. All you can do is plug your games and hope to attract people to try something different.

August 12th, 2017, 11:01
I have no hard evidence to back it up but, IMHO, it's probably because D&D has been around the longest and 5E is the latest version. You also have a large company pushing it with access t more advertising resources. For those of us who grew up on the 70's its all we knew and when we had kids, we whipped out our old books and used those to teach them. Even my kids, 18 and 13, no matter what system their friends push or they give a try, they always seem to make their way back to AD&D.

Even people who have never played tabletop RPG's, when asked about them, will say stuff like "You mean like Dungeons & Dragons?". It's just the most well known and that is what new players will usually gravitate towards.

August 12th, 2017, 12:17
There's plenty of non-5E games being played, its just that 5E is the most popular and, as others have said, is the system being advertised the most.

If people want to role-play then I'd suggest considering other games and systems which are available here on FG (and elsewhere) - people just have to be flexible and willing to try new systems. After all, its not the system but the story that is being told which should be your driving force in getting/running/playing a game - you can play a "fantasy" story with D&D (5 different editions), Runequest, WarhammerFRP, pathfinder, or whatever system you like; similarly for all the other genres.

Just my $0.02 worth :)


August 12th, 2017, 13:36
I'm new to this community and I have noticed that others, including myself seem to struggle to find players for anything other than D&D 5th. Is there a reason why many here seem so slanted towards that one game when FG seem to support a variety?

Out of curiosity, what game are you interested in?

August 12th, 2017, 17:19

These percentages are similar, er um, elsewhere though Savage Worlds is much more focused on Fantasy Grounds. Savage Worlds represents the the most played non-D&D based system due in large part to the excellent implementation of the game system combined with the wide range of genres supported.

I've often wondered why Call of Cthulhu isn't more of a thing here. I think it has a sizable player base and seems to be pretty well supported (7e support was timely) but they just aren't well represented on Fantasy Grounds.

Anyhow, the point that I was trying to make was that if the non-D&D based system you are trying to get started isn't SW, the challenge level might go up a bit. If you are GMing a system that might have a player shortage, I would recommend starting the moment you get 2 or 3 players and keep advertising for more; don't set the bar too high initially.


August 12th, 2017, 20:50
Just a note, it's perfectly okay to mention roll20. We aren't uptight like they are.

August 12th, 2017, 21:12
Just a note, it's perfectly okay to mention roll20. We aren't uptight like they are.

I am not worried about incurring wrath. Foraging trolls, yeah.

August 12th, 2017, 21:49
I am not a 5e fan but I am tempted to run one for the simple fact there is pre-made product for it.

If WoTC would allow product for versions of the game other than 5e and FG supported more than just 5e/PF I think it'd do nothing but promote the D&D FG community more.

I am speaking more in the scope of other versions of D&D but I suspect the same could be said for non-D&D stuff as well.

August 12th, 2017, 22:21
One thing that you can probably do to raise visibility of games you are search for is to add it to the game calendar, mark it public and schedule out dates that you would like to run. That will add it to the Games Recruiting Calendar and can even be set to link back to a post on the forums. Another possibility is to link those posts to the forums where your game of choice is located. There are a bunch of players who still don't know much about virtual tabletops.

August 18th, 2017, 02:28
I appreciate the advice and have added my game to the calendar. Hopefully thinks will pick up.

Pied de Fere
August 18th, 2017, 12:31
its the only one i've heard of, im a new demo user as of 2 minutes ago, cant work out how to even play, im a 35yr old electrician from australia (for context).

August 18th, 2017, 12:48
its the only one i've heard of, im a new demo user as of 2 minutes ago, cant work out how to even play, im a 35yr old electrician from australia (for context).

Hi Pied, and Welcome! to the Community,

If you're asking about playing a Role-Playing Game (RPG) then its really something you need to be shown and do (like riding a bike).

On the other-hand, if you're talking about how to use Fantasy Grounds (FG) then let me give you this advice (as one Ozzie to another): If you haven't done so already, let me encourage you to take a look at some of the great Tutorial Videos available on the Fantasy Grounds Wiki (and on YouTube). Damn's are good, as are Xorn's, and people seem to like mine as well (mine are also available from the links in my sig, below).

Start with the ones on the CoreRPG, because the CoreRPG forms the foundation of just about all the RPGs we play with Fantasy Grounds - so by learning how to use FG with the CoreRPG you'll learn about 80% of what you'll need to know to play any RPG with Fantasy Grounds. Once you've gone through the CoreRPG Videos you can then go on to Videos about your chosen RPG.

When you get familiar with the basic Fantasy Grounds product the next step is to check out some of the Extensions (Plug-Ins) for FG, such as the DOE: Sound, DOE: Locations, DOE: Weather and DOE: Organisations Extensions (to name a but a few - and a Shameless™ Self Plug).

And keep on asking questions - we're a pretty friendly lot here, and we love answering questions.


August 18th, 2017, 14:44
I'm starting up a Twilight 2000 game to do something different. If you want to step out of your norm come take a look HERE (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?39654-Twilight-2000-Twilight-2013)

V/r ...