View Full Version : LFG D&D 5E, 3.5 or 2nd Edition AD&D

August 12th, 2017, 00:51
Looking for a 5th, 3.5, or 2nd edition D&D game, would prefer a game that is starting at level 1 with all intentions of being a long-term game. I am new to Fantasy Grounds but have played D&D for 16 years mostly 2nd and 3.5 but am starting to learn the rules of 5th edition. I have played a number of different classes throughout the years and have even played a couple characters at the same time in the same campaign if need be. I am looking for a game that is in USA CST and EST, open to any day of the week depending on when it starts and how long each session is.

August 14th, 2017, 20:57
i'm going to mirror ;this. player in CST looking for group and DM.

August 29th, 2017, 00:41
I have room for a player in my 2e game. Ideally they would pick up the vacated wizard slot. Here is a link to the game calendar: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=2592