View Full Version : LFP for a savage worlds one shot

August 5th, 2017, 02:31
FG License: Ultimate
Game System: Savage Worlds

Time Zone: Eastern
Day of week and time: Saturday, August 12
If new game, planned start date: one shot
Planned Duration & Frequency: one shot

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: TeamSpeak- Fantasy Grounds server.

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50
Number of Players in game & needed: looking for 4-6 players
Character starting level & equipment: level 1
Character restrictions: Pre-gens provided

Details of your scenario: I would like to run a savage worlds one shot on august 12th at 830 PM eastern. I will be running the Omariss Death Worm module. This will be my first time running savage worlds, so take it easy on me!

Link to Gamecalendar page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=2683

August 6th, 2017, 21:28
I applied for slot #5

This link goes to a character sheet. (https://rpg.works/files/Ten-Ten.pdf) I am happy to enter it in advance.

August 7th, 2017, 03:54
Ok, I have added you to the calendar