View Full Version : [BST Time] 5E Stealth Group Game Looking for Players

July 31st, 2017, 22:36
I'm cooking up a new short story based around a stealth group, not sure what it will be but I've got a few ideas, so far a Thieve's Guild or some sort of group of Assassin's,

I'm looking for 4 players max, so far I've got one person interested, the rp/combat will be 50/50, so we will have some sort of combat going, maybe fighting the law, rival gangs, then your typical fighting off monsters.

I'm hoping that players will even make unique types of PC's that you wouldn't see in a stealth group, e.g. a Stealthy Cleric with the ability to use there powers silently (if I have to make a feat that allows this I shall), anyway or could just make the typical stealth characters but I would love players to give me some sort idea's to wow myself and other players.

If interested please join my discord to ask me anything about this game.

5E PHB Delux Only
Stealth is required #1
Working Mic
Understands/Speaks clear English
Discord Installed

#1 if you make a character that has low stealth, you mite e.g. a Knight in Heavy Armour who has the stealth abilitys of an Elephant, you mite find this game to hard or not enjoyable.

[Time frame] BST: 7-11pm / EST 2-6pm start / BST: 10pm-2am EST: 5-10pm finish

Anyway hope to hear from you guys soon!


August 1st, 2017, 00:06
hi im intresting
When is the game? and what time?

August 1st, 2017, 00:48
hi im intresting
When is the game? and what time?

So far between 7pm to 11pm will be the first dice roll, it won't Be a fixed day, each game will last normally 3 hours, join the discord for more information.

Thanks! :)

August 1st, 2017, 01:32
[Time frame] BST: 7-11pm / EST 2-6pm start / BST: 10pm-2am EST: 5-10pm finish

August 3rd, 2017, 02:36
Session is now full, will update if any openings!

August 4th, 2017, 03:21
Im down. Happy to play any race... class... I would love to changeling :) but its UA.

I just want to play and can make most anything work. New to FG, few years of 5E

August 4th, 2017, 03:24
Join my discord, not closed invites yet but close to closing it.