View Full Version : Star Wars: Edge of the Empire - Reference Manual Extension

July 30th, 2017, 05:19
I have just completed the alpha version of my Reference Manual extension for the Star Wars EotE ruleset.

This extension enables access to Reference Manual content within modules, providing a more book-like experience for these kinds of non-mechanical reference materials. Those who have used things like the D&D 5E official content (Deluxe PHB, Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, etc..) will likely be familiar with these reference manuals already.

The extension can be downloaded at: https://bit.ly/2u6chqF
Current Version: v1.1

This is a very new extension and still a work in progress. Please test it and provide feedback or bug reports in this thread so it can be further improved.


Fix some of the small layout issues, such as the overly large margin at the bottom of the reference window.
Probably more I've not thought of...


Added support for Pregen characters within a modules


Added a window title graphic for references that fits in with those of other windows. Thanks Lobosolo for the font needed.


Initial release. Most features from CoreRPG are supported.

Thank you to Trenloe, first for making the excellent Star Wars EotE ruleset but also for answering so many of my questions on extension creation and ruleset modification so quickly on the forums. And to Lobosolo for providing the font used in some of the graphics so I could use it in my additions.

July 31st, 2017, 07:38
V1.0 is available. Not a lot added but completed getting all of the windows to have ruleset appropriate styling and images.

Moving some of the explanation to this post so that I no longer have to keep watching that certain characters are not replaced with their unicode equivalents.

Creating Reference Manuals
You can find some really helpful information on adding a reference manual to your modules here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Reference_Manuals

Linking Your Reference Manual
Due to some limitations of the ruleset the reference_manual link from the module needs to be formatted a little differently. You will need to change this block in your library section from:

<librarylink type="windowreference">
<name type="string">Reference Manual</name>

To use a link referencing your module directly as shown here:

<classname type="string">reference_manual</classname>
<recordname type="string">lists.RefManual@My Library Module</recordname>
<name type="string">Reference Manual</name>

This applies only to the initial link from the library to the reference manual using the reference_manual class. All other formatting and linking within the reference manual remains the same.

Dice Substitutions
The formattedtext stored within the reference text blocks is not processed for substitution codes. However, it does use the correct font to allow the symbols to be used within the text if you enter the correct codes manually. Please note, this will only apply within <p> tags and not in headings using <h> tags. The character codes that can be used in place of the substitutions are:

(S) - Success: &#255;
(!) - Triumph: &#254;
(F) - Failure: &#253;
(T) - Threat: &#252;
(A) - Advantage: &#251;
(D) - Despair: &#250;
(-) - Darkside Force: &#249;
(+) - Lightside Force: &#248;
[F] - force die: &#247;
[A] - ability die: &#246;
[D] - difficulty die: &#245;
[P] - proficiency die: &#244;
[C] - challenge: &#243;
[B] - boost: &#242;
[S] - setback: &#241;

So, if you wanted to display a success symbol within your text you would enter: &#255;

August 4th, 2017, 07:26
Version 1.1 of the extension has been released. This version adds support for Pregen characters in modules.

To add a pregen to your module you will need to:

Create the character within your development module in FG.
Export the character to XML.
Copy the content between the <character> tags in the XML file.
Edit the db.xml or common.xml file for your module and add a <pregencharselect> tag to it.
Add a tag for your character such as <c01_charName>
Paste the character XML between these tags.
Add a link to the module <library> section to the pregens using the template below.

Pregen Link Template:

<classname type="string">pregencharselect</classname>
<recordname type="string">pregencharsheet@[YOURMODULENAME]</recordname>
<name type="string">Pregen Characters</name>

I have also moved the extension to a github repository for easier management and version tracking.

This should be reasonably prepared for release but has not seen substantial testing so, if you do use it please provide feedback and comments in this thread to help it improve!