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View Full Version : Interest Check - Shadowrun - EU Evenings

The High Druid
July 27th, 2017, 15:01
FG License:
Game System:

Time Zone: EU
Day of week and time: Evenings, TBD
If new game, planned start date: TBD
Planned Duration & Frequency: 4 ish hours, weekly
Term: Hopefully Continuous

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Likely Discord

Number of Players in game & needed: 5-6
Character starting level & equipment: TBD
Character restrictions: TBD

Having gotten my feet wet playing in a couple of 5E games in Fantasy Grounds, and also running one I'd like to get back into Shadowrun again. Since the nature of Shadowrun lends itself easily to this, I would to try and get a game going with rotating GM's, each group member takes a turn running a mission or two so everyone gets to play. I'll be happy to take the first spot at this, though fair-warning it's been a while since I've played in, let alone run, a Shadowrun Game. I'm thinking using the Anarchy rules would probably make things least complicated mechanically, but we'll get everyone to agree on character limitations and rules system before we start.

So, any euro runners out there who'd like to see things from Mr. J's perspective once in a while?

July 31st, 2017, 03:47
I'd be interested, especially since I'm looking for a late night game in my time zone. I'm familiar with Shadowrun, but have never run it. I have played 4 sessions in 5th edition, so I'm a bit limited in experience. I'm brand new to FG, but I have an unlimited license. I'm willing to run in an alternating GM campaign, I'd just request to be near the end of the rotation just so I can learn a bit more so I can offer a decent experience for the other players.

The High Druid
September 20th, 2018, 18:09
I'm hoisting this one up the flagpole again to see if anything has changed in the last year and a bit. Hoping there's a few more runners out there short on cred.

The High Druid
September 21st, 2018, 11:59
For the couple of people that PM'd me, there is no day or time for this, not until (unless) there are enough people to get a group started (hence the TBD's).

September 23rd, 2018, 03:09

September 26th, 2018, 00:42
I game.

September 26th, 2018, 20:11
I'm also very much interested. Depending on time, but I would make the best effort for it.

The High Druid
September 27th, 2018, 01:36
Well looks more promising this time around. Is everyone clear on the premise though? The idea being that everyone who joins in will also take a turn at running at some point?

September 27th, 2018, 21:52
I've never ran a game before but I'll take a shot once I get used to the rule set.

September 30th, 2018, 22:27
Well looks more promising this time around. Is everyone clear on the premise though? The idea being that everyone who joins in will also take a turn at running at some point?

I’m an experienced GM (about 20 years). I’m familiar with Shadowrun, but have played very little and never GMed. My knowledge with FG is also limited. That being said, I’m totally down to take a turn at running the game.

As for the campaign, how do you envision it working? Not so much the mechanics of a collaboratively run game, but the story? Would we “piggyback” off of the chapter from the prior GM, or would each GM’s turn be like a separate module?

The High Druid
October 10th, 2018, 16:35
Well I still think we're short enough interested players currently, and that's even before trying to find a time everyone can make.

As far as switches go, I figured run-by-run basis. I have a connected story in mind, but not every run the group does would have to be working toward resolving that story. Nothing stopping there being several connected stories running independently.

October 12th, 2018, 22:46
Little late to the party, but Id be up for it. Happy to rotate DMing, so long as I get a little bit of time before Im up. I think Iv still got some notes somewhere about a game I ran a while back.

October 13th, 2018, 01:26
I love Shadowrun, but the Timezone is a blocker. :/