View Full Version : Map Image - Read Only -> No Masking

July 20th, 2017, 15:36
Hi, all. Relatively new user of FG. I'm actually on vacation with friends right now and we are all learning how to use the interface together. My search ability has proven it is not up to this simple task so I appreciate your help.

One issue we are running into is that it appears some maps we are able to use a mask (fog of war) on, and others we are not. For example, right now I am using Map-7 of the DMG to create a simple encounter, but I am unable to add a mask. I see the "read only" lock in the upper right-hand corner, but clicking it does not unlock it. Is there something special I need to do to resource material in order to 'modify' it for game play and get the fog of war to work?

If it matters, I have the Ultimate license with all the 5e D&D bundle packages and the others either have 'standard' or 'demo' licenses.

Thank you.

July 20th, 2017, 15:44
Welcome to the forums gkennedy3
It looks like this is an oversight having these maps marked as read only, which means you can't see the useful toolbar buttons.

However, you can use the right-click menu to add the mask. Right-Click -> Layers -> Enable Mask. But you're going to have continued issues with this map being read only (like nothing saving on it between sessions). I'll report this in the 5E bug thread here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?37510-5e-Bug-reports-(Continued-Part-2)&p=347196&viewfull=1#post347196

July 20th, 2017, 15:56
Hey, Trenloe. Thanks for the quick response. I tried that method as well as I had watched all the tutorial videos from Duluth Oz and most of the ones from the Digital DM on making encounters and using the interface. I've attached a photo of my radial menu when I right click on the map itself.


I'll keep playing with it -- rebooting or restarting -- and seeing if I can figure out the difference between the ones that allow or don't allow. I did install the Enhanced Images extension which seems well supported, but I thought maybe I was trying to 'run before I walk' and was missing something obvious. If I learn anything I'll report back.

July 20th, 2017, 16:03
If you're using enhanced images then you can only put a mask on the bottom layer.

But, as mentioned above, you're going to have issues with this being set as read only in the base module. Anything you do to the map - masking, adding tokens, etc. won't be saved when you exit your campaign. It requires the module developers to change the image data from read-only to allow changes to be made (and saved between sessions).